• Published 29th Feb 2012
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when slenderman left me in paradise - Jimbob

slenderman isn't all that bad i suppose

  • ...

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just a flesh wound



“Twilight why did we have to visit Fluttershy, who lives the farthest away, last?”

“Because every other pony was on the way there”

“I suppose that makes sense in theory”

“Why wouldn’t it?”

“Its night and we’re just strolling by the Everfree Forest which if I remember correctly then it’s filled with, and I quote, ‘terrible monsters that don’t like ponies’ according to you” She started looking around really quickly. The forest had quieted down once the sun had set but I was still feeling uncomfortable this close to the forest.

“I don’t think they’ll come out here to attack”


“You just had to say something didn’t you?” I spun to face the forest and shoved my hand into the nearest shadow and pulled out a midnight black katana.

“So what do you think it was?” Twilight was trying really hard not to run but was shaking like a leaf.

“S-sounded l-like a m-m-manticore”

“I don’t suppose we could just leave the area and start heading back towards town safely, could we?”

”N-no Manticores will keep stalking us till we’re dead”

“Or they are” she gave me a look like I was crazier than previously thought.

“Manticores have extremely thick skin and poison stingers our only chance is to try and get back to Fluttershy’s cabin and stay there for the night”

The bushes began to shake.

“For some reason I doubt we’re going to be making it back to the cabin” and out jumped two Manticores. My first impression was ‘oh wow that’s a big psychotic lion-bird’ followed by ‘I think it’s hungry’.

[Yeah we should probably kill the damn things, all in favor?]


[Motion carried kill the damned things]

Luckily for me the Manticores couldn’t decide who to eat first the new thing they had never seen before, or a unicorn. Unfortunately for them they decide to attack Twilight. That got my blood boiling. As the first Manticore lunged at Twi I jumped straight into its side and sent it tumbling to the ground.

I quickly turn to face the other manticore and saw it was almost on top of me I made a quick jab with my sword but only managed to cut its cheek which seemed to enrage it further. It swung at me and I ducked quickly only to be pounced on by the other Manticore. Its claw cut into my ribs I turned and buried my blade hilt deep into the eye socket of the manticore that had cut me.

That one was down for the count now where’s the other one? FUCK a lance of pain spread through my shoulder knocking me down, I turned and saw a rather large stinger imbedded in it. I grabbed my revolver, turned, and emptied the damn thing into its head.

Twilight sat there stunned the whole thing had lasted for about two minutes.

“Hey Twi little help here”

I still had the fucker’s stinger in my shoulder.

“JAKE!” she ran forward and quickly tugged the stinger out which sent another wave of pain through my arm. I bit down a rather large assortment of cuss words and started to stand back up. WOW that’s a lot of pain

“Twi you said these things were poisonous right?”

“Hold on Jake we just gotta get you back to the library” she was such a nice friend but there was no way I had enough time to make it back to the library.

“Jake I’m gonna need to trust me here, ok?” she was beginning to look frantic

“Ok” I mumbled why was it so hard to talk now? I don’t even want to move just sleep.

Twilight’s horn began to glow purple and suddenly it was surrounding me and Twilight. And then it felt like I was spinning around I landed on a hard wooden floor. What? Wooden floor? I wasn’t thinking well enough to relieve Twilight had teleported us back to the Library. I heard a few voices but I was floating in and out of consciousness.

“Twilight…..is he?”

“Spike I need …….. With the spell ……anti-venom”

I gratefully slipped into unconsciousness.


When I woke up, wait I woke up HELL YEAH I’M ALIVE!



I looked around to see where I was and noticed I was still in the library thank god I hate hospitals.

[Same here everything too sterile and white and creepy]

{Yeah too many fucked up stories take place in hospitals}

I noticed that my ribs were wrap as well as my shoulder I got up and immediately regretted it, wrapped or not they still hurt like a bitch. I began to look and found a shadow and pulled out a new black shirt since mine was ripped and covered with blood, I continued around the library not really wanting to go up the stairs and hoping Twi was downstairs somewhere. I checked a couple rooms to find a kitchen, bathroom, and more rooms filled with books.

With no where else to look I started to go up the stairs painfully, and slowly. I finally made it up the stairs and looked in a room up there to find Twilight sleeping in her bed and spike sleeping in a basket below her. I began to close the door when Twilight shot out of bed and started hugging me crying.

“Good morning to you too Twi”

She started mumbling something into my stomach.

“Sorry Twi what was that?”

“Don’t ever do something that dangerous again!’

“Sorry Twi I wasn’t about to let them hurt you by the way thanks for healing me”

“I couldn’t let you die” she still sounded upset
“Calm down Twi I’m still alive you’re still alive and now the forest is slightly safer”

“Don’t do something that stupid again!”

“Alright I’ll be more careful from now on” she still looked unhappy but seemed satisfied with that answer.

“Ok, how are you feeling?”

“Not bad just a little rough around the edges” LIES I WAS HURTING BAD!

“Ok then hurry up and get dressed it’s almost noon and we promised to meet the girls then”

Meeting was still on then? Not even a sick day after being attacked by two Manticores? She sure was a slave driver.

“Ok fine where’s my coat?

“Well about that it kinda was shredded”

Great shredded coat I’ll have to make another, oh shit what about the book I felt around my jean pockets and felt it in my back pocket thank god. Apparently all this new had woken spike up because he was up and staring at me.

“Hi my name Jake and you are?”

“I’m Spike what are you and what happened to your back?”

“Manticore attack”


“Basically, thank god Twilight was able to teleport me here other wise we wouldn’t be having this conversation”

“She said you were protecting her”

“Yeah well they were trying to hurt her” ok I need my coat back and sword and gun. I picked out a shadow that’s was being cast by the bed reached in and pulled out a new trench coat.

“God I missed this thing”

“How did you do that?” Spike's eyes were as big as dinner plate.

“I’ll explain when we get to sugarcube Corner”

“Ok and Jake?”


“Thanks for protecting Twilight” with that he left the room and I was left with my thoughts. Well then let’s get this show started and slowly headed down the stairs.

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