• Published 29th Feb 2012
  • 8,086 Views, 785 Comments

when slenderman left me in paradise - Jimbob

slenderman isn't all that bad i suppose

  • ...

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A/N: DEDS TO LEGO2112 FOR THE NAME! Thanks everyone else for the submissions i had a hard time choosing!



“And that’s how I ended up with this cut.” I was chilling in Fluttershy’s cabin as she stitched the cut on my hand. The phoenix, it was a he I think, was resting on my shoulder contentedly. I had originally tried to pass the bird on to Fluttershy. But he would only stay over with her for a second before flying back over to my shoulder which confused me too no end considering that he had bitten me.

“Oh you poor dear” I tuned back into reality just as Fluttershy finished stitching; thank Celestia for that salve stuff she put on it. I can’t feel my hand!

“I’ve had worse, but now about this bird” I said glancing over at him “I have no idea what to do with him.” He left out a pitiful squawk.

“Well you could adopt him.” When Fluttershy said this he crooned happily.

“You want to live with me?” he crooned again.

“Fine but lets get a few things straight, first no more biting! Second ummm that’s actually all I got just be a good bird, kay?” he squawked happily again.

“Oh and your new name is Cinisavis” he bobbed his head up and down.

“Cinisavis?” I look over toward Fluttershy.

“Well if I remember my Latin correctly, and that’s not a promise that I do, but it means ash bird. Which fits a phoenix perfectly!” never thought I would have an actual use for Latin, my teacher would be proud!

“Oh t-that’s a nice name for a p-phoenix.” Great now that I wasn’t injured she was quickly becoming shy again.

“Well he seems to like it” I said as I looked at the phoenix bobbing up and down on my shoulder.

“Oh and by the way what do these guys eat?”

“Well phoenixes can eat many fruits and vegetables but they prefer seed or mice.” Mice? Wait, why is she taking this so well?

“And the fact that they eat mice doesn’t bother you at all?” she cringed a little.

“Well I don’t like it but I can’t follow them everywhere! I have other animals to take care of!” geez sore topic I guess.

“Calm down Fluttershy I’m not blaming you, it’s a natural thing.” She visibly calmed down but seemed a little down about it.

[Imagine how bad she would freak if she knew you were a omnivore]

{She does, remember? I told Twilight!}

[And that means?]


I felt like an idiot. Had Twilight told them about me eating meat? Oh boy here come the awkwardness.

“Umm Fluttershy did Twilight mention my eating habits?”

“Oh! Umm yes s-she said you w-were an o-omnivore”

“Oh thank god!” I didn’t need her to be completely terrified of me. She still looked nervous but nervous I could work with.

“Don’t worry Fluttershy I’m not planning on hurting anypony, but I would like to know where I could get my hands on some bird seed.”

“Oh I have some spare seed in the basement.”

“You sure?” she nodded

“Ok well if you insist, but at least let me get it.” I followed Fluttershy outside and to the doors to her cellar.

“Be glad you’re not Lyra” I muttered


“Nothing!” I began to look around the basement, which was filled with enough pet food to feed a zoo, and finally spotted a bag with a picture of a bird on it. I lifted it and carried it back outside.

“This it?” I said as I put the bag back down.


“Good” I made the bag fall into its shadow and into storage. Fluttershy eep’d at this.




“Well thanks Fluttershy I hate to leave so abruptly but I really need to get some sleep.” I was worn-out by today’s activities.

“Oh o-ok bye Jake”

“See’ya Fluttershy” as I walked away I couldn’t help but wondering what they were up to at the library.



“And then he asked me to be his marefriend.” Twilight wasn’t comfortable talking about her social life, even with her best friends; it could just get plain embarrassing especially when it was about Jake and her being a couple. It wasn’t as if there weren’t other inter-specie couples but Jake was the first of his kind and she wanted her friends input on it.

“Well darling I think it’s simply marvelous that you found somepony to be with, and I must say he seems like quite the gentlecolt.” That got a snort from Rainbow Dash.

“Heh, you weren’t there when we had the pie fight Rarity.” She began to snicker as she remembered the exploding pie.

“Well I think he fun pony to be around!” exclaimed Pinkie as she bounced up and down.

“Darling we told you his kind are called humans, remember?” Pinkie got a questioning look on her face and curtly replied


“Rainbow what do you think” Twilight was glad to hear that Rarity, and Pinkie were ok with it, but she wanted all her friends to be ok with it. Rainbow shrugged her shoulders.

“He seems cool enough to me.” Coming from Rainbow Dash that was pretty high praise. Twilight breathed out a sigh of relief; so far all of her friends were ok with her dating Jake! That was a load of her chest; she was just hoping the rest of them were ok with it.



“And that’s how I saved Christmas” Cinisavis looked at me skeptically.

“FINE! Maybe I didn’t save Christmas! But if I had saved Christmas it would involve a LOT more tacos!” Cinisavis just crooned and leaned against me lazily.

“Why do I even bother talking to you? You don’t believe a word I say! WELL I’LL SHOW YOU! I’LL SHOW THEM ALL! AHAHAHAHAH!”

it felt good to have the crazy out of my system, even if Cinisavis looked at me weirdly. He might as well get used to me I do weird stuff a lot. When I got back to the library the girls had cleared out and I heard a distinctly loud snoring from the upstairs that signaled that Spike had passed out.

I am ok with this so I went over to the couch and lay down. Cinisavis perched on the arm of the couch, I was wondering if phoenixes slept standing up or if I would have to get him a bed when I dozed off.

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