In a new generation, Star Shimmer and her new friends have to learn the qualities of friendship, or be defeated at the hands of Jinx, Discord's daughter. But with help from their parents, (the mane six), can they learn the Magic of Friendship before Jinx takes over Equestria?
About children of the mane six?
Help from their parents?
Sounds cliche.
I thought she wielded Loyalty.
3663354 so you don't like it?
3663363 fixed!
3663400 Okay! Also, I may not be a really, really enormous fan of this story, but I'll favorite it to see what goes on next. Doing an okay job so far! I just know it'll be way better than my story when it's finished!
3663408 Thank you!
3663411 Not a problem! ^-^
I confess I haven't read it, so I don't know. I will neither upvote nor downvote until then.
3663420 Alrightie then!
I've read it.
I wasn't interested, there isn't enough premise, I don't even know who the Mane Six are married to. OCs?
Anyway, I didn't like it, but I didn't dislike it either. I'm not going to rate it at all.
However, I wish you luck as an author!
3663433 The shippings are on my page, but here they are.
Skittles (not introuduced) pinkiedash
Candy Spectrum (not introduced) pinkiedash
Caramel Apple (not introduced) Applejack X Caramel
Crystal Gem (not introduced) Raripants
Midnight Flitter (introduced) Twishy
Star Glimmer (mane character) Twishy
Biologically speaking, how can two mares have a foal?
3663473 Maybe Equestria is just that advanced now.
Do you mean they were grown in test tubes?
I could see it happening.
3663487 Yes.
3663491 That gif is hilarious.

You know, just for adding in test tube foals, you've got my upvote and my favorite!
You've really raised my hopes!
3663513 ERGAHGAHD! Thank you! I'm working on the third chapter. I think I'll work it in somewhere. (maybe majorly). Thank you for the like!
No problem!
I love science, and experimental ideas like that just cinch it for me.
Make more please I'm not getting any younger
3663687 I'm currently working on the next chapter. It'll be done soon.
Well that took a bit of a dark turn.
Alright, opinion time! This isn't bad. There's some decent characterization going on here. Of course, for there to be good, there must be un-good. The writing leaves a bit to be desired. Considering what this is a fan fiction of, I think it's kind of tough to believe that Blue Quill could deny the existence of the Elements of Harmony. That just feels like conflict for the sake of conflict. The capitalization errors bug me too, especially the one in the chapter title.
All in all, not bad. Definitely not bad. I think I'll keep my eye on this and see if it makes like fine cheese and gets better over time.
3663724 Alright thanks for telling me
3663774 alright.
3663774 Do you think you can edit it for me?
3663911 Sure thing.
Liking it so far, but I'll have to see where it goes. Why is Fluttershy's daughter so outgoing? And who have the mane six married?
Nice name...


More like gif-user.

Compliment accepted!
Keep going, it's at an interesting part.
Nice job!