• Member Since 16th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Feb 7th, 2017


Hey everypony this Poppyman65 I have some stories that you might like I'm kinda a new comer of writing anyway most of my stories are going to be 4 to 3 years in the future


Fair Well My Dear Fimfiction. · 5:14pm Dec 4th, 2014

Hey Everypony you are probably wondering where all my stories and blogs went.

Well I deleted them for a reason anyway if you are reading this then you are probably watching me, you can stop watching me if you want because I'm leaving Fimfiction and I won't be coming come back (At all) so that's it I'm sorry that I couldn't finish Tricks and Spikes. But I hope you well go on wither you read my stories or not I just want to tell you....

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Comments ( 38 )
  • Viewing 34 - 38 of 38

1535943 Apparently he resubmitted a story without making changes 50 times.

1530360 Oh yeah, it says he was on recently. Weird.

1530359 He managed to delete some comments and reply to others.

  • Viewing 34 - 38 of 38
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