• Published 7th Aug 2013
  • 1,662 Views, 14 Comments

The Day the World Died - Ekhidna

A lone human remembers the series of events that lead him to be in Equestria.

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The Day the World Died……

The Day the World Died……

Have you ever had a dream so farfetched, so stupid and so unrealistic, that you know it can only be but a silly fantasy? Nothing more but a dream that would never come true?.

Well, I did, but you want to know what the strangest part was? It was becoming a reality, no, it almost became a reality, but if you haven’t then I envy you, for you have not felt the utter sadness it followed when that dream was destroyed and with it, humanity.

It all started on October 10, 2010, with the TV program called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, when it came out it caught little to no attention, but as time went on and faster than anyone expected it grew in popularity, but not between the little girls it was destined to be for, no, this show popularity grew in man and woman all the way between eighteen and thirty five years old at the most.

It shocked everyone just how good this show was, the animation was fantastic, the characters compelling, the story telling genius and you could just feel the love and dedication it was put on it, it was colorful, it was funny, sometimes it was dark, sometimes it was surprising, it was a great cartoon and many fell in love with it instantly, thus the ‘Bronies’ were born.

As the show went on the brony community grew in size and members, between those members geniuses were also born, artists of every kind of art, be it writing, drawing, music, animation, comedy, you name it, we had them and we were happy, even if many believed us as depraved or as an ‘evil’ to the world we continued to love the show and fell in love with the show even more.

In 2014 at the end of the fourth season of the show the brony community was gigantic, it was by far the biggest internet community in the world, mainly because almost every country in the world could see the show and we had fellow bronies all over the world, we could hardly believe we were so many who enjoyed the show and what it represented, but what followed was even more astonishing.

In 2016 at the end of the sixth season and the uncanny success of its first full length movie (Equestria Girls, while good, doesn’t count), made someone think something utterly idiotic.

“Wouldn’t be awesome if we could bring what Equestria and the show means here?”

Who made the question? We never knew, but something awoken inside of us all, every brony or almost every brony dreamed and fantasized to live in Equestria and enjoy a peaceful life surrounded by the very creatures we fell in love with. We joked about it and how stupid that idea was, we laughed at it, we even made fun of it but the more we talked about it, the more we grew into it and we actually started to discuss how we could do it, what would we need and even if it was possible at some point.

Then on April 17, 2017, the “Equestria to Earth” movement began, at first it seemed more like a joke or something stupid a little kid would do than an actual movement, I was in the very first group of merely a hundred bronies that started the movement, it was quite simple really, just walking outside buildings delivering pamphlets and the like portraying our goals and ideas.

“Peace, Tolerance, Love and Unity, for a brighter tomorrow for all mankind”

Nothing fancy, no lies or something seemingly impossible to believe, soon enough more of our fellow bronies joined the cause, first just in the United States, then the rest of America and finally it went worldwide. If zombie movies ever teached us something then it was just how fast a virus can spread, well, to give you an idea how fast this movement traveled picture it as the virus, then add it the internet as the main mean to get infected.

On April 25, 2017 the movement had almost two billion supporters and members worldwide, two billion, a fifth of the human race was supporting us and most of them were not even bronies, they were simple people who believed in our ideas and wanted to end all the senseless violence, hunger, oppression, crime and war that ravaged our world, then the best thing for us happened.

Tara Strong, John De Lancie, the entire cast of My Little Pony, even Lauren Faust joined our cause, but that was just the beginning of it, soon enough Hasbro joined us and they actually began to give us financial support for conferences, talks and the like, we couldn’t believe it, we simply couldn’t believe it was really happening, I remember I held my little sister and cried happily when Hasbro made the announcement by TV.

Then we only grew in power, influence and size, our purpose never changing, political figures, companies, TV shows, actors, singers, producers, directors, everyone started to join and support the cause, even the army joined us and to show their support they made a flag representing the “Equestria to Earth” movement, a flag in two colors, the left side was blue with a very realistic look of how the planet of Equis was showed in the movie with its sun and the moon being represented by Celestia’s and Luna’s cutie mark respectively. The right side was green with the picture of Earth inside the cutie mark of Twilight Sparkle with the legend of the movement below it.

We worked slowly but surely around the world, going to peace talks and war zones to help those who needed it and to stop the madness, many died but that only made us want to achieve our goal even more, charity works and foundation open worldwide, volunteers for natural disaster rescue teams grew in size and equipment and the medical and technological fields were whim to improve, now with an almost limitless income provided by our movement.

By the end of 2020 AID’s was cured, many types of cancer were neutralized as well as many other kinds of deceases, hospital attention and medicine was now free in almost all the world, space travel was now a possible thing and the plans for the first human mission to mars was made, political corruption, crime, assassinations even suicides lowered in never before seen rate, for the first time in almost eighty years world peace seemed like a very possible thing, and also by that time our movement was so big and so massive that six billion people formed it, half the human kind was united as one.

By the start of 2021 the USA government joined us, a whole country was now am official member our movement, soon enough Mexico, England, Japan, South Korea and Germany joined as well, peace talks were now true and possible, our leaders always present and ready to discuss with all of them and between them.

On September 23, 2021, I was in my house watching the news, seeing something no one thought it could be possible, The USA, Mexico, England, Russia, South Korea, North Korea, Japan, Germany, India, China and Saudi Arabia had joined and formed an alliance, forgetting their previous hate and difference, they were now united with a single goal, world peace, I cried proudly seeing our flag dancing in the background while the world leaders shake hands with smiles on their faces. Our dream was becoming a reality.

The very next year the Israelis and the Muslims finally settle down their differences and their hate, letting grudge of over two thousand years to rest. Hunger on Africa was being fought off and succeeding. The racial, religious and economic barriers were being destroyed swiftly. Schools teached the importance of our beliefs and how it began to improve our way of lives. Everyone in the world adopted a symbol of the show, be it a character, a cutie mark or a flag of it, it didn’t matter, humanity was growing together.

At long last, on December 21, 2022, every single world leader, the leader of our movement and almost every single important and influential figure that had taken part on the big changes the past nine years reunited on the ONU’s to sign a peace and alliance treaty between them.

I was watching it with my sister and my friend in my house, the moment the final signature was placed the world cheered, we cheered we hugged each other, peace, unity, tolerance, love and friendship, the very essence of the show and Equestria was now a reality, then it all took a turn for the worst, if we made one mistake it was that we grew confident, not everyone shared our ideals but they were few in numbers and had no support for their actions, we never discovered why they hated us so much, they hated our ideals, they hated bronies and the show, they hated everything we had accomplished and they hated peace, but we never considered them a threat.

I remember looking at the TV, I spotted a strange looking man holding a camera, then he dropped it and yelled, even through all the cheering in the room, “FOR TRUE PEACE”, then everything went black. The news of what happened came just minutes after.

A nuke, those…..those bastards set off a fucking nuke!.

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, the ONU congress building was nowhere to be seen, only red and black spots could be seen from the photos via satellite, all the world leader were now dead, every single one of them. Everything came crashing down faster than I could have ever expected, it reminded me just how fragile out society and primal the humans really are. On December 21, 2022, was marked as the day the world died, and to my opinion it really did.

The very next day the world became pure chaos, robbery, unrest, assassinations, massive prison breaks, everything wrong with humanity was now rampant in the streets, old grudges and hates were reborn and everyone blamed everyone else for the attack, we tried, by Celestia herself we tried to maintain peace and calm, to fix everything once more and remind them that with harmony we could achieve anything, but it was to no avail, no one listened to us, in just one day years of work, hope, dreams, hardships and struggle died without a sound.

In just six months four billions people died, four billion, on six months. Of course governments tried to take things back in charge but it was futile, the nuke on the ONU was just the first of many, the world was at war with itself, forgetting everything we had achieved together, as one. Even in that mess we tried to help but it backfired spectacularly, we, the bronies, soon became the reason everything went to shit, they blamed us for everything that went wrong and forgot what we had started. They soon began to hunt us down.

In the course of three months almost every brony in the world was now dead, thanks to the hunting down of our once big and happy family, my group and I were in what remained of Amesbury, running away from those who hated us only to be caught off guard by them, my friends died, my sister died, everyone died, except me, I ran as fast as my legs would let me without any goal in mind, I just ran.

Finally I arrived to a very famous and familiar sighting, Stonehedge, exhausted I let myself rest in the center of the thing, finally allowing me to cry and shout in frustration, cursing God, the show, fate, the world, everything for such an outcome. My agony of course attracted the attention of those who were hunting me down, I was seeing the lights of their lanterns and the barking of dogs in the distance, I gave out a dishearten laugh before resting my head against a pillar, I had decided to just wait for the end there, if I was going to die might as well in one of my favorite places in the world, besides humanity was dead now anyways. Next thing I know a flash of light blinded me and then I felt the cold icy floor made of marble.

Opening my eyes I was greeted by the sight of Princess Celestia herself looking at me curiously and several ponies around me shocked and surprised, then I fell unconscious.

“Erick, are you alright?”


“Erick, please, talk to me, I’m your friend” Twilight said behind Erick, looking at him sadly “Is it…..is it about your world?”

“Am I a horrible person, Twilight?”

“NO! What the hay makes you say that, Erick?” she walked to him a little “You are perhaps the most selfless pony, I mean, creature ever, you are nice and kind” pressing a hoof on his back she noticed he was trembling.

“I….I should be………..” he whispered “I should be sad………..I should be in pain, I should be dead, Twilight, but I’m here, alive, in the land I always dreamed to be, even after fifty years I still haven’t aged a day” turning around he kneeled down and hugged Twilight, crying over her shoulder “BUT I’M HAPPY!” he shouted “I’m happy I’m alive, I’m happy I survived the death of my world, I’m happy I’m here hugging you, living here in the peace we so much desired, I’m happy………so very happy ”

For several minutes Twilight let the human cry his heart out, it took almost a year after his arrival to convince him they were real and that he wasn’t dead, dreaming or crazy, after that he told them his story, at first they didn’t believe him but then he went on and on the show and almost everything fit in perfectly with her and her friends memories.

Soon enough he began to work inside the castle as a servant, then he showed his ability for peace talks and avoid unfairness and such, making him the official diplomat of Equestria.

Celestia sworn to find a way to send him back to his home planet but he refused, he didn’t want to go back where nothing was left for him and only wished to build himself a new life, suddenly she remembered why she had come on his search to begin with.

“Erick” she said once he had calmed down “come with me”

Nodding he let go of Twilight, dried his tears and followed the princess, all the way mumbling the somber song she knew far too well.

Arriving at the throne room Erick saw the rest of the princesses standing around a circle, before he could ask anything Twilight teleported next to Celestia and the four of them channeled their magic, creating a portal in front of him, pure whiteness was reflected over the portal before dying down soon, Erick’s eyes focused on the scene in front of him, his mouth began to gap as his eyes open in surprise.

He saw a city, a magnificent white city much like Canterlot but thousand times bigger in all directions, he could see flying things around the city as well as movement everywhere, the view slowly showed more and more until the full city was showed, then he saw something that made him tear up, the old “Equestria to Earth” flag, dancing in the breeze proudly placed over the taller buildings. He was seeing Earth.

“You can’t cross it, Erick” Luna said “but we can open it up for a few seconds, if you so desire”

Erick was looking at the image in front of him, his attention focused only on it for a few seconds before smiling.
“No, that won’t be necessary, Luna” his smile grew “They don’t need an old fool like me anyway, besides I already have a life here”

The portal closed and the four princesses smiled warmly at him.

“Let’s go, we have treaty to attend with the dragons” he said before turning around “and thanks, now I finally feel, at peace”.

Leaving the room he was soon followed by the princesses, ready to help their human friend.

“My name is Erick Williams, I’m eighty-three years old, I’m the high diplomat of Equestria and today I learned something, humanity is strong, if humanity has hope, a common goal and if we all work together, nothing will stop us, even if that hope comes from what it was meant to be just a girls cartoon, you must always have hope”.

…..we rose from the ashes, for a brighter tomorrow for all mankind.


Author's Note:

For all those who read this, thank you.

This was just a little something I wanted to share with you all, hope you enjoy it.

Comments ( 11 )

that was so beautiful !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:raritydespair::raritydespair::raritydespair::raritycry::raritycry::fluttershysad: i love you man great job:twilightsmile:

That wasn't go that that was pure fuck unadulterated fuckin awesomeness if that movement should be started and I really mean it. Great job that was better then My little Dashie

3008466 thanks for the compliment and WHOA!, better than My Little Dashie? No way! so-so? certainly, good? maybe, but never better than My Little Dashie, besides that story is mostly about feels anyways XD

Simply fantastic!:pinkiehappy:
to see your own picture of a perfect world was breathtaking!:twilightsmile:
It's almost like you were actually placing the images in my head:pinkiesmile:
Well done! and so worth the like.:yay:

if someone actually starts this up because of u i wouldnt be surprised in the least something like that would be what the world needs



Wow. All the feels, man, all the feels... Also, Miracle of Sound kinda seems appropriate for this story.

3008673 ha ha :flutterrage: take credit were its do My Little Dashie was sad in all but your story hit closer to home take my advise the world is in need of your story, because humanity is on the brink of self destruction :pinkiesad2:

I was never here, you never saw me. But if there is one thing I learned about our race is that there will always be some human who just wants to see the world burn, we naturally are violent, destructive, cruel and heartless the world is a cold bitter place, that's the reality, as harsh as it sounds Humanity will never achieve peace, we will destroy ourselves, no matter how many try to stop it, it is the way of the world, maybe one day though.....ne day we will bond together, if only temporality and be a good world, before we allow Death to overtake us all, we are not perfect, but neither is Equestria....we all have our sins, we just have to admit to them.

I love it! I like the long-term view of the show and its implications on our world. I like how you showed humanity at its worst and best! All in all a 10/10 by my book:raritywink:

:fluttercry: another masterpiece Ekhidna. :twilightsmile:

If only...

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