• Published 21st Jul 2013
  • 9,332 Views, 334 Comments

A Lost Soul Returns: The King of Monsters - Dark Star the Crazed

A statue in the castle of the royal pony sisters is like Discord. There is a living being trapped within, and he is set free.

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When the Smoke Clears...

We all live in a house on fire. No fire department to call, no way out. ~ Tennessee Williams.

Two days later.

Fang and Twilight awoke to the sound of growling. The two alicorns looked at the end of the bed and couldn't help but smile at what they saw. Two foals, Dawn and Dusk, wearing woolen pajamas. The two stood up and got off the bed. Twilight laid down on her side and levitated her two foals over. "Come on you two, it's breakfast time." Fang walked around the bed and sat down, smiling as he watched his biological son and daughter trot up to their mother's teats and clamp down before the quickly began to suckle. "Whoa, easy, you two. If you drink too fast you'll get a tummy ache..." The two foals gave a happy whimper and suckled a little bit slower. Twilight wrapped a wing around the two foals while they suckled and Fang heard his wife's stomach growl.

"Speaking of breakfast... What would you like?" Twilight thought for a second before waving Fang over. The black alicorn smiled, knowing what she wanted, and walked over to her before sitting down and lowering his head, kissing her before she sank her fangs into his neck. Fang smiled and heard his own stomach growl, he began to slowly take small nips at his wife's neck before sinking his fangs into her and starting to drink. Twilight and Fang both gave a happy sigh as the tastes of Passion Fruit and Pomegranates, respectively, flooded their mouths. After three minutes they released each other's necks and kissed, wiping the blood from their fangs as they did so.

Ten minutes later Dawn and Dusk stopped suckling. Twilight levitated her daughter over and burped her while Fang burped their son. After they had done so, the two foals yawned and snuggled into their mother and father's fur. Then a sudden thought occurred to Twilight.

"Fang... How did Dawn and Dusk get out of their crib?" The two alicorns looked down and smiled, realizing that, since they were two months old, Dawn and Dusk could fly and use magic. The small white colt yawned, closed his eyes and began to suck on his right forehoof. "It's been two months... But I'm still not used to how cute our foals are..." The two watched as Dawn crawled over to her brother, wrapped her hooves around him, pulled him closer and drifted off to sleep. The white colt stopped sucking on his hoof and wrapped his forelegs around his sister before drifting back off to sleep.

"Hmmm... Yes, very cute. It's too bad that they will only have two months' worth of memories of their father." Fang and Twilight looked above them and growled when they saw a familiar demon.

"Lepus!" The rabbit laughed and covered the two alicorns with a shroud of smoke and the three beings vanished, leaving Dawn and Dusk alone, sleeping on the floor. Lepus reappeared in the room and levitated the two foals into their crib before vanishing again.

Soul and Trixie's house.

Trixie, Soul and Tsuki awoke to the sound of Hex's screams. The three unicorns jumped out of bed and ran to the colt's room and opened the door. They saw Hex throwing things at his bed, sitting on the bed was Lepus. Soul smirked when he saw the rabbit. "Hey, look, it's Peter Cottontail."

The rabbit's eye began to twitch. "Say it again! I dare you!" The shade smirked.

"Hey look, it's Peter Cottontail!"

Lepus growled, floated over to Soul, and slapped the unicorn so hard that his head hit a wall. "Hello to you to shade prince." The rabbit's ears turned into smoke and wrapped around the four ponies in the room.

Trixie woke up on a soft, white material. She was on a cloud. The blue mare groaned and looked at her back, which was in excruciating pain. Her eyes went wide and her mouth fell open when she saw what was causing the pain she felt. On her back were two, large, brilliant azure wings. "What in the name of Equis...?" She looked at her forehead and noticed she still had her horn. A sudden look of realization spread upon her face. "Am I... Am I an alicorn?"

"Not yet, but you could be!" Trixie turned around and saw a familiar demonic rabbit. "Now before you do anything, think about this, you love Soul don't you?" The azure mare nodded. "Well, here's the thing, he is immortal, and he is going to outlive you. You will eventually wither up and die, unless of course, you become a goddess, or at least an immortal. And I have the power to do that, all archdemons have the power to make one being immortal, except our leader, he has the make three creatures immortal. And right here, I have a contract, stating that I will turn you into an alicorn if you help me." A contract appeared and floated over to her.

Trixie looked down at the piece of parchment and began to read it out loud. "In exchange for eternal life and the chance to be with the stallion I love until the end of time. I, Trixie Lulamoon, swear to bring the lives of Crimson Fang and Twilight Sparkle to an end, with witnesses present. And, should I fail in this endeavor, my soul shall become the property of Lepus, the Cruel Rabbit." She looked up at the rabbit with a scowl on her face. "You can't be serious."

The rabbit smirked. "Oh no? Well then, I guess you'll just have to let Soul spiral into a deep depression, that he will probably never be able to snap out of, after you die. It is obvious that the two alicorns, one of which made a fool of you twice, deserve to live eternal, happy lives while you rot in the ground. Unless..." The rabbit turned around and looked at Trixie with a raised eyebrow. "Tell me, does love conquer all?" A quill floated over to the blue mare. "The choice is yours, tear the contract up and I will surrender and give up my powers, or sign and help me destroy Fang and Twilight so you and Soul can be together forever..." The rabbit smiled. "I'm sure you will make the right choice." Slowly, Trixie took the quill in her hoof.

"Forgive me Twilight, but I don't ever want to leave him." The blue mare went to sign, but felt something cut her, the quill was using her blood as ink. The blue mare gulped and signed her name on the parchment. She couldn't go back on her decision now, she had signed with her blood, she had made a blood oath.

"Excellent!" The contract rolled up and disappeared in a puff of smoke. "Now, let's get you ready to take their lives, shall we?"

Soul growled as he cut a demon made of smoke in half with his sword. "How many of these bloody things are there!?" The shade had been running through the halls of this building for thirty minutes, and there seemed to be more halls no matter which way he went. He threw his sword backwards at the sound of something approaching.

"Did you really have to try and impale my skull because I didn't announce my presence?" Soul blanched and turned around, standing there, with his sword in his telekinetic grasp, was Fang. If Fang didn't have such good reflexes he would have a blade eight inches wide in the middle of his head. "But I don't really care about that. Have you seen Twilight by any chance?" A section of wall turned and revealed a secret passage, which Twilight stepped out of.

"Fang, Soul? Where are we? And why are you here Soul, did Lepus get you too?" Soul nodded.

"He got me, Tsuki, Hex and Trixie. As for where we are..." He looked at the grey stone walls around them, all of them had etchings in them. "Judging by the architecture, we are somewhere in Prance, or at least an area where Prench immigrants tend to settle, maybe a building that was made in Prance but was brought to Equestria and rebuilt brick by brick."

"You can tell that just by looking at the walls?" Soul looked at Twilight and chuckled.

"Well there is also the fact that the spirit of a stallion wearing a black beret, blue and white striped shirt, and a red ascot, is letting loose a triad of indignation in Prench, while he is standing right behind you." Fang and Twilight gave him a deadpan look. "I wish I was being stereotypical, I really do, but I'm not." Suddenly, a scream rang throughout the halls of the large, maze like building. "That sounded like-" Soul was cut off when something landed on his back, knocking him down. "Hex..." Sure enough, the young unicorn colt was currently laying on Soul's back.

Fang sighed. "Now we're only missing Trixie and Tsuki..."

"Get back here!" The group of four turned and saw Lepus shoot past them and down the hallway, quickly followed by an enraged Tsukiyomi. The group growled and followed the rabbit.

'I'm sorry Twilight, sorry Fang, I don't want to kill you, but if I don't then... I'll eventually... I don't want to leave Soul... I'm so sorry...'

Trixie watched as Lepus, in the form of a cloud of smoke, slipped under the door to the ball room where she was going to end the lives of Twilight and Fang. "Remember, you kill them and you will live forever, maybe even marry Soul and be the mother of his child, or children." A blush grew on the blue mare's face. Those thoughts had crossed her mind more than once. "So... While we wait.... Have you thought of any names for the foal yet? Wait, have you even told Soul about the foal?" The blue mare looked at the rabbit and raised an eyebrow.

"What are you talking about? What foal?" The rabbit tilted his head to the side.

"You don't even know that you're pregnant? With how big your belly is I thought it would be obvious... I mean, I can hear the little one's heartbeat from over here..." Trixie went wide eyed and looked at her stomach, now that she thought about it, she did feel like she was getting heavier. Lepus suddenly burst into laughter. "Ha! You fell for it!!! You thought I was serious, your stomach is bigger, true, but maybe it's just the fact that you keep sneaking another piece of pie in the middle of the night!" The mare growled and was about to throw a fireball at the rabbit, but her attention turned to the door when she heard it creak open.

"Lepus, that was just cruel..." Trixie gulped as she saw the group of five enter the room. Soul halted in place when he saw Trixie. The shade just stared at the wings on the, former, unicorn. "Hex... Am I going insane, or does your big sister have wings?"

"... My big sister is an alicorn... She didn't go through a trial of ascension, did she?" The colt's gaze turned to his sister. "Did you?"

Trixie shook her head. "If you didn't ascend, then how did you get wings?" Twilight and Fang walked past the three unicorns in the group and up to Trixie. Twilight walked up to Trixie and her eyes hardened, turning into a glare. "Trixie, as your mentor I demand that you answer me. How did you get wings?"

"I'm sorry, please forgive me!" The blue mare's horn ignited and a flash of light covered the entire area, when Soul was able to see again he gaped at what he saw, Fang and Twilight were on the ground, and their heads were missing, they were dead. "There are you happy!? I killed my mentor and her husband, now you hold up your end of the deal!" The blue mare turned around and glared at the rabbit who just yawned and nodded. He clapped his paws together and the wings on Trixie's back began to glow. Soon Trixie could actually feel them, she could move them, they were real. "Give up your powers, that was the other part of our deal."

"Yeah, yeah, don't get your tail in a twist Little Miss Traitor." The rabbit hit her on the tip of her horn and a cloud of smoke appeared, which was quickly pulled into the blue mare's horn. The rabbit's body began to change shape, soon giving him the shape of a fully grown unicorn stallion, with rabbit ears. "I now declare you Trixie Lulamoon, Goddess of Treachery." The rabbit began to laugh manically, knowing that he had hurt the mare so much the only thing she would want to do now was die, only to be cut off by a cough.

"You know, for someone who prides himself on his persuasive ability, you aren't really that intelligent..." Lepus went wide eyed when he heard that voice. He turned around and did a double take at what he saw, standing over Fang and Twilight's bodies, were none other than the two alicorns he had seen Trixie kill. "You didn't even notice that our 'bodies' were illusions... You didn't question the fact that although we were missing our heads, there was no blood on the ground."

"What, but, how!? You're dead! You have to be! I wouldn't have been able to give her immortality otherwise!" Hex ran up, jumped on the rabbit pony's back, and pulled the contract out of the demon's mane. He tossed the contract to Twilight and jumped off the rabbit's back.

Twilight looked at the rabbit pony and smirked. "You did know that Soul and Trixie are soul mates, didn't you?" The rabbit blinked.

"Wait, so the shade has her aptitude at illusions, and he can read her mind... Ok, that explains the life like bodies and how you knew about my plan, but still, she didn't kill you, that means I shouldn't have been able to give her immortality... So how is it possible that I did just that...?" Twilight giggled.

"Maybe you should have read the contract before you had Trixie sign it. It states, and I quote,'I, Trixie Lulamoon, swear to bring the lives of Crimson Fang and Twilight Sparkle to an end, with witnesses present.'." The rabbit nodded, confused as to what she meant. "You didn't state that she had to kill creatures made of flesh and blood, and you didn't state that she had to kill the real Twilight Sparkle and Crimson Fang."

The rabbit pony sat on his haunches and let his jaw go slack before bursting out into laughter. After a few minutes he settled down. "A loophole... I lost because of a loophole... Ok... You win... The Cruel Rabbit, rank eight of the thirteen archdemons... Defeated by a loophole... That's just stupid... Ok, well..." He stood up and smiled before waving at Twilight and Fang. "Bye!" The demon turned around and made a break for it, only to be stopped by a wall of black fur. Said fur belonged to a furious Tsukiyomi. "Um... This just isn't my day is it?" The black mare got a large, malicious, smile on her face. The rabbit began to sweat and tried to back up. "Someone save me! Please I'll do anything!"

"Tsuki, don't kill him, even he is not beyond redemption... Besides, I think Grogar needs an assistant..." Fang smirked to himself, knowing that the rabbit was going to regret everything he had done to himself, Soul, Trixie, Twilight and their circle of friends.

The entire group, excluding Twilight, who was smiling in understanding, just stared at the black alicorn. "How is making him Grogar's assistant a punishment?"

Fang smiled and cast a spell to show them one of his own memories.


Fang and Twilight were walking through the corridors of the castle toward the room where Grogar preformed his, extremely strange, experiments. The black alicorn pulled out a letter that he had received from his student via dragon fire. "Ok... So he says that he created a new species using mouse fur, dragon wing membrane and the soul of a fire pixie. Either he has gone completely insane or he has learned how to defy the laws of reality..."

"Fang... Where would Grogar even get the soul of a fire pixie?" Fang just blinked and turned to his wife.

"I wish I could give you an answer, but even I don't know where he got it..." Fang stopped and opened the door to Grogar's lab and bedroom. Something immediately latched onto his nose. The alicorn went cross eyed as he tried to stare at the offending being. His jaw fell open when he saw a tiny albino mouse with dragon wings sitting on the end of his nose, nibbling on a piece of cheese.

"No! Bad Crux! Get off of my mentor's nose!" The mouse finished the small piece of cheese it was nibbling on and flew over to Grogar, quickly landing on the top of his head.

Fang glanced at Twilight, who was now looking through Grogar's notes, trying to figure out how what she had just witnessed was possible. The black alicorn then turned his attention back to the ram. "Grogar... Explain..."

A large grin appeared on the ram's face. "Dragon mice! I can make dragon mice!"

End flashback.

The entire group was slack jawed. The group looked at Lepus, expecting him to have wet himself because Grogar held malice towards the rabbit. They were surprised to see a large grin on his face. "I'll do it! Just don't kill me!" Fang nodded and Twilight walked up to Trixie.

"Trixie...I'm not mad at you, but... You're going to be punished for doing what you did today. You could have just asked me or Fang for help. Both of us could have made you immortal." The blue mare raised an eyebrow.

"Whatever the punishment is, I can take it, but how could you have made me immortal?" Twilight gave the mare a deadpan stare and opened her mouth, pointing to her fangs. "Oh... Right... Vamponies can't die of anything other than extreme damage to the body..." The mare sighed. "Ok... What are you going to do to me?"

"Fang, use the spell that you used on Tsuki." The black alicorn nodded and fired a blast of energy at Trixie, the mare felt her wings retract, entering her back and disappearing, turning her back into a unicorn. "You're still immortal, but you won't be able to have wings until you earn them. Now, there is another part to this punishment... A ten thousand word essay about all the ways this could have ended with one, or more, of us dead."

Trixie sighed. "Yes teacher..."

"Alright now that that's settled, let's go home... Oh, and Trixie?" The blue mare turned and felt Soul kiss her. When he pulled away he smiled at the mare. "That's for caring about our relationship so much you would be willing to kill for it to be able to last..." The blue mare blushed and the group disappeared in a flash of red light.

Lair of the archdemons.

A panel that depicted the thirteen beasts that the archdemons represented began to glow. The glow soon stopped and the tile depicting the rabbit began to glow red, showing that Lepus had been defeated. Ginryō, the Sorcerer Dragon, turned to a small pedestal with a crystal ball on top of it. "Jewel of Connaissance, Lepus has been defeated, reveal to me who shall take his place in our mission." The ball glowed with a silver light before the image of a rooster made of flame appeared on the ceiling above the dragon. "Galo... Interesting..." The dragon snapped his fingers and a scroll appeared, he wrote a small message and set the scroll aflame, it turned into a magical mist and left through the hole in the center of the room's ceiling. "I wonder how Galo will try to destroy them..."

I have loved to the point of madness; that which is called madness, that which to me, is the only sensible way to love. ~ Françoise Sagan

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