• Published 21st Jul 2013
  • 9,333 Views, 334 Comments

A Lost Soul Returns: The King of Monsters - Dark Star the Crazed

A statue in the castle of the royal pony sisters is like Discord. There is a living being trapped within, and he is set free.

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The Ram's Reformation and the Rage of a Jabberwocky.

He who does not punish evil, commands it to be done. ~ Leonardo Da Vinci.

Two days later.

Cadence and Shining Armor got up and left the crystal castle. They saw that the entirety of the Crystal Empire was on fire, and every single crystal pony was lying in the middle of the street, dead with looks of horror on their faces. The couple noticed that their daughter, Skyla, was staring at the pile of dead bodies. They walked up to her and she turned around, showing that she had no eyes and her throat was cut. They screamed and the image of the ruined Crystal Empire disappeared.

The two woke up in a large, dark, room beneath their castle. "They're finally awake." The two turned and saw Arabus float out of the shadows.

"And this time we get the power of an alicorn from the start." Tirek walked out of the shadows.

"That will make it much easier to get revenge this time..." Grogar stepped out of the shadows, the three opened their mouths and took the things that they desired before the two ponies fell to the ground. The three creatures began to slowly return to their strengthened forms. There was a chuckle and a bipedal figure, Jibber, stepped out of the shadows.

Armor growled at the creature. "Discord! I knew you would betray us again! Once a traitor always a trait-" Armor was cut off when the creature ran up and kicked him in the stomach.

"Do not mention my insolent, cowardly, weakling of a son in front of me ever again!" The creature looked at Cadence when she coughed.

"H-how were you able to take my magic... You were still weak..." The three two time escapees laughed and pointed to Jibber.

"You dreamed a little dream, and you gave a loud scream, and your souls are now mine it seems." The Jabberwocky grabbed their horns and the two ponies slowly lost their color, becoming grey as if they had been 'Discorded' as a result, then, they slowly turned to stone. The creature then looked at the other escapees. "Now... Where do we go next?"

"Canterlot! We can take the power of four alicorns there!" Arabus floated over and slapped Tirek on the back of his head.

"No! We go to Ponyville! There are five alicorns and a shade prince there!" Grogar sighed, walked in between the two, jumped up, and hit them both on their heads.

"Idiots! Those are the last places we should go! Did you already forget what happened to us the last time we tried to attack that many alicorns at once?" The two glared at Grogar and were about to hit him, but Jibber snapped his fingers and they were frozen in place.

"He has a point... Now that we have taken all of the energy from the Crystal Empire, they will be preparing for us..." The group of four disappeared in a flash of light. Cadence and Shining Armor were returned to their bed as the four beings appeared in front of the crystal heart. Jibber walked up to it and touched it with a claw. Slowly all of the life of the Crystal Empire began to disappear. The crystals lost their shine and color, becoming grey and the plants all wilted. Then the crystal heart turned grey and stopped spinning. "Ahhh... Such energy... An entire kingdom with absolutely no joy... It's perfect..." Jibber looked at the others. "Now... We need to make a visit to a certain son of mine..." With that the beings disappeared again.

Canterlot, three hours later.

Celestia, Sunset, Luna and Dream were sitting in the grand hall of their castle having lunch, when all of a sudden a royal guard was thrown through the doors. Celestia looked toward the door and her blood ran cold at what she saw. Standing in the doorway were the beings known as Tirek, Grogar, and Arabus. "It wasn't... A nightmare Luna... They escaped again..."

"They aren't the only ones who escaped..." The table they were sitting at began to change shape, taking the form of the Jabberwocky. Jibber stood up and grabbed the two eldest alicorns by the neck.

"Dream! Sunset! Run, get out of here and warn Twilight and Fang!" The Jabberwocky wrapped his tail around Dream before she could get away, leaving only Sunset with the ability to escape. The yellow alicorn turned and ran towards a window, jumping out and flying towards Ponyville, or more specifically, Fang and Twilight's castle.

Arabus was about to chase after her, but was stopped by Jibber. "Let her run... We will have more energy than them even if they are aware, with my help, we will be able to defeat them." The cloud creature nodded and floated over to the three captured alicorns as Tirek and Jibber took their magic and energy. After Arabus took their shadows he noticed that they hadn't become wrinkled. "Grogar? Why haven't you taken their youth?"

The ram was just standing in front of the window that Sunset had jumped out of so she could escape. "Should we really be doing this? I mean... What's in it for us? I mean sure we would be the strongest creatures in the world but still..." The ram shook his head. "I'm over thinking this... Why am I even questioning what we're doing...? It doesn't matter..." Grogar walked over and took the youth of the three alicorns. He then looked towards the window once more. 'Mother... What I'm doing, is it... Wrong?' He glanced at the three alicorns and watched as Jibber stole their souls, turning them to stone.

Fang and Twilight's castle.

The Elements of Harmony, as well as Soul, Tsukiyomi, and Fang, were gathered around a table where the wing-blade shade named Edge was sitting. On the table he had a large book, a lot of quills, and many empty inkwells. "Ok... After about a week of research, I have finally determined that the elements of harmony, excluding Trixie, I'll get to your ancestor last, are decedents of the six ponies who came to Equestria through the crystal mirror with Soul."

He looked at the mane six and smiled. "Rainbow is the descendant of a pegasus mare named Firefly. Fluttershy is the descendant of an earth pony mare named Poesy. Pinkie is the descendant of a pegasus mare named Surprise. Rarity is the descendant of a unicorn mare named Glory. Applejack is the descendant of an earth pony mare with the same name. And Twilight is the descendant of a unicorn mare who shares her full name." He then looked at the azure unicorn, who was nervously shuffling her hooves. "Trixie is the descendant of a stallion who called himself Spirit the Wanderer, and Spirit was the cousin of Starswirl the Bearded." The room went silent and all the ponies looked at Trixie.

The blue mare stopped shuffling. "Um... I was not expecting that... I honestly thought I was going to be the descendant of a serial killer or something..." The mares just continued to stare at her. "W-why are you just staring at me like that? It's starting to scare me..."

"You are descended from the cousin of Starswirl the Bearded and you’re not freaking out... Why?" Trixie blinked and looked at Twilight.

"I don't know! I'm just... Not as excited about it as you... He was my idol sure, but I don't really have anything to brag about seeing how many generations it has been since he died... It's not even a direct relation..." There was a crash and everyone in the room turned to see what had caused it. The source of the sound was Sunset Shimmer.

"Sunset! Are you ok!?" Twilight ran over to the yellow alicorn and gasped at what she saw, her wings had been broken by the impact with the ground. "Sunset, what's wrong? What happened?"

"They got out again... And Discord is helping them again..." Twilight growled and her horn began to glow. Sunset was teleported to the castle infirmary and was replaced with Discord, who had become different shades of grey.

"DISCORD!!! I KNEW THAT YOU-" Twilight stopped shouting when Fang placed a hoof on her shoulder and pointed at the Draconequus, as the others walked up Twilight noticed that his color wasn't the only thing that had changed. The normally cheerful Discord had been replaced with a shivering, sniffling version of himself that was rocking back and forth while sucking his thumb.

"I'm sorry Daddy, please don't hit me..." Twilight walked up and touched Discord and a vision flashed through her head. Tirek, Arabus and Grogar were standing over him, with another Draconequus beside them. The grey Draconequus began to cry a bit.

"What happened to him?" The doors of the library burst open and three of the four escapees walked in.

"I decided that my son no longer deserved his powers..." Jibber appeared on the table and looked down at the scrolls and books that were laying on it. "What's this?" He picked one up and began to read over it. "Ohh... Those six are the descendants of the ones who helped Fang and Soul lock me, and by extent, you, away... How about we let them meet their ancestors?" Arabus chuckled.

"That sounds like a capital idea Jibber."

Grogar went wide eyed and looked at the other escapees. "Are you sure we should do that? If Lepus doesn't need us to destroy them then we won't be able to get out of Tartarus in the first place!" The Jabberwocky paid no mind to the ram's words and flew over to the ponies, quickly wrapping himself around them before snapping his fingers and disappearing with the ponies and the other prisoners in a flash of light.

7362 years ago.

The original Applejack, Poesy, Surprise, Glory, Firefly, and the original Twilight Sparkle were sitting in the living room of their home, Paradise Estate, which was named after their original home, when a sudden crash on the second floor caught their attention. The group got up and Surprise ran up the stairs before the others could question what was going on. "PONY PILE!!!" The others all ran up the stairs and into the room where they heard Surprise laughing. There they saw ten ponies, excluding Surprise, lying in a pile. After a few minutes the ponies began to get off each other, one by one, until there were only two left.

Tsukiyomi, Poesy and Fluttershy all blushed at what they saw. "Oh... My..." Fang and Twilight were unconscious and laying in a... Compromising position. Twilight was on Fang's chest and had her head on his nether regions, while Fang had his muzzle pointed towards her more private areas.

"L-l-leave them like that... I wanna see how they react when they wake up." Both Rainbow Dash and Firefly where trying to hold in their laughter. Fang and Twilight began to stir and opened their eyes. They both blushed when they saw where their heads were. Fang and Twilight's horns glowed and they teleported off of one another. They then walked over to one another, sat down, and wrapped their wings around one another.

Fang smirked. "If you all wanted a show..."

"You should have just asked..." Twilight finished Fang's sentence and the two alicorns gave each other bedroom eyes. They leaned in for a kiss and heard three thumps. Looking around they saw that Fluttershy, Poesy, and Tsukiyomi had passed out. Twilight and Fang looked at the ponies who were still standing. "Too much?" The remaining ponies all nodded as the three passed out ponies began to wake up.

"Ok... Fang, why did you and Soul come here with eight mares? Are they part of your herd or something?" Fang and Soul looked at each other before bursting out into laughter. "What's so funny?" After a few seconds they calmed down.

"Neither of us have a herd, I'm married to... Well I think we should get introductions out of the way first." Fang walked up to the original Twilight Sparkle with his wife by his side. "Sparkle, meet my wife and the mother of my foals, Twilight. I am referring to you as Sparkle because you both have the same name, and it will be easier for us all if you respond to Sparkle and my wife responds to Twilight. Does that sound logical?" Twilight nodded and Sparkle giggled.

"I knew you had a thing for me when I caught you spying on me in the shower!" Twilight gasped and hit her husband on the back of the head.

"It was one time! And you left the bathroom door open! It was not my fault that I saw you! Besides..." Fang gave a smirk. "I didn't hear you complaining..." Sparkle blushed and her friends began to giggle.

"Fang, it doesn't help your case that I'm her descendent..." Fang froze in place and his head slowly turned towards Twilight.

"Twilight, have I ever told you that you can be downright cruel sometimes?" Twilight shook her head. "Well you can..." Fang's head snapped back to the ancestors of the mane six. "Anyway, yes, Twilight is the descendant of Sparkle here. Did I marry her because of that? No. I married her because I love her. Anyway, let me and Soul introduce the rest of you to your descendants." Fang and Soul's horns glowed and the rest of the mane six were placed in front of their ancestors.

AJ's ancestor, Applejack, was her spitting image, but she had five apples as a cutie mark instead of three. "Applejack, meet AJ." The two apple ponies looked at each other and shook hooves. Fluttershy's ancestor, Poesy, was the spitting image of the shy pegasus, but she had no wings and her cutie mark was tulips instead of butterflies. "Fluttershy, meet Poesy." The two ponies just hid in their manes. Pinkie Pie's ancestor looked like her, except she was a white pegasus with a blond mane. Her cutie mark was three purple balloons. "Pinkie, this is Surprise." The two just stared at one another for a second before nodding. Rarity's ancestor, Glory, was a white unicorn mare that had a purple mane with a blue streak going through it. Her cutie mark was a purple and silver shooting star. "Rarity, meet Glory." The two unicorns started to talk to each other and complimented the others manes. Rainbow's ancestor looked like her, but she was pink with a blue mane. Her cutie mark was three blue lightning bolts. "Rainbow, meet Firefly." The two daredevils began to tell each other about their adventures.

Suddenly there was a rumble and the wall fell away, revealing the face of Tirek. "Hello ponies..." The group of ponies growled at him and the centaur laughed, until he saw Fang teleport them away. "Cowards!"

Three hours later.

"W-what's T-Tirek d-doing h-here?" A twig snapped behind the group of sixteen and their heads turned around, slowly they saw Grogar step out of the shadows. "W-what's G-Grogar d-doing here?" Twilight and Fang growled and began to charge a magical blast that would turn Grogar into dust.

"I... I'm... I'm sorry..." The entire group froze in place, shocked at what they had just heard. Grogar had just apologized. "What I've been doing is wrong and I apologize for causing all of you so much trouble..." Fang and Twilight slowly, and hesitantly dropped their spell. "I... I want to help you beat them... I was helping them but... I just can't stand it anymore... I didn't want to kill anypony I was just... Enraged and I wanted something to take my anger out on... What I've been doing is wrong, and I see that now..." The ram looked up at the group and they all saw he had changed, his eyes were no longer a solid red in color. They were a light shade of rose, like Rainbow's eyes. They also saw that he had a few tears in his eyes. "I want to make it up to you... And I will do anything in my power to help you stop them."

The group huddled together, making it so that Grogar couldn't hear a word they were saying. After a minute they separated and Fang looked at the ram. "We'll give you a chance, but only one. And before we do, why the sudden change of heart?"

"Because... I witnessed the darkest power of a Jabberwocky... The power to manipulate the mind... What Jibber did to Twilight's brother and sister-in-law was just... Unforgivable..." Grogar stared back towards the area where Paradise Estate was. "He made them see their daughter dead... With no eyes... No soul..." Grogar tried to stand up, but yelped in pain and immediately collapsed. It was then that the group noticed that Grogar had a broken leg.

"What happened to your leg?" Grogar turned and looked at Trixie.

"My ability to have children wasn't the only thing you destroyed... You broke my leg in seven places when you threw me at the bell..." The ram gave a chuckle. "You're the one who made me realize that no matter how much youth I steal, there will always be a pony who will be able to stop me..." Grogar sat down and looked at the others. "The others should be congregating at Paradise Estate at the moment. And I have a plan on how to beat them..."

One hour later.

Tirek and Arabus were sitting, waiting for Jibber and Grogar to return. "Should we go and look for them?" Arabus shook his head and pointed over a hill, Tirek turned and saw that all of the ponies were running towards them, and Grogar was chasing them from behind. "Get them!" Tirek stood up and charged at the ponies, only to end up falling on his face when thousands of skeletons grabbed his hind legs. When he lifted his head he saw that every single unicorn and alicorn had gathered around him. "Why do I get the feeling this isn't going to end well for me?" He tried to get up, but found himself restrained by a horde of bony hooves. "Grogar! What is the meaning of this!?"

"The ponies are right! What we've been doing is wrong! And I plan to help them stop you!" Tirek opened his mouth to try and steal the ponies' magic, but soon found his mouth stuffed with bones. He was slowly lifted into the air and slammed back down, face first. Then it happened again and again and again. He felt one final collision, and then everything went black. The group of magic users looked towards the house and saw that the cloud demon known as Arabus had just fallen to the pegasi and earth ponies.

Arabus was trying to fight the eight ponies that had surrounded him, four pegasi, and four earth ponies. It didn't help that the pink earth pony seemed to be breaking every law of physics and reality. "That's it!" The cloud demon raised his hands and lightning shot from his fingertips towards the three, normal, earth ponies.

"SURPRISE!!!" The cloud demon was startled by the sudden shout, causing him to miss the earth ponies. He turned his head and saw that the white pegasus pony named Surprise was holding a chocolate cake in front of him. She forced his mouth open and shoved it down his throat, causing the demon to choke.

He was able to spit it up, but he soon found that he had a lasso attached to each of his hands, he looked down and saw both Applejacks with a rope in their mouths. "Rope? That's the best you stupid, country, ponies can do?" He then felt something tap his shoulder and swatted it, hitting Pinkie Pie and sending her to the ground.

Fluttershy stopped moving and flew up to his face. "Now listen here mister! I don't know how your parents raised you, but hitting others is wrong! Nopony should harm another living being if it can be helped! Now apologize to Pinkie Pie this instant! Or I'll have to give you the stare!!!"

The cloud demon just blinked in response. "What in the darkest pits of Tartarus is the stare? Do you really believe that you, a mere pegasus pony, can frighten me? That is the most ridiculous thing I've eve-" He was silenced when Fluttershy's eyes shot open and she began to stare at him. His body froze up and she began to hover away, soon he felt himself being wrapped in a tornado that the other three pegasi had made, the ropes around his arms and began to bind him. After a minute he fell to the ground, wrapped up like a Hearth's Warming gift. Fluttershy walked up to him and continued to stare at him. "Ok! Ok! I'm sorry! Just stop staring at me!" Fluttershy smiled and walked away, then Pinkie and Surprise both walked up to him and smashed a cake in his face. After they had walked away he licked some of the frosting off and smiled. "Cream cheese, yum.”

The group met up and smiled, knowing that they had stopped two of the demons. Then a thought occurred to the ponies from the future they were missing the Jabberwocky. A chuckle from behind them caught their attention, they turned around and saw that said beast had grown to three times the size of Tirek and was now holding the centaur and cloud demon. "Thank you for doing this, now I can grow even stronger!" Slowly a pure black aura ran from the mouths of both Tirek and Arabus, and entered the mouth of the Jabberwocky. He dropped the two demons and their bodies began to turn into stone. "And now... I'm going to eat your souls..." The creature then turned his head towards the ponies, only to see that they were gone. "Come back little ponies, I was only playing... Why do all of you have to be such babies?" The Jabberwocky shrunk until he was the size of a pony before walking towards the large mansion known as Paradise Estate.

Firefly was peeking out of the basement of Paradise Estate as the Jabberwocky searched the upper floors for them. She flew down the stairs towards the other ponies. "Okay, why is Jibber here?" The ponies all shook their heads, that's when they noticed that Grogar was missing.

"JIBBER!!!" The group heard his voice outside and Fang teleported them out of the basement and into a large field where they saw Jibber and Grogar staring each other down. "You will fall by my cloven hooves! The ponies may never forgive me, but I will stop you from causing any more pain! If I do that then maybe they will forgive me! And if they forgive me... Then maybe my mother will too..." The ram looked up and growled at the Jabberwocky. His horns began to glow and a large ball of pure elemental energy formed above his head. It contained nine of the ten forms of elemental magic. Fire, ice, wind, lightning, earth, water, wood, metal, and darkness. The only one that was missing was light.

Fang and Soul looked at each other wide eyed. "Is he doing what I think he's doing?" Fang nodded and the two turned to the mane six. "Twilight, you and your friends need to go help Grogar. He is calling upon nature itself to seal Jibber away. But he doesn't have enough power to use light magic, and that is something only you will be able to help him with. You will know what to do."

Soul turned and looked at the ancestors of the mane six. "You six come with me and Fang, Trixie and Tsuki, you come too. We are going to make sure that Jibber is never going to be able to escape from Tartarus ever again." The eight mares nodded at the two stallions and charged at Jibber, quickly surrounding the Jabberwocky, the ancestors of the mane six knew what they were supposed to do.

Fang and Soul's group.

Trixie and Tsuki looked around, wondering what they were supposed to do, that is when they noticed that each of the ponies around them were floating in midair and glowing, with a different colored aura each. Fang's was red like fire, Soul's was black like the darkness, Sparkle's was light yellow, which ponies associated with light magic, Glory's was grey like steel, Applejack's was brown like the dirt, Poesy's was green like the grass, Surprise's was silver, which ponies associated with wind magic, Firefly's was purple, which ponies associated with lightning magic. Each one had a chain shoot from their hearts and wrap around Jibber, and each chain was made from a different material, a different type of elemental magic.

Trixie and Tsuki noticed this and realized that they were supposed to use the remaining two elements and fully bind the Jabberwocky. Trixie knew which element of nature she should represent, ice, the school that illusion was mostly taught in. She began to float in the air and she was soon surrounded with a white aura. A chain made of ice shot from her heart as Tsuki began to float in the air, surrounded by a watery blue aura. A chain made of water shot out of the black mare's chest and wrapped around Jibber, binding him completely.

Twilight's group.

The mane six ran up to Grogar and looked at each other. "What're we supposed to do? How should we know what we should do?" The mares all turned to AJ and shook their heads. Suddenly they saw a bright light and looked to see that the others were now floating in the air, each one surrounded by an aura different color. Chains shot from their bodies, and each chain seemed to be made of a different material, each one was a different form of elemental magic.

In each of their minds they heard a small voice. 'Call upon the Elements of Harmony, even though they are not with you physically, they are with you in your soul...' The group of mares looked at each other and noticed that their hearts were glowing white.

"We are supposed to provide the light magic..." Twilight turned and shot a beam of pure light at the large ball of energy that was floating above Grogar's head, a white aura surrounded her and she began to float, her eyes had turned completely white. Slowly the other five turned and began to float themselves, a beam of pure yellow light shot from all of their hearts and struck the ball of elemental energy above Grogar's head. The ball of energy grew to three times the size it had been before and shot towards the giant Jabberwock.

Jibber saw the large orb of elemental energy flying toward him and let loose a scream of rage as his body was slowly turned into a black and purple stone, obsidian. A loud panting caught the attention of both groups, the source was Grogar. "It is done..." The ram collapsed as the other ten ponies ran over.

Seeing that he wasn't moving, Fang walked up to the ram and placed a hoof on his neck. A small frown appeared on his face, he had no pulse. "Grogar... Is no longer in the world of the living."

Soul looked at the body and watched as a spectral mist formed next to it, soon it took the form of Grogar. The ram's ghost looked at his body and then glanced at the small hole in the circle of ponies that were giving sad smiles at the sight of the body. "You see it don't you?" Grogar turned and looked at Soul. "The light, you see it right?"

The spirit nodded. "I do and... It's beautiful, I... I can see my mother there, waiting for me but... I can't go... I don't deserve to cross over..."

Trixie sighed. "Actually you do..." The spirit turned and looked at the blue mare. "If you didn't, then you wouldn't be able to see the light..."

Grogar looked at the light again and a small smile formed on his face after a minute. "I suppose you're right..." He turned and looked at the other ponies before turning back to Trixie and Soul. "Tell them that I'm sorry for all the harm I've ever done to them..." The ram turned and walked through the hole in the crowd of ponies before fading away. As fast as lightning Soul and Trixie watched as Grogar's spirit reappeared and was forced back into his body. The ram's head shot up and he began to cough.

Soul just blinked at the sight. "Well... That's never happened before..." Soul walked over to the ram and looked at him. "What happened? Trixie and I saw you cross over." The ram shrugged.

"I went into the light, two glowing foals said I wasn't supposed to die yet, and now I'm back in my body... The light smelled like chocolate..." With that the ram passed out.

"Well... That was anticlimactic..." A strange noise was heard and a blue box appeared next to the group of ponies. The door opened and Doctor Whooves stepped out.

"The ten of you and the ram need to come with me, and no it is not up for discussion. You do not belong in this time period." He pointed at the mane six, Fang, Soul, Trixie and Tsuki. The ponies opened their mouths to protest, but were suddenly pulled into the T.A.R.D.I.S. The box disappeared and left the ancestors of the mane six standing there, and only Surprise could speak, so she said what she knew was on everyone's minds.

"Well… That just happened..." Later that day the ancestors of the mane six moved the newly created statues of Tirek, Arabus, and Jibber back to Tartarus and everything went back to normal.

The only problem they had now was deciding what they should do with Grogar. Fang suggested that since they were giving Tsuki a chance, it only seemed fair that they gave him a chance as well, with much reluctance Twilight, Cadence, Celestia and Luna agreed, and he was given the same terms for his freedom that were given to Tsuki, except as he was not a pony, Fang decided it would be intelligent to take him on as a student, just as Twilight had taken Trixie on as a student.

Twilight had tried to protest, saying nothing good could come of it, but Fang reasoned that Discord had changed for the better, and that it would be an interesting way to learn about goat magic and goats in general, as ponies knew almost nothing about the goats. Twilight stopped protesting as soon as she had heard him say the word ‘learn.’ The ram was going to be taking up residence in one of the spare rooms of Fang and Twilight's castle. Fang already knew a way to keep Grogar under control if he did anything that could be considered evil. That way? Tell Trixie that he called her a broodmare.

There is no heresy or philosophy so abhorrent to the church as a human being. ~ James Joyce.

Author's Note:

In this universe the term Jabberwocky is a synonym for the term Draconequus.

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