• Published 21st Jul 2013
  • 9,319 Views, 334 Comments

A Lost Soul Returns: The King of Monsters - Dark Star the Crazed

A statue in the castle of the royal pony sisters is like Discord. There is a living being trapped within, and he is set free.

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Bloodlines and the Past.

The minute people fall in love, they become liars. ~ Harlan Ellison.

The next day.

"I can't believe it... I just can't believe it..." Twilight stepped onto the ruins of what was once the Golden Oaks Library with tears in her eyes. "All those memories... All those books... Gone before I could even say Celestia..." Twilight sat down and began to sob. "It's just not fair Fang... I know I live with you, Ana and the foals now, but still..." Twilight looked around at the smoldering wood and burned books. "This place was dear to me... It was almost like it was a part of me..."

Fang walked up to Twilight, sat down in front of her, and wrapped his wings around her before giving her a small nuzzle on the cheek. "Everything is going to be fine Twilight." Twilight looked up at Fang with tears in her eyes. "Even if the photos of you and your friends were destroyed, it doesn't matter. Because you don't need them to have memories, all you need in order to remember the good times you've had with them, is right here." The black alicorn poked Twilight in the chest, more specifically her heart, and smiled at the mare before nuzzling her once again. "Besides. You don't have to go through this loss alone. You have your friends, me, Ana, Dawn, and Dusk to help you."

"I know... But it's still hard to believe..." Twilight looked at the ground and caught a glint of light reflect off of something under the floorboards. "What's that?" Twilight was about to pull the boards up with her magic when she heard crying, followed by a strong odor. "Fang... Could you pull up these floorboards for me? I think I saw something..."

Fang nodded and began to tear up the floorboards while Twilight went over to Soul, Trixie, and Ana, who were trying to catch Dawn and Dusk so that they could change them. She saw Trixie sit down and watched as Dusk walked over to her. The blue mare's horn glowed and some black curtains and a table appeared. The curtains quickly rose up and blocked everypony's view of the mare and the month old foal.

"Ok, take the dirty one off... Wipe him clean, powder, rash lotion, put him in a clean one, and done!" The curtains and table disappeared revealing Trixie, who was holding a smiling Dusk that was in a clean diaper. The foal reached his forelegs out towards Twilight and Trixie smiled before standing up, walking over, and giving him to the purple mare. "There you go little one."

The two horned ponies heard a groan. "I still don't understand how a mare that's not a mother can be so good with foals!" Trixie and Twilight giggled and looked in the direction of Rainbow Dash.

"One word Rainbow, I just need to say one word to explain how I'm so good with foals." Trixie pointed to the left towards where the crusaders were playing. "Hex."

The blue colt stopped dead in his tracks and looked at Trixie. "You need something big sister?" Trixie shook her head, causing the colt to shrug and continue playing with the other four crusaders.

"Mother and father used to attend a lot of dinner parties and leave me home alone with Hex. Mother wanted to stay but was forced to go with father because she was afraid he would hit us if she didn't. As such I had to learn how to care for a young colt. Get the picture?" Dash sighed and nodded.

"Hey Trixie... I don't think I know how old you are..." Trixie smiled.

"Twenty three, same age as you Twilight... Well I'm a month older to be honest." Trixie gave a small chuckle.

Applejack walked up to the blue unicorn and smiled, before suddenly frowning. "Hey Trixie, Twilight said that your family is one of the houses of the nobility, just like hers is. Is that true?" Trixie blinked and nodded. "Then how come you don't act like... Well, like Blueblood?"

Trixie just shrugged. "I don't act like a noble because I don't want to be placed in the same group as Blueblood... Or somepony else that I hate so much that I will sing praises to the Grim Reaper upon the day of his death..." Trixie cast a glare a Canterlot before looking back at Applejack and smiling. "The strangest thing about me in the opinion of the other nobles is the fact that I, a noble from the Lulamoon Clan, am friends with Twilight here." Twilight looked at Trixie with a raised eyebrow. "Not because I'm a noble who normally tries to avoid politics, and therefore other nobles, but because she is a member of the Sparkle Clan."

"What's wrong with my family's clan?" Trixie giggled.

"Absolutely nothing in my opinion. It's just that the Sparkle and Lulamoon families have been enemies for a hundred years." Twilight gasped. "What you didn't know?" Twilight shook her head. "Do you want to know why?" The purple alicorn nodded. "Well apparently our great grandfathers fell in love with the same mare. After three years of each trying to win her affections, after she made it obvious she wasn't interested, she ended up killing herself because she wanted them to leave her alone. They blamed each other for her death and so began the Sparkle/Lulamoon Feud."

"Well that's actually really sad. I bet we could have been friends a lot sooner if that had never happened." Twilight smiled and looked down at her son. "Am I right Dusk? Couldn't I have been Trixie's friend a lot sooner if that had never happened?" The colt just smiled and gurgled in response, unable to form proper words yet. Twilight blinked and looked at the colt for a second. "Wait a second... Where are your sisters?"

"I've got you now!" Twilight looked to the side and saw Ana holding Dawn a few inches away, with a clothes pin on her nose, and a triumphant smile on her face. "Mommy... I caught her..." Twilight smiled as Ana walked over to her, holding the struggling foal with her magic.

"Good job Ana!" Twilight looked at Trixie. "Could you hold Dusk for a second?" The blue mare nodded and smiled as the small colt that Twilight had handed her hugged her. "I knew that he liked you." Twilight smiled before she summoned curtains and a changing table. A few minutes later the curtains and table vanished and revealed Twilight who was holding a freshly diapered Dawn. The ponies heard a growl and looked down at Dawn and Dusk. "Are you two hungry?"

The two foals whimpered and Twilight laid down on her side, exposing her teats. Being the one that Twilight had been holding at the time, Dawn was the first of the two foals to start suckling. Trixie smiled and levitated Dusk over to his mother and watched as he began to suckle as well. Twilight covered the two foals with her wings and smiled before letting out a blissful sigh. "There we go you two, eat up, that way you can be happy and healthy when you grow up." Twilight lowered her head and nuzzled her foals.

Trixie smiled, because from where she was sitting she could see the foals feeding. "I am never going to change my mind. A suckling foal is the most adorable thing in the world."

"No way!!!" Everypony turned and looked at the ruins of the library. There they saw Fang and Soul looking at an old brown book. "Is that my godfather's journal!?"

Fang stood up, walked over towards the group with the book and sat down before looking at Soul. "Well... It says journal on the front of it, on the inside cover is the name Starswirl the Bearded, and Starswirl was your godfather... So I'd have to say... Yes! But it doesn't look like he wanted anypony to read it... Just looking at the runes that are inscribed on the cover I can see he used about twenty different spells. None of which were flame retardant, sadly." Fang's horn glowed and he began to undo the seals. "This is going to take a few minutes." Soul nodded and looked up, only to see a wide eyed Trixie in front of him.

"Are you still in heat? Because I will run if you are..." Trixie shook her head, picked Twilight and her foals up with a single spell and gently sat them down next to her. Soul saw that Twilight's eyes were wide as well. "What? What did I do that's so shocking!?"

"The godfather of my children... Had Starswirl the Bearded for a godfather... Fang... If what you just said about Soul's godfather being Starswirl the Bearded was a lie... I will divorce you and win complete custody of Ana and the foals before you can say 'What just happened?'. Do you understand me!? Tell me right now, or so help me you will wish we had never met!" Fang blinked and looked up at his wife.

"What reason would I have to lie about something like that? The correct answer is, I don't. I'm not lying." The black alicorn returned to trying to break the seals. "Ten down... Ten to go..." A few minutes and almost a thousand questions from the mares later, Soul looked over to Fang and saw that he was flipping through the pages of the journal. "Well this is a disappointment... Most of the pages are nothing but ash... But there are a few passages that caught my eye..." Fang began to flip backwards through the pages. "Like this one... Starswirl writes of my father, mother, and a being named Void in this passage."

"I quickly saw that this went from a war, to a contest of who could create the most races. But in the final battle, a third party came. A threshal stallion from a distant land had started to develop what later became known as vampirism, becoming the first vampony. He was named Sangue Ripper, and had a wife named Scarlet Sky." Fang took a breath and continued reading.

"Then to our surprise, new kinds monsters, werewolves, ghosts, goblins, and many more, started to reveal themselves to the world. This was not the end of the arrival of new species in the land however. Soon after the monsters came, demons began to appear. Some of the demon tribes started to become our allies in this time and as a result, the Shade species as a whole developed the ability to see demonic auras. After three years of war, we thought that the battle had ended because Discord had absorbed some of Void's insanity. We were wrong." Soul raised an eyebrow and took the journal.

Soul looked down at the severely burned page, seeing only a few sentences he could read. "All Hell broke loose in the form of massive earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and hurricanes. These wild forces of nature sadly forced Sangue's young son, Crimson Fang, to take control after death of his father, who had been caught in a rockslide that killed him instantly. Fang soon became known as the King of Monsters." Twilight looked between the two and teleported the journal over to herself.

"Let's see here..." Twilight looked down at the page and smiled. "Discord vanished soon after Sangue’s death, and Void seemed to be sane once more. The Shades started to develop genders by this point, just as ponies had, and Void soon married a wyvern shade named Crescent Eclipse. Three years later the couple had a son that they named Tamashii Souto, later nicknamed Soul, who became Fang's foalhood friend as, despite the king's age of thirty four, he was still in the body of a colt. We attributed this to the fact that he was a natural born vampony, and as such he would age slowly and never grow old. This theory was soon proved wrong as the two began to grow at the same time. As if Fang had been waiting for Soul to be born..."

Twilight looked up at the two stallions who just shrugged in response. "Despite having at least three decades apart in ages the two quickly became the best of friends, nay, brothers in all but blood according to Fang's mother, Scarlet Sky. Then tragedy struck both as both Crescent and Scarlet started to fall ill." Twilight looked up at the two.

Trixie glanced over at the book and frowned. "Listen to this..." Trixie gulped. "Void started to lose his sanity once again, and young Tamashii saw his kind change from the kind beings they were into evil, feral, yet very intelligent, beasts in every sense of the word." Trixie's eyes continued to scan the page. "The two mothers died soon after. Crescent disintegrated into particles made of shadow as a result of the magic that was keeping her in this existence being taken from her, and Scarlet, well her case was... Odd..." As the blue mare turned the page to see what was written on the back of it, her eyes widened. "No way... No way! There is no way in Equestria, no, buck that, in the entire universe that this is true!"

"What? What is it?" Twilight, Fang, and Soul tried to get a look at the book but Trixie's hoof was making it impossible for them to read it. Twilight sighed and teleported the book over to herself once more. She read the page and gasped, dropping it halfway through. "What is it Twilight?! What's wrong?!"

Twilight looked at her husband in shock. "I-I can't say it! I don't want to risk you leaving me because of what it says!" Fang blinked.

"Twilight, I love you with all my heart and soul, I promise that no matter what this book says, I will not leave you, ok?" Twilight gulped and nodded. "Good. Now I want you to tell me, what has you so scared that I'll leave you?"

Twilight looked at the book, then to Canterlot, then to her husband. "It says that Celestia and Luna... Are your...They're..." Twilight gulped. "It says... It says they're... It says they're your little sisters..." Fang and Soul looked at each other and burst out laughing. "I'm serious! It says that they're your little sisters!"

Twilight turned around and saw her friends rolling on the ground laughing. The only ones who weren't were Rarity and Fluttershy. "Yeah! An' Ah'm the Queen of Prance!" Twilight glared at Applejack.

There was a sudden flash of light and Luna was suddenly standing in front of the group. "Twilight, Fang, Soul... You three need to come to Canterlot with me." Luna didn't wait for them to respond. Her horn flared and she teleported away, taking Fang, Soul, Twilight, Dawn and Dusk, who were still suckling, and the journal with her.

The three ponies opened their eyes and noticed they were in the Canterlot throne room. Twilight looked down at the suckling foals and smiled as they let go before picking them up and burping them. She was so preoccupied with the foals that she didn't notice that there were two shades in the room other than Soul. "There! I brought them! Now let my daughter go!" Twilight looked up and went wide eyed at what she saw.

A large wyvern like shade, similar to the one that attacked her and Fang on the ship to Prance, Fang had called it a Wing-blade if she remembered correctly. The other was a female, bipedal, shade that wore a hat similar to the one that Trixie used to as well as a full body cloak, except it seemed to be thick, like armor, and was a dark purple in color, under her left arm was a large tome while she held a staff in her right, Fang had told her Casters like this came in to varieties, Wizards, males, and Witches, females.

"Finally! I thought you were going to take forever to get Soul and your big brother here!" The witch looked at the Wing-blade and smiled. "Edge, let the filly go."

The wyvern growled at the witch. "I'm not a dog Muse!" He looked down and lifted up one of his clawed feet, allowing Dream to run over to Luna.

"That was very foolish of you." The ponies all turned and saw Celestia walking through the throne room doors. "By releasing Dream you have given up your only way to keep yourselves from being destroyed."

The witch, who was apparently named Muse, chuckled. "Oh, I don't think your big brother would like it if you killed two of his friends..." Luna growled at the two and charged up her horn.

"WHO DOTH THOU SPEAK OF SHADOW DEMON!?!?!?" The Lunar Mare let loose a bolt of magic at the two shades, who just laughed.

"Batter up!" The Wing-blade swung his tail and hit the bolt of energy, merely knocking it away. Celestia growled and charged up a spell, only to have the same result.

Muse chuckled. "Lulu, Tia, calm down!" Luna and Celestia froze in place, nopony had called them that in thousands of years. "Do you two honestly not remember your older brothers? Well you only had one older brother but you still called the other 'big brother'." Luna growled and charged up another spell. "Just let us explain!"

"Very well... Explain to us who our, 'big brothers' are." Edge chuckled.

"Look at the two stallions that are sitting halfway between us and yourself." Celestia raised an eyebrow and looked at the ponies he was indicating. Fang and Soul. "There are your big brothers..."

"You honestly expect us to believe a lie such as that?" Muse chuckled.

"No. We expect you to believe the truth..." The witch's hand glowed and the journal that had been brought to Canterlot along with Twilight, Fang, Soul, and the foals, floated over to her. She opened it and began to flip through the pages. "Did one of you throw this in a fire?" The female shade shook her head. "Doesn't matter." She kept flipping through the pages. "Here it is!" The shade cleared her throat.

"The sudden dispersion of Scarlet's magic had created two odd ponies that had the traits of all three tribes, unicorn, earth ponies, and pegasi. I knew that Scarlet was a unicorn, and that her husband was a threshal, another kind of pegasus, so I knew Fang was a being that was at least similar to these two. But the creation of these two fillies was the last straw for Void. The white filly formed from the light half of Scarlet's magic and the blue one from her darker half had become the targets of Void's rage, as his view was that their creation was what had killed his wife. Not Fang's mother, but his own wife.

"Fang, horrified of this turn of events, decided to protect his new sisters to the best of his ability. Tamashii decided the help the young king in this endeavor, becoming like a second brother to the two fillies. Our group of eight, myself, my wife, Fang, Soul, his friends, and the fillies, survived the Shade King's wrath and escaped. The Monster King and Shade Prince named these two fillies later that day. Fang decided that the white one would be named Celestia Ilios Sunflare, as she was born of light magic, and let Soul name the blue filly. The Shade Prince chose Luna Selini Starlight to be the darker fillies' name." The shade closed the book. "So says the journal of Starswirl the Bearded. The entry is dated the day after our group escaped Void's wrath."

Celestia and Luna looked at the shades in shock before looking at Fang and Soul. "It's true princess..." The two alicorns looked at Twilight. "The journal is Starswirl the Bearded's and it does name Fang and Soul as your big brothers."

"But if that's true then... Let's see here... I'm Cadence's aunt, and Fang is my big brother... Twilight! You married your uncle-in-law!" Twilight frowned and Fang looked at his wife.

"Twilight. I don't care about my relation to you before we were married. We didn't know at the time... It doesn't count as incest in my opinion, because we are not related by blood. Besides... I read the Equestrian laws. It states that you are allowed to marry your in laws. Transylmaneian law states the same. So we committed no crime and no act of incest. So if you would allow me to remain with you as your husband... We can raise our children as a normal family." Fang took one of Twilight's hooves in one of his own and placed a hoof on top of hers. A few seconds later he gave a small grin. "Well, maybe normal isn't the right word to describe our family..."

Twilight giggled and looked at Dawn and Dusk, she wanted her children to have a good life, one like she had. She smiled and looked at Fang. "I'll never leave you." She kissed her husband and looked back at Dawn and Dusk. She noticed they were looking up and she looked up as well. The Witch and Wing-blade were standing in front of the group of five. They watched as the Wing-blade lowered his head until he was eyelevel with the two foals. The witch crouched down and placed the journal in front of Twilight. She then reached a hand out towards Dusk. The purple mare growled and her horn began to glow. "Touch my foals and you will lose your head!"

"Relax Princess-"

"I'm a Queen, thank you very much!" The witch blinked.

"Queen? Did you marry Fang?" Twilight blinked and nodded.

"Good for you buddy." Twilight, Fang, and Soul turned and looked at the Wing-blade. "Also... Muse you owe me ten... Bits? Is that what Equestrian currency is called?" They all nodded. "You owe me ten bits Muse! I told you Fang would get married first!"

"Yeah yeah, whatever. I'll pay you as soon as I can..." The witch looked at Twilight. "I'm just going to ruffle his mane up a little bit." The witch placed her hand on the colt's head and rubbed his mane, causing it to look like bed head. "See that's all I was going to do."

"Your foals are adorable..." Twilight, Fang and Soul's heads all turned towards the dragon. She saw Dawn grab a hold of his mouth and giggle.

"Mw cawh dwagon!" Edge chuckled.

"She is certainly a brave little filly isn't she?" The filly let go and the wyvern patted her head.

"Just who are you two? The names Edge and Muse... They sound familiar... So does the name Void... But I can't place them." The two shades looked towards the pony/shade hybrid.

"You know how the journal mentioned your friends?" The unicorn nodded. "We are said friends... Void is the name of the shade king, your father." Soul blinked.

"So... What? I'm royalty among the shades or something?" The two shades looked between each other then back to Soul.

"You really don't remember anything do you?" Soul shook his head. "Oh well, it will come back to you as the seal weakens..."

"Or you could just tell us now."

"And risk causing a paradox? No, I think we'll just let your memories come back naturally." The shades smiled. "You won't have to wait long though, the seal has been weakening... That's how we got out..."

"You two don't have many memories either, do you? You don't remember anything besides your names and the fact that you're Mr. Soul's friends." Everyone began to look around for the source of the voice. "On Muse's head." Everyone looked at the top of the witch's head and saw that Dream had, somehow, managed to work her way under the shade's hat.

"How did you get up there without me noticing? I didn't even feel you... You're lighter than air..." The witch looked down from her head. "She's right though, we can't remember anything else..."

Fang coughed. "We can speak more of this tomorrow, at my castle. But it is getting late and our other daughter is going to be worried. I will slip you two out of Canterlot under the veil of night. I believe that my subjects will be more accepting of your kind."

Muse smirked. "Sounds like a good plan to me... But I'm going to go over the journal for a few days... See if I can figure out what some of the... Ciphers in the back half of the book mean... Seems that the fire only got halfway through it..."

Twilight looked to the side and saw that Luna was raising the moon. "Alright. Fang will come back and get you in... Three hours... Most ponies should be asleep by then..." Twilight heard a yawn, looked down and smiled as she saw Dawn and Dusk snuggling up against her, trying to keep warm and comfortable with their mother's fur. "I think that it's Dawn and Dusk's bedtime." Everypony who witnessed the sight let out a small 'Dawww' at the foals' actions... That is everypony except for Fang. He was busy looking at Celestia and Luna.

Celestia looked at Fang and smiled. "I don't think Starswirl would have written a lie about something as big as this... Big brother..." Celestia looked at Fang for a second. "You three should get home. I'm sure that Ana and your friends are worried about you." The three nodded and disappeared in a flash of bright red light.

"Mommy? Mommy? Are you ok mommy?" Celestia looked to the sound of the voice and saw Dream sitting in front of her mother. The little filly began to poke the blue mare's stomach with her horn, but got no result.

"Luna? Are you ok?"

"My brain is trying to process what I was just told, sister... But it isn't doing a very good job..." Luna fell on her side and just lay there for a few minutes before standing up and walking out of the throne room. "I'm going to sleep... Maybe I'll understand better in the morning..." With that, she left the room.

Cleanliness becomes more important when Godliness is unlikely. ~ P.J. O'Rourke.

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