• Published 21st Jul 2013
  • 9,333 Views, 334 Comments

A Lost Soul Returns: The King of Monsters - Dark Star the Crazed

A statue in the castle of the royal pony sisters is like Discord. There is a living being trapped within, and he is set free.

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Twilight's Birthday Attack. The Lousy Snake, Sir Kneighf.

Translymaneia. The next day.

Twilight awoke to the sounds of whispers. While her eyes still blurry she sat up and rubbed them so she could see better. Her eyes were wide at what she saw. Her family, the princesses, and her friends were all standing there with a large cake that had 'Happy birthday Twilight.' written on it. She had, once again, forgotten her own birthday. After blinking a few times to make sure it was real she walked up to Celestia and bowed. "What are you doing here Princess Celestia? Don't you have to attend to the court today?" She heard the sound of Celestia's horn lighting up with magic and felt herself lifted up so that she was eye to eye with her mentor. "Princess?"

Celestia smiled. "Did you really think I would miss my best students birthday? As for what is being done about the court today... I took a day off."

Twilight just looked at her in surprise. "You can take a day off?" Celestia just nodded. "You took a day off... For my birthday?" Her eyes began to water as she hugged to teacher. "Thank you!"

Celestia nodded and set her down after nuzzling her. What happened next was Luna and Cadence walking up to her. Her brother began to follow them but stopped when eight words left his wife's mouth. "Twilight why were you sleeping in Fang's room?" Armor thinking the worst immediately ran up to Twilight.

"What did that creep do to you!?" He began to shake his sister before he turned away and went over to the door. "I will be right back! I just need to go kill Fang!" He opened the door and stepped out. Only to be thrown back in by Fang. He coincidentally landed right next to his wife. He then glared at Fang who just pointed up. Looking up Armor's fur turned red when he saw what Cadence was doing. She was shaking her flank at Armor's face. His face grew red at the action. Then his eye twitched and he looked back at the door, only to see that Fang was no longer there.

There was a small chuckle and Fang appeared next to him. He looked down at the white unicorn. "I did not share the bed with her, I did not share the room with her. I let her have my bed and I slept in my throne. Now stop gaping at your wife's plot. You'll catch flies if you keep your mouth open like that." This made Cadence giggle while Armor decided to stand up and punch Fang in the face. Fang stood there for a second. "I understand your embarrassment and I do not blame you for punching me." Armor pulled his hoof away from Fang's face. He only received a smile from Fang.

Luna meanwhile was talking with Twilight. Congratulating her for being officially the age required to drink and to get married. "I hope you and your future husband live a long and happy life Twilight." She then gave her a mug of hard cider and started to drink one herself. One by one her friends started congratulating her and wishing her a happy birthday. Then she started to get her presents.

From Celestia she got what looked like a cage under a tarp. Lifting the tarp she saw a small, purple phoenix, it seemed to not be much older than Spike's pet phoenix Peewee. "What is it? I've never read about this creature before."

Celestia smiled. "It is known as a Blitzvogel. It's Germane for lightning bird and it is a cousin to the phoenix. Instead of being reborn in fire when they die, they instead are reborn in a flash of sparks. Don't worry the sparks are not hot at all and can't hurt anything." Celestia smiled and let the bird out. "What are you going to name him?"

Twilight thought for a second. "Diogenes. Its pronounced Die-oh-gen-eeze. He was a philosopher."

Luna looked at Twilight. "My present to you will have to wait until tonight... It can't be seen during the day. I'm sorry."

Cadence looked at Twilight. "Me, Spike, and Armor got you this." She pulled out a necklace that was made of what looked like amethyst. It was shaped like Twilight's cutie mark. "It's made from a part of the crystal empires palace."

Aj gave Twilight a box that had a cowboy hat inside that resembled her own. Twilight's however was purple. "I don't have much money and I don't have any magic so this was the best I could get. I had Rarity sow your cutie mark onto it." She smiled at Twilight who put it on and mouthed 'Thank You' to Aj.

Fluttershy gave her a bag of bird seed and a small crown made of feathers. "Me and my bird friends made this. With Diogenes; feather in the center. See?" It was made of almost every feather she had ever seen.

Pinkie started to dig through her mane. "Gummy? Nope. Half eaten cupcake? Yummy!" She then proceeded to eat the cup cake before starting her search again. "Prank book? I have it memorized so you can have it along with... This!" She pulled out a large box of cupcakes. They were all shaped like Twilight's cutie mark. There were about 25 cupcakes. "I made the icing from crystal berries." She then handed her the book and box.

Rarity floated a bag over and pulled out five dresses. Each had her cutie mark stitched in. "I made these out of fire spider silk. They will keep you warm in the winter."

Dash pulled out a poster. "I got a wonderbolts poster signed by every member of the wonderbolts." Sure enough she had. "I hope you like it."

All eyes then turned to Fang. "I got her a present... It's not on my back. I forgot it in the library." His horn flashed and three seconds later he was in front of them again holding an old book. "Here you go Twilight." He then floated the book over to her.

The book was Thou Shall Not Pass! By Starswirl the Bearded. On the inside cover it was signed by Starswirl himself. It was a book of shield spells that Starswirl had designed and created himself. "I can't accept this! It's way to valuable! Some unicorns would kill to have this book... How did you even get this anyway?"

Fang just smiled. "Keep it. You never know when you might need a shield. As for how I got it... Starswirl was an old friend."

The other elements just looked at the book and sighed. "Another week we don't see Twilight..."

Twilight just hugged Fang. "Thank you!" She gave him a small kiss on the cheek, he started to blush and his wings shot out. Armor just snickered. Irony was hilarious. Twilight then looked at the cake and walked over. "This looks good... Who made it?"

Fang just smiled. "My head chef."

The was suddenly a loud laugh. "Freedom! I am free, as are my brothers and sisters Celestia!!!" Then a pony formed. He looked like a green version of Big Mac. He had no mane and his fur looked like scales. He had a snake like tail and a small statuette of a snake for a cutie mark. He had a goblet that was golden and decorated with jewels on his side. It looked like the holy grail that Twilight had read about. "Hello Celestia... I have a riddle for the young princess! You trapped me in Tartarus so I will take something dear to you!"

Celestia just tilted her head to the side. "Who are you?"

The pony just sighed. "I am the archdemon represented by the snake. I am Sir Kneighf! Now I have a riddle for the your princess. If you answers right I will leave."

Twilight looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "What's the riddle?"

The pony smirked at her. "Get this right and I will leave. Get it wrong and I take your soul. Here is the question... What is my real name?"

Twilight thought for a second. "Sir Kneighf is your real name. However it is only your real name because it is an anagram. Your real name is... King Fisher!" All the others looked at her and sighed. The archdemon however just let his jaw drop.

"How did you know my name!?" He started to kick the floor in anger.

Twilight looked at him. "You should have left the holy grail at home..." The pony then threw the grail at her. She just stopped it with a shield. "Thank you for the present."

The arch demon began to shake until his skin cracked and fell away revealing that he was actually a giant snake and not a pony. He then looked at Twilight and just screamed. "BUCK YOU!!!" He then disappeared.

They all looked at Twilight then where the snake pony had been standing. "That was more random then Pinkie!"

Luna's gift appeared that night. She had made a constellation of Twilight in the sky.

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