• Published 21st Jul 2013
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A Lost Soul Returns: The King of Monsters - Dark Star the Crazed

A statue in the castle of the royal pony sisters is like Discord. There is a living being trapped within, and he is set free.

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Tales, Heat, and Treachery.

Let us consider that we are all insane. It will explain us to each other. It will unriddle many riddles. ~ Mark Twain.

Canterlot. The next day.

Twilight and Fang were getting off of the carriage that had brought them, Ana, the foals, Cadence, Armor, and Skyla, to Canterlot. As soon as Fang stepped out of the carriage he heard a very fast gallop and barely had time to react. "Fang! We have a really big problem!!!" Fang threw his leg out to the side and stopped Soul from plowing through him and the other royals. "Arabus broke out of Tartarus!" Fang raised an eyebrow.

"Arabus? Don't you mean Grogar?" Soul shook his head.

"I believe that you two mean that Tirek was the one who has escaped Tartarus." Everypony turned to see Celestia and Luna.

"Sister... It was not Tirek who escaped, nor was it Grogar or Arabus... It was all three of them." Twilight coughed.

"Excuse me... But... Who are Tirek, Arabus, and Grogar?" Celestia, Luna, Fang, and Soul looked at each other and sighed.

"Follow us..." The four ancient beings turned and walked towards the castle library. After a few minutes of searching through the shelves or a few minutes Fang smiled and ran over to a table. The others all gathered around the black alicorn.

"This book is a list of creatures that have been imprisoned in Tartarus over the years." He opened the book and began to flip through the pages. He finally stopped on a page that depicted a dark grey ram with piercing, solid red eyes. The thing that stood out the most to Twilight was the fact that the ram wore a red harness covered with golden bells around its neck. Normally that wouldn't bother her. What bothered her was that she had seen that harness before. It was in Trixie's house.

"Fang... Which one is that and what are those bells around his neck?" Fang blinked.

"This is Grogar. He was a ram necromancer that stole youth from ponies so he could use his dark magic to raise an army of the dead. The bells around his neck are known as the Bells of Suffering. They are what helps him focus his magic into different spells. Without them he can only create minor explosive projectiles. However the bells have been lost for many millennia." Twilight gulped.

'Is it possible that Grogar knows where the bells are? Well even if he doesn't I'm going to hide them just to make sure.' Twilight shook her head and smiled. "Ok. Who's the next... Thing that we need to know about?"

Fang turned a few more pages, one of which seemed to depict the Jabberwock, before stopping on a page that depicted a creature with the lower half of a horse, a large pony, and the upper half of a minotaur. Twilight had read about these creatures in Fang's library. It was a centaur. "This is Lord Tirek. He was imprisoned in Tartarus for the crime of stealing magic. But that's not the only thing he stole." Fang turned the page and the next depicted what looked to be a full grown unicorn without a cutie mark. "When a unicorn pony's magic is taken from them, so is their cutie mark. The same goes for if flight was taken from a pegasus or strength from an earth pony."

Twilight gulped and looked at her flanks. She couldn't imagine life without a cutie mark. "They got them back right?" Fang nodded and Twilight gave a relieved sigh. "Ok... We have seen Tirek and Grogar. All that leaves is..." Fang turned a few more pages and Twilight caught sight of another creature she thought strange. It had the head of a pony, the horns and body of a goat, bat wings, a three pronged tail, and it stood on two legs. Fang finally stopped on a page that depicted what looked a human, with a wispy tail instead of legs, that was made out grey storm clouds. It had large thick arms and yellow eyes with pure black pupils.

Soul slammed his hoof on the table. "This one is the worst of them all! He feeds and gets stronger by eating shadows! He killed many of my kind but I was not able to kill him in return! Believe me I tried. Since I couldn't kill him, I asked Fang to help me imprison him in Tartarus... Now that he is free... All creatures of darkness are in mortal danger."

Luna looked at the two alicorns and shade. "These three must be stopped. If allowed to roam free they could spell the end of Equestria as we know it."

Cadence smiled and looked at Twilight, Fang, and Soul. "And I think I know just the ponies who can stop them."

Twilight smiled. "Yes I will make sure that-"

"No Twilight." Twilight turned and looked at her former mentor with curious eyes. "I am afraid that I must call in another for this mission. I must call upon Discord." Everypony gasped but the shade and the black alicorn.

Fang growled and slammed his hooves onto the table. "Discord!? Have you finally gone insane Celestia!? Ana and Dream are more capable of stopping them than he is! Besides! What makes you think he won't betray us and help them get stronger!?"

"Fang is right Celestia! At least you know that you can trust me, Fang, and Twilight to do this job! Discord is chaos personified! He will do what makes no sense or what will give him a chance to make chaos no matter what! Even if he doesn't betray us, who is to say that he will help us!? He might just let them run free and cause chaos for him!" Celestia sighed.

"Discord has been reformed. While you two make some good points, I have faith that he will try and help us in order to protect his new friends." Fang and Soul looked at each other, growled, looked away from Celestia, whispered something to each other, and turned back.

"Celestia... If you truly believe that Discord has changed... We shall trust him... But know this. If he does betray us and help them. It is on your own conscious and you will have to be held responsible just as he will." Celestia nodded. "Twilight, Ana, I think it best that we return home for now. Soul you are coming back to Ponyville with us."

Soul nodded in agreement. "If Discord betrays us... I fear for what shall befall pony kind." Soul, Fang, Twilight, and Ana left the library, and castle, and got into a large chariot that could fit all four of them.

"Hey Fang?" The black alicorn looked at his wife and smiled. "I know that you planted the Tree of Harmony but... Where did the elements themselves come from?" Fang raised an eyebrow.

"You are going to have to be more specific. Which set of elements do you mean? Harmony or Sin?" Now it was Twilight's turn to raise an eyebrow.

"There's another set of elements?" Fang nodded. "Ok. I guess tell me about... Both."

"Ok... Where to start... Ok... I forgot about this for some reason but my memories about these things seems to be coming back in bits and pieces... Ok so, thousands of years ago Soul and I created the tree to seal away a kingdom known as the Nexus. I won't be surprised if you've never heard about it. Anyway to do this we had to use two elements. Elements that were the opposite of each other and were able to maintain the balance of the world. Fittingly enough, they were known as the Elements of Balance." Twilight coughed.

"I'm sorry? There is a third set of elements?" Fang and Soul nodded.

"Yes there is Twilight... But for the life of me I can't remember where the Elements of Balance went... Can you Fang?" The black alicorn shook his head. "Anyway there were only two elements of Balance. Good and Evil. I was the one to use Good when we created the tree, while Fang was the one to use Evil. As a result of this the tree bore fourteen fruits. Well... They were crystals, but you get the point. Seven were born of the Element of Evil. They became known as the Elements of Sin. Another seven were born of the Element of Good. They became known as the Elements of Harmony. Two sides of the same coin. For without, evil, there can be no good."

"Wait wait wait wait wait!" Soul and Fang looked at Twilight. "What's the seventh Element of Harmony?" Fang and Soul opened their mouths to respond, but no sound came out.

"I... Don't remember..." Fang scratched his head and looked at Soul who shook his in response. "Sorry... Anyway now you know how the elements were created... Anything else you want to know?"

Twilight thought for a second before shaking her head. She looked forward and smiled. "Were here!" The royal guards landed and let the ponies in their chariot get off before turning around and heading back to Canterlot. The sound of extremely rapid hoofsteps filled the air and everypony turned to look. Unfortunately for Soul he looked just in time for Trixie to slap him hard enough that she sent him to the ground. The next thing he knew Trixie was on top of him and they were face to face.

"Where did you go!? I was really scared when I woke up this morning and you were gone! I thought that you had left me for somepony else! Did you? Did you!?" Soul blinked and smiled at Trixie before kissing her.

"Nope. Only way I would leave you is if I died. And that is not going to happen anytime soon!" Soul just laid there for a few seconds. "Trixie... You’re breathing very heavily... Heavier than a pony normal would, even after they ran a marathon..." Soul just kept lying there waiting for Trixie to get off of him. A nip to his ear caused his eyes to go wide with realization. "Oh buck... You're in heat aren't you?" Trixie's eyes shifted from left to right.

"Maybe... So what if I am? I'm on the pill, so there's nothing to worry about..." Trixie grinned. "So how about you and me go and have some... Fun..." Trixie nipped his ear again and she saw Soul blush.

"Um... Ok but... I'm not an exhibitionist?" Trixie blinked, stood up, and realized her mistake. Soul jumped up and started running down the road. "Hey! That's not fair! Get back here!" Trixie started chasing after and was gaining ground.

Fang just stood there. "Should I go and help him?" Twilight thought for a second and shook her head.

"I don't want to risk Trixie forcing herself on you. While I'm pretty sure she wouldn't normally do it, a mare will try to mate with any stallion they can get there hooves on while in heat." Fang sighed.

"Sorry Soul! This is one thing I can't help you with!" Fang was surprised to see Soul turn the corner of a building and run past him.

"It's ok! I understand! You want to help, but you also want to be faithful to your wife!" Seconds later Trixie turned the corner of the same building and looked around. She spotted Fang and Twilight and ran up to them.

"Where did he go?" Fang pointed to the left while Twilight pointed to the right.

"Actually Soul ran that way." Ana pointed down the road that Soul had gone and smiled. She had no idea what it meant to 'be in heat', like how Soul had asked Trixie if she was.

"Thank you Ana!" Trixie ran between them and down the road that Soul had run down.

"Well... I tried to help..." Fang sighed and bent down. "Ana, from now on if a mare that is acting like Trixie is now, asks you where a stallion went, you lie. Ok? I know that you agree with Applejack and think lying is bad, but sometimes it is best to be dishonest. I have learned that the hard way."

Ana frowned and nodded. "Ok... If a mare acting like Trixie was today asks me where a stallion went, I'll lie... I won't like it, but I'll lie. Why do I have to lie?" Fang chuckled.

"You know about the birds and the bees correct? You birth mother taught you about... How foals are born?" Ana nodded. "Well you see if a mare is in heat, it makes it more likely for her to get pregnant. Trixie said she was on the pill, which is what is called birth control. It makes it less likely for a mare to get pregnant. But it doesn't always work. So by telling Trixie where Soul went she might catch him and... You know..." Ana blushed and nodded. "I don't know for sure, but Soul might not want to be a father yet. So remember, never tell mares in heat where a stallion went."

"Ok... Does mommy go into heat to?" Twilight nodded and smiled.

"I don't think I'm going to be actively chasing stallions down for at least ten years though." Twilight smiled and looked at her chest, and the two foals that were laying in the carrier that was attached to her. "After all, I have you, Dawn, and Dusk to look out for."

"What about daddy? Don't you have to look out for him?" Twilight giggled and Fang chuckled.

"I think that I can take care of myself Ana..." Ana smiled and hugged her father. "Now come on. Let's go home." Fang lifted Ana onto his back and the filly wrapped her forelegs around his neck. By the time the family got to their castle, Ana was asleep.

Meanwhile, Soul was hiding from Trixie in the town's bell tower. "Thank the gods that I can move through shadows..."

That night in Manehatten.

Arabus, Grogar, and Tirek were walking through the dark alleyways of the large city when they spotted a grey unicorn with a light blue glow around his horn. The three slowly moved up behind him and go to steal his magic, only for him to swing his head back to them and reveal that he was Discord. "Enjoying your vacation from Tartarus I presume?" The three creatures stopped dead in their tracks.

Tirek placed a hand over his eyes as if he was about to salute. Then he brought I down and shrugged. "Discord. You're free?"

"As a bird." To emphasize his point Discord turned himself into a bird that resembled a toucan. Tirek, Grogar and Arabus gave him a slight bow.

Grogar smiled at the god of chaos. "We commend you on your escape." Discord turned back into his normal form and glared at them.

"I'm afraid the feeling isn't mutual." He snapped his fingers and caused shackles to appear around their arms and legs. Tirek and Grogar growled and tried to blast him with magic, only for him to split his head in half and cause them to miss completely.

Arabus growled at the Draconequus. "We should have known that someone like you would want to have Equestria all to yourself!"

Discord laughed. "Oh, I'm not doing this for me. I'm doing it for my friends." He leaned in so that he was closer to the three Tartarus escapees. "Just between us, it's mostly for Fluttershy." He smiled which caused him to give a little squee.

All three of them looked between each other before looking back at Discord with disgust on their faces. "Fluttershy? Are you telling us your friends with ponies?" The venom in the centaur's voice could poison a black widow. A giant cake appeared and Discord jumped out of it, covering the three with icing.


Tirek growled. "We are surprised that someone of your intellect does not see that this 'friendship' is just a new form of imprisonment. Clearly you've had to abandon your true nature to stay in their good graces."

Discord had a halo over his head and was playing a harp. When he heard Tirek say that he threw the harp away. "I have done nothing of the sort!" Discord looked up and shooed the halo way from his head.

Tirek scoffed. "Oh, please, I've seen this before. But he was always weak minded. You are Discord, you are legend, you cannot fall into the same trap that claimed my brother! Help us to grow strong, and be rewarded with something far greater than friendship. Freedom. I believe I speak for all three of us when I say that once we've stripped these ponies of their magic, youth, and shadows, nothing would give us greater pleasure than to see their world turned upside down. Who better to do so than the master of chaos himself? Join us, Discord, and reclaim your greatness. Unless, of course, 'pony errand boy' is the role you've always wanted to play in this world." Arabus and Grogar nodded in agreement.

Discord thought for a second before turning and looking behind him. He saw a picture of him and Fluttershy and placed his talons to his chin.

Canterlot, the next morning.

Celestia, Luna, and Cadence were sitting on the throne. They had asked Fang, Twilight, and Soul to come to Canterlot as soon as they could. "Celestia, what's wrong? Is it Tirek? Grogar? Arabus?"

Celestia sighed. "I am afraid that Fang and Soul were right Twilight. I placed too much trust in Discord and the effect that friendship would have upon him. He has betrayed the ponies of Equestria and joined forces with Arabus, Grogar, and Tirek."

Twilight gasped. "How could he? I thought that our friendship meant something to him! I thought he had changed!"

Celestia looked away. "Tirek, Grogar and Arabus have grown strong enough by stealing the magic, youth, and shadows from unicorns that they can now do the same to pegasi and earth ponies as well. Tirek has started stealing flight and strength from pegasi and earth ponies. By stealing their youth Grogar has become able to use his elemental and necromantic magic again. And by stealing the shadows of all three tribes Arabus has regained his power to change his shape as well as becoming able to move extremely fast and becoming extremely strong." Celestia frowned. "Without their youth, shadows, or flight pegasi will not be able to control the weather and there will be no rain in Equestria. And without their strength, youth, and shadows earth ponies will not be able to tend the land."

Princess Luna stepped forward. "Ponies will no longer control their world. That power will belong solely to Tirek, Grogar, and Arabus."

Princess Celestia frowned. "There is no doubt that they will be coming after us next, after the Alicorns. With Discord by their side, we will not be able to stop them from taking what they desire."

Princess Luna frowned. "If they have our powers in their possession, their power will know no bounds, and all hope will be lost."

Celestia sighed. "But there is one solution. It is only by making this sacrifice that Equestria and the lands beyond it might be saved. We must rid ourselves of our magic, youth, and shadows before they have the chance to steal them from us."

Twilight frowned and then nodded. "I understand. I am more than willing to do my part and give up those fibers of my being."

"You can't Twilight." Twilight glared at Fang.

"He is right Twilight. Youth, shadows, and magic cannot just evaporate into thin air somepony must keep it safe." Cadence smiled at her sister in law.

"Those ponies are you, Fang, and Soul, Twilight." Twilight raised an eyebrow.

"I don't understand. Why us?" Celestia sighed.

"We do not believe that they know you and Soul exist in Equestria as of yet and we know that Fang will be able to keep our youth safe. Do you understand what you need to do?" Twilight stood still for a second before nodding. "First we will transfer our youth to Fang." Their horns glowed and a green mist slowly left their mouths and went into Fang's. Slowly their faces became old and wrinkled. "Next we will give our shadows to Soul..." Their shadows ran from underneath them and flew into Souls body. "And now Twilight, we will give you our magic." The princesses horns glowed and the fire a spell into the air. It formed a large ball of light that was pulled into Twilight's horn and there was a bright white flash and once everypony could see again Twilight gasped. The princesses, had no cutie marks. "Go you three, return to Ponyville, you cannot be here when they arrive." Before Twilight could argue the three were gone in a flash of crimson light. Fang had teleported them away.

Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love. ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

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