• Published 21st Jul 2013
  • 9,319 Views, 334 Comments

A Lost Soul Returns: The King of Monsters - Dark Star the Crazed

A statue in the castle of the royal pony sisters is like Discord. There is a living being trapped within, and he is set free.

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The Dark District Tour.

Translymaneia. The center castle. One week later.

Twilight had been eagerly awaiting this day. Fang had promised her that he would give a tour of Translymaneia to her last week. As she walked down the refurnished cobblestone, that was made of obsidian, path she noticed the odd looks she was getting. Some looked at her confused, others seemed scared, a few seemed angrier than Celestia when the wedding was attacked, but most looked at her with, what seemed to be, pity. "Hello Princess Sparkle!" A voice came from behind her causing her to jump. When she turned around she saw a ghost floating on his back laughing like a jackal. "The look on your face!" In the next few seconds there was a loud crack and the ghost who had scared her was gone.

Fang was standing where the ghost used to be. "I'm very sorry for my soldiers behavior. He just can't resist the opportunity to scare somepony. Anyway you came for the tour I assume?" Twilight nodded. "Well shall we start our tour then?" Fang gave her a small smile.

Twilight quickly followed behind him and decided to ask about how the Translymaneia worked in terms of livability. "So um..... Say somepony wanted to come here on an asylum... How would they avoid getting... Attacked by monsters that eat ponies?"

Fang just smiled. "I have eleven districts in my kingdom. I live in the Central District." His horn glowed in his trademarked blood red aura and a map appeared. It was separated into eleven different pieces. Ten revolved around the center and were labeled fire, light, ice, wind, thunder, earth, water, wood, metal, and darkness. "These are the districts as labeled. Very few monsters would want to live in the light district so that is where the ponies who come here for asylum would live. We however are going to the dark district where the terrors of the world like to live." Then what looked like a werewolf, with feathers instead of fur, that was being chased by two guards ran into Fang and knocked him down.

The feathered werewolf in a panic grabbed Twilight. "Stay back or else!" He then whispered into Twilight's ear. "Knock them out and let me get away! I'm begging you please! I have a family. Nopony will hire a Schattenkralle! I have to steal food for my family."

Twilight couldn't talk. She couldn't let a pony that had a family get arrested, but she couldn't attack the guards either. She was between a rock and a hard place. Let him get away and start a war with Fang's kingdom, or let a family starve. Sure she could take the less risky path and let a family starve but later she would regret it when it turns out that one or two of the foals had died of starvation because she didn't help this Schattenkralle get away. "Go." Her horn started to glow only to bes stopped when Fang spoke up. "Guards... What exactly are the charges?"

One of them stepped up the other one was unable to walk due to fear. "Theft my king!"

Fang looked at the Schattenkralle and sighed. "Schattenkralle... Your kind are good chefs right?" He received a nod from the aforementioned monster. "Guard what did he steal?"

"Five loves of bread, ten tomatoes, and three heads of lettuce." Fang just threw a bag of bits at him. "My king what are you doing?"

Fang looked at the guard. "Give that to the merchant he stole from." The guards nodded bowed and walked away. He then turned to the Schattenkralle. "Now as for you... I need a chef in the castle. How about this. If you serve me as head chef in my castles kitchen then I will expunge your criminal record in my kingdom. You will also not have to pay any taxes. Just between you me and Twilight over here I have a soft spot for criminals who commit crimes because it is the only way they can feed their families."

The pony just sat there for a second nodding dumbly before rushing over and kissing Fangs hooves. He just kept repeating "Thankyouthankyouthankyouthanyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthaankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!"

Fangs horn glowed a bright red and the pony was pulled away from his hooves. "Yes, your happy, I get it." Fang smiled then he realized something. "Your family can also work at the palace as maids or cooks so that you can all stay in the servants quarters... That way you don't have to go such a long way after work to get home each day." He pulled out a small coin that had his crest emblazoned on it. Fangs surrounded by what looks like rain. "Give this to the head of the servant staff. She is a intelligent ghost in a hospital gown. She had burns on the side of her face. He name is Wither. She will give you and your family rooms and show you what each member of the family will need to do." He gave a small smile as the pony ran off to collect his family.

Twilight was just sitting there. "I know that Princess Celestia would have had him arrested. She would have let him go after she discovered why he was doing it but... Why did you just let him go with no questions asked?"

Fang smiled. "Schattenkralle never lie when it comes to thinks like family. Now then shall we continue?" Twilight just nodded and they continued on their way with Fang explaining the habits of real vamponies and werewolves. He pulled out a silver coin once and tossed it to a pony who was scratching at what looked like a coffin. "Ghouls are curious creatures. They are what inspired the idea of zombies. Neither dead nor alive. The only way to kill them is to damage their brain as it is the only organ that is keeping them alive. I find however that if you give them a silver coin when they are causing trouble they seem to calm down and leave... I still never figured out what they did with the coins... Note to self find out what happened to the coins you give ghouls." Twilight just wrote that down and sent it to Spike with the message to make a copy of it.

They soon came upon what looked like a funeral home and Fang walked inside with Twilight quickly following. "Fang I saw the sign. Whats a Fleisch-Forscher?" She didn't know what it meant but she knew a little Germane and knew that Fleish meant flesh.

Fang smiled. "Fleisch-Forscher are morticians an doctors by trade. Almost all ground breaking discoveries in the field of medical science are made by Fleisch-Forscher." They walked through a door into what looked like a doctors office.

Suddenly there was another voice. "Welcome to the Grave Doctors Company. Do you have an appointment?" It was the doctors assistant who was sitting behind the desk. She looked up and saw Fang. "Your majesty! I'm so sorry for my lack of respect! I had not Idea it was you!" She then got on her knees and began to bow.

Fang just blinked. "You were one of Doctor Samedi's patients once were you not?" The mare nodded. "Let me guess you felt indebted to him because he cured you of a disease that was killing you?" She nodded again and Fang smiled. "Let me guess again... Polio?" A third nod. "Is Samedi with a patient right now?" The mare shook her head no. "Can you get him out here?"

"I am already out here." From behind came the voice of what sounded like a mix of the deep tone of Big Mac and the sophistication of Fancy Pants. "Did you need something my king? Is the young alicorn princess here sick?" Fang shook his head. "Then why have you come here?"

Fang and twilight turned around to see a unicorn that looked about as old as they did. "I simply came to an old friends place of business for a visit while giving the ambassador a tour." The unicorn nodded. "I also came to see if you were interested in the position of Royal Physician at my castle." The unicorn nodded. Then he looked at Twilight and the words appeared in front of her eyes. Doctor of Flesh and Disease. Samedi.

Samedi looked at Twilight. "Both the student of Celestia herself and my king together in one place. Either he is dating you or you are an ambassador. I am more inclined to choose the second option." He gave her a smile showing off what looked to be perfect white teeth, except for one that was golden. He noticed her looking at his golden tooth. "That is nothing to worry about a patient simply started to swing like wild when I tried to give him a pain killer so I could set one of his wings back in the right place. I was never able to get that tooth clean anyway." He then looked back towards fang. "Me and my assistant Silver Heart will be at the castle at sunrise tomorrow." He then looked at the mare sitting behind the desk. "Come Silver. We must pack we shall be staying at the castle from now on." The unicorn and earth pony left to pack their things for their job starting tomorrow. Twilight let out a loud yawn.

Fang looked at Twilight. "You should stay at my castle tonight. Luna will no doubt come into your dreams to ask you what you learned about my subjects and my kingdom today. Her sister will want to know. I simply refuse to let a pony who is tiered use magic or walk through the forest at night. It would be to dangerous." He then lifted Twilight onto his back and she grabbed him around the neck. "Well lets go." His horn glowed and they were in a black room with a window that looked towards Ponyville from the old castle.There were maroon pillows and a black bed in the center of the room. The curtains were satin and dyed violet. Fang laid Twilight under the covers. "Rest well Twilight. I will come get you in the morning." He then left the room and went down to his throne in which he had been sleeping for the past week. He was not using his bed tonight, because Twilight was using it.

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