• Published 21st Jul 2013
  • 9,333 Views, 334 Comments

A Lost Soul Returns: The King of Monsters - Dark Star the Crazed

A statue in the castle of the royal pony sisters is like Discord. There is a living being trapped within, and he is set free.

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The First Day of The Rest of Your Lives.

There are no secrets better kept than the secrets that everybody guesses. ~ George Bernard Shaw.

Three months later. The day of the wedding.

Twilight was in her dress. The diamonds shining like little stars and the emeralds, rubies, and sapphires around her neck seemed to be a pattern in the form a heart. Below the triad of colors was the necklace Fang had given her where the hot pink heart shaped gem completed the heart. Although Rarity had told her that it didn't go with the other gemstones around her neck Twilight insisted on wearing it. She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. Soon her joyful smile twisted and became a frown.

She began to shake and looked at all of her friends. Including Sunset, Trixie, and the princesses. "I-I don't know if I can go through with this girls... W-What if he doesn't really love me? Princesses what if he is just using me to get closer to you so he can kill you? What if... What if he just plans to use me to have an heir and kill me once he has one?" Twilight sat down on her haunches and began to cry. "What if he... What if he gets tired of me and throws me away like I'm some piece of trash!?"

Cadence looked at her sister in law and walked over to her before putting a comforting hoof on her shoulder. "Twilight... Don't worry... I know that Fang loves you. I can see it whenever he looks at you... His eyes light up like stars... Same goes for when you look at him. Twilight... He loves you with all his heart and soul, and then some... He won't leave you..." Seeing that she wasn't convinced, Cadence sighed.

"Twilight... Follow me..." Cadence walked over to the corner behind a changing shade and cast a silence spell on the two of them so nopony else could hear them. "Twilight... You can stop the wedding at any time... And if you do nopony will hold it against you... Not even Fang... But there is something I need to ask..." The princess of love looked her sister in law in the eyes. "He loves you, of that I'm sure, but do you love him?"

Twilight blinked at Cadence. Her look of sorrow turned into anger. "Of course I love him! I just... I'm scared... I don't know why but I am... It's just that I know that he's good enough for me, in fact he's perfect for me, but..." Twilight's face became one of sorrow again and she looked down and began to cry again. "W-what if I'm not good enough for him?"

Cadence smiled at her. "You don't have to worry about any of that Twilight." Twilight just kept looking down and crying. Cadence sighed and lifted the purple mare's head up with her hoof. "Twilight listen to me... This is your big day... Fang is a good pony and you don't want to lose him. He will still love you even if you stop the wedding but tell me... Did he not save your life? Did he not sacrifice himself and almost die back in Arcusalae to keep the griffon king from forcing himself on you?" Twilight nodded. "Now I don't know about you but... I don't think a pony would do that for anypony else unless they loved them... And if you aren't good enough for him... Then why would he have asked you to marry him? I mean he already has everything a pony could want... Except of course a pony that he can reveal his feelings to."

Twilight looked at Cadence and wiped her tears away. "D-do you really think I'm good enough?" Cadence just nodded. "O-ok... I'm ready... I can't believe I was having second thoughts!" Twilight's eyes had a fire ignite behind them. "If I'm too scared to get married then how can I call myself a princess?" Twilight smiled at her sister in law. "I mean I would have to make much harder decisions in government... Right?" Cadence nodded her head. "I love Fang... And I won't run from the first day of the rest of my life!" Twilight went back over to her friends and smiled at them. "Ok girls... Let's get me ready to be wed."

Canterlot castle grand hall.

Fang was sitting down on his haunches with a nervous look on his face. "Dude what is wrong with you? I've never seen you so... Scared before... You're getting cold hooves aren't you?" Fang glared at Soul then smirked and laughed remembering that he had given the shade a black eye last night. There is one thing you never do to the King of Monsters... You never get him drunk...

"Of course not... I'm just worried about what Twilight is going to look like in her dress... I don't want to have my..." He looked to his sides and flapped his wing causing Soul to sigh.

"Damn it dude! That's what your worried about!? You are getting married for Celestia's sake!" Soul just sighed. "I know that you're worried about something dude... Look we have always been there for each other so you know that you can trust me... What has you so scared?"

"I'm not good enough for her... She is a graceful princess, I'm a blunt warrior. She is a hero who has saved the world from eternal chaos and night, I'm known for killing demons. She is a beautiful mare, I'm a freakish monster. She is perfect for me... But... I'm not the stallion she needs..." Fang closed his eyes. "I should just call off the wedding."

"Yeah sure... Do that... Coward..." Fang's eyes shot open.

"What did you just call me!?" Fang's horn glowed and one of his swords appeared.

"I called you a coward... You're afraid the mare that you're destined for dude... Everypony can see that you two were meant for each other... Yet you are so insecure about yourself that you think that being with the mare you love is a mistake... You're scared... Scared that you won't be able to protect her... Dude... Don't be afraid to show your feelings... You can't hide them forever..." Fang just blinked at Soul before his katana turned into ice, shattered, and disappeared.

"I guess you're right..." Fang smiled and stood up. "If Twilight doesn't call off the wedding then neither will I! I won't run from the first day of the rest of my life!"

Soul smiled at him. "Knew that would get you fired up... Now don't be scared and don't try to hide your feelings ok? According to Trixie, Twilight is a nice mare that you don't want to lose... So be strong and show no fear!" He slapped Fang on the back and got a glare from Fang. "Sorry... Won't do it again... Just don't blacken my other eye..." He shuddered at the night before. Then he laughed. "Though you have to admit... It was pretty funny when you started talking to a chair." Fang chuckled and nodded.

Unknown location.

As the ponies talked and got ready for the wedding, ten figures sat upon thirteen thrones, three of which were empty. A dragon, a pig, a rat, a rabbit, a snake, an ox, a dog, a sheep, a rooster, and a large pony, a horse. The rat looked over at the dragon "A meaningless ritual with a meaningless purpose... Ginryō... Tell me again why we can't just attack and kill the monster king and his bride?"

The dragon looked at the rat. "Shǔ... Let them have this day... You are not to eliminate them... You are to eliminate the shade... Lepus will eliminate them..." The rat sighed and nodded. The dragon looked at the rabbit who nodded as well. "Good... Now I think all of you should go... Now!" The dragon raised one of its arms and the other nine archdemons disappeared. The dragon then turned to the pool of black water in the center of where the thrones were. "I hope you know what you are doing... Master..."

In Canterlot Castle.

Fang was looking straight at the doors that Twilight would be walking through any second. Celestia appeared behind Fang and smiled at him. "Fang... Take good care of Twilight ok?" Fang just gazed at Celestia and nodded. He then heard the door open and turned to see his bride. The Crusaders, Dream, and Ana were the flower fillies. Following close behind them was Twilight... He was amazed at how she sparkled when the light hit her dress and smiled. As she took her place across from him she smiled and her eyes lit up like stars.

Celestia took a deep breath. "We are gathered here today to witness the joining of Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria and King Crimson Fang of Transylmaneia in love and marriage... If there is a reason that these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace." Shining Armor looked at Fang. He paled when almost everypony, including his parent's, the bride, the groom, his wife, and even his eleven month old daughter glared at him. He shook his hooves to show that they had it wrong and that he wasn't going to say anything. Thankfully for him he was telling the truth.

"Crimson Fang, do you take Twilight Sparkle to be your lawfully wedded wife? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, to be faithful only to her, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do."

"And do you, Twilight Sparkle, take Crimson Fang to be your lawfully wedded husband? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health and forsaking all others, be faithful only to him so long as you both shall live?"

"I do."

"Then by the power invested in me by the kingdom of Equestria. I now pronounce you stallion and wife. You may kiss the bride." With that they kissed and as the rings slipped onto their horns, they could swear, in that moment, they were the only two beings in existence.

The party after the wedding went as smooth as the ceremony and everypony watched the couple as they danced. When it came time for the two to leave Twilight tossed the bouquet. Rarity tried to catch it, only for it to soar over her head, bounce off Pinkie's mane and to the surprise of everypony in the crowd, get impaled on Trixie's horn. Trixie reached up and took the item off her horn only to drop it in shock once she realized it meant. She would be the next to be married. She gazed over to Soul and blushed while he gazed back with the same blush on his face.

Twilight giggled and pulled her head back into the carriage. "So who caught it?" Twilight looked at her husband and smiled.

"Trixie caught it." The carriage was silent for a moment before Twilight scooted closer to her husband. "So... Where are we going for the honeymoon?" Fang smiled at his newly wed wife.

"Ever hear of Prance? I here it is nice this time of year." Twilight scooted closer to her husband and smiled. Then a thought occurred to her.

"Fang... I just can't wait until we get to a bed." Fang looked at her with curious eyes. He watched as she laid down on her back and moved her tail to the side. "Please... I can't wait anymore..." Suddenly the carriage stopped. She sat up as the door opened and looked outside to see a large airship. The HMS Alba. "Well maybe I could wait for a few more minutes... I hear the Alba has the comfiest beds of any sea crossing airship..."

"As do I... That is why I bought two tickets... Shall we my queen?" Twilight looked to her side as Fang stepped out of the carriage and his horn glowed. She watched as the bag she packed flew out of the back of the carriage as well as a black suitcase. Twilight smiled as her husband wrapped a wing around her.

Twilight kissed him and smiled. "Yes my king... We shall." Fang smiled as they boarded the ship and it left its dock. While they thought it would have been fun to stay above deck all night they knew there was one more thing they had to do. To do so they went to the royal cabin. They had to consummate the marriage. And as they saying goes... Nothing moans louder than a newlywed couple on their wedding night.

If we knew each other's secrets, what comforts we should find. ~ John Churton Collins

Author's Note:

I do not write clop... I have nothing against it... I just don't write it... Yet... I might write it in the future but I'm not sure...

P.S. Alba is Italian for Dawn, Sunrise, Sunup, and Daybreak.

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