• Published 21st Jul 2013
  • 9,333 Views, 334 Comments

A Lost Soul Returns: The King of Monsters - Dark Star the Crazed

A statue in the castle of the royal pony sisters is like Discord. There is a living being trapped within, and he is set free.

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A Family's Blessing and a Demonic Discovery.

Nothing is easier than denouncing the evildoer. Nothing more difficult than understanding him. ~ Dostoevsky.

Twilight entered the dungeons with the keys to Shining Armor and Cadence's cell. She had asked if she could let them out and Fang had smiled and nodded saying that they would be his family as well soon enough. She turned the corner and smiled when she saw the sleeping forms of her brother and sister in law. "Hey you guys! Wake up! I have some really exciting news!" Cadence's eyes shot open and she smiled.

"Hi Twilight! How are you-" Her eyes went wide. "Twilight... Is that what I think it is?" Twilight smiled and opened the door. "Twilight did Fang... Did he?" Cadence walked forward and tapped the ring around Twilight's horn. Realizing it was real she squealed and hugged her sister in law. "I'm so happy for you!" Cadence let go of Twilight and turned to her husband who was still sleeping. "Watch this Twilight..." Cadence walked over to Shining, turned around, and raised her tail.

Shining yawned and pulled his head up out of the pillow causing him to see Cadence's most private parts. His dreary eyes shot wide open. "I'm up! I'm up! If it means we can have fun tonight I'm up!" Armor sprang from the bed and smiled... Until he saw Twilight. "Um..." His cheeks turned red and he got back on the bed before hiding his face in the pillow.

"That is how you wake you husband up if you want to be mean. If you want to be nice then you do this." Cadence walked over to armor and gave him a nuzzle and kiss causing him to raise his head so he could return the gesture. "Honey... Twilight has something you need to see..." Shining looked at his sister and saw the necklace.

"Nice necklace... Why is it so important? I mean it was probably a gift from Fang so... I guess that's why you find it important right?" Shining smiled at his assumption.

"No. Try again big brother, while the necklace was from Fang, he also gave me something else." Shining's eyes shot open.

"Look up honey." Shining's eyes drifted upwards to Twilight's face, then mane, then the base of her horn. His eyes widened when he saw it. The ring.

"No! I will not allow you to get married to Fang! He is an enemy of Equestria!" Twilight realized her mistake and closed the door before her brother could run out. "Twilight take that ring off right now!"

Twilight glared at her brother. "No! I love Fang! He proposed, asked me if I would be his wife and queen, I said no. He took it the wrong way, and was going to leave, before I explained that I didn't want to only be his wife and queen, I want to be his wife, queen, and mother to his foals!"

Cadence quickly ran over to her husband and threw her legs around him. "Honey calm down!" Something clicked in Cadence's mind. "Foal... Oh no! Where's Skyla!? I haven't seen her since we got captured in Ponyville."

"Don't worry... Do you want to see her?" The two nodded and Twilight smiled. She opened the door and let them out. "And big brother..." Shining looked to his little sister. "I'm marrying Fang... I'm sorry if that bothers you but I love him, and I won't let anypony or anything scare me off."

Shining sighed but nodded. "I can't say I'm excited about the idea of you marrying Fang but... Right now I only care about seeing my daughter." Twilight smiled and led the two to Fang's room. Shining, to his surprise, saw Ana and Fang. The three walked in and smiled when they saw Skyla. She was sleeping on Fang's bed with a teddy bear wrapped in her hooves. "When did she fall asleep?"

"Ten minutes ago... So Armor... What do you think about me marrying Twilight?" Fang looked directly into his soon to be brother in law's eyes.

"I can deal with it but... There are two conditions OK?" Fang nodded. "Never hurt her. Physically, mentally, or emotionally." Fang just glared at Armor.

"I would kill myself before I would let that happen." Shining smiled and nodded to Fang.

"Second... You have to get my parents permission to marry her." Fang got a nervous look on his face. "What? What's with that look? Are you scared of my parents?"

"Don't be mad but I... Sent one of my generals to Canterlot to... Invite your parents to come here." There was a knock on the door.

"My King! The parents of Twilight Sparkle are waiting for you in the throne room!" Fang looked to his left and saw Twilight, Cadence, Armor, and even Skyla all glaring at him. Skyla just looked adorable. Fang gave a nervous laugh and scooted to the right some.

"Well I couldn't go to Canterlot to get them myself... I would have but my generals are harder to notice than me. I would have been spotted the second I entered Canterlot." Cadence and Twilight's eyes softened when they realized what he meant. Shining just kept glaring.

"One scratch and I kill you." Fang just nodded in response to the threat. The four alicorns and the unicorn turned and left the room before going to the throne room. They spotted Velvet and Nightlight. They were looking down and talking to Ana and Cheshire.

Twilight smiled and ran over to her parents. "Mom! Dad! How are you?" The two unicorns smiled at their daughter.

"We're fine honey... Just... Shocked that we are here. One second I was asking your father to get the door, next we were sitting here with a wolf... Oh I get it! This is a dream right? Why else would we be here?" Velvet smiled until she felt her husband give her a small shove.

"Velvet... If this were a dream then you wouldn't have felt that. Twilight... Why are we here?" There was a giggle and a chuckle from below. Looking down they saw Ana and Cheshire.

"Because Fang told Láng to go and retrieve you from Canterlot." The two unicorns blinked. Not because what they just heard had surprised them, while it had it was not the reason, it was who had said it that surprised them. "Wait... Um... I mean... Meow?"

"Cheshire! You said you wouldn't scare them! Bad kitty!" Ana leaned over so that she was in the archdemon turned cat's face and frowned. "No desert for you tonight!"

"Oh come on Ana!" Ana stuck her snout in the air and began to walk off with Cheshire following close behind her.

"....Did that cat just talk?" Twilight gave a sheepish smile to her father. "Never mind... I don't want to know. Anyway why are we here?"

Twilight chuckled and turned to her mother. "Mom... What was the happiest day in your life?"

"Well... The days you and your brother were born of course. Why? Wait... Are you pregnant!?" Twilight blanched at her mothers accusation.

"No! No I'm not... OK... What was the second happiest day of your life?" Velvet tilted her head.

"The day your father proposed... Why?" Twilight smiled and raised a hoof to her mane. She brushed it away to reveal the ring Fang had given her. "Oh my... He proposed?" Twilight smiled and nodded. "I'm so happy for you!" Fang walked over to the three and looked down.

"Miss Velvet. Mister Nightlight. I am sorry for proposing to Twilight without getting your blessings, but I simply could not wait any longer." He heard a small laugh from Velvet, whom Twilight had just told that Fang was willing to wait until they were married, before having sex with her, and looked at Nightlight. The two caught each others eyes.

The two stallions just stood their for a while gazing into the others eyes. It seemed as if they were trying to read each others thoughts. Finally the connection broke and Nightlight smiled at Fang. "Take good care of my daughter ok?" Fang smiled at the stallion and nodded.

Velvet smiled at Twilight and led her away. "Twilight... Do you really love this stallion?" Twilight blinked and nodded. "He is willing to wait until your married... Twilight, don't let him go. They don't make ponies like him anymore. You have mine and your father's permission to marry him." Twilight smiled and hugged her mother before walking over to Fang and her father.

"Velvet, Nightlight, you two can stay in my kingdom as long as you want, as guests and members of the royal family." Nightlight and Velvet both smiled at their future son in law.

"We have been thinking about taking a vacation recently... OK we'll stay for a while... So when is the wedding?" Fang and Twilight smiled at the two unicorns and began to talk.

Meanwhile in Canterlot. Luna had snuck Trixie and Soul into the castle using Soul's shadow powers. Right now they stood over a sleeping Celestia. Luna's horn glowed and the world melted away for Trixie and Soul. They now stood in the dream world. A light flashed beside them and Luna appeared. "This is my sisters dream... Or should I say nightmare?" Luna shook her head. "It does not matter. We must find out what troubles my sister."

The three began to walk through the dreamscape before coming upon Celestia and Sunset Shimmer. They were in the Canterlot gardens eating lunch when all of a sudden vines shot out from the hedges and the grass wrapped around Sunset. It took the form of a demonic monkey. The demon smiled at Celestia and they watched in horror as Sunset's struggles ceased. The demon let her fall and it turned out that she was naught but a wooden puppet. The monkey's forehead glowed and a cage containing the real Sunset appeared. "Mother! Help me!"

The monkey glared at Sunset. "Quiet or else you won't get anything to eat when you wake up!" Sunset's cries were immediately silenced. "As for you Celestia... As we agreed I would return your daughter if you declared war on Fang so she will be returned to the place she was taken when the clock strikes noon tomorrow. If you try to declare peace I will take her again and this time... I won't return her." Celestia grimaced and nodded. The monkey looked to the sky and jumped away as a black bipedal creature with red lines running through its body dived at him. "A shade? You are a guardian class are you not? Interesting, you smell of the monster king... Tell him that Vul Deif has returned." Vul pounded his chest and became a bunch of leaves, grass, and vines before sinking into the ground as if it were a dark abyss. Sunset and the cage disappeared along with the demon.

Trixie was staring at her coltfriend, or rather what he was now. "So Soul... That's your real form?"

The shade looked at the show mare and turned into his pony form. "Maybe...?"

"Well I think you look fine either way... I don't really care what you look like..." The shade walked over to Trixie and smiled before kissing her.

"Thanks. That means a lot to me." Trixie smiled at Soul. "Hey Luna... We should get back to Fang right?" The alicorn of the night nodded and the three disappeared leaving a confused Celestia behind.

Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be killed. ~ G.K. Chesterton.

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