• Published 21st Jul 2013
  • 9,333 Views, 334 Comments

A Lost Soul Returns: The King of Monsters - Dark Star the Crazed

A statue in the castle of the royal pony sisters is like Discord. There is a living being trapped within, and he is set free.

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King Fang, His Curse, Memories, And A Kiss.

Everfree catacombs 5:00 P.M.

The suit of armor on the alicorn quickly disappeared as if it had turned to dust. The air was thick, no pony dared to speak, then Fang walked towards Twilight, that's when she saw it. His eyes were as black as a starless night, and when she looked at them she could only feel one thing. Pain. A sudden flash of memories swept through her mind, all the pain she had ever felt, physical, mental, and emotional swept over her body. The pain was so intense that she thought it would make a grown dragon pass out. Then as quick as it came it was gone. She opened her eyes with tears flowing down her cheeks, then saw what caused the pain to start Fang was touching his horn to hers. This made her blush until she looked into his eyes again, she saw the pain in his blank eyes, not just his pain but hers as well, and the pain of thousands upon thousands of other ponies. When he pulled away, she just wanted to do anything that would mean 'thank you', so she kissed him on the lips. This made him blush, Cadence smiled and Shining armor kicked Fang in the face sending him flying into a wall. Twilight yelled at him "Big brother! Why did you do that!?".

Shining Armor looked at Twilight. "He was forcing himself on you!"

Twilight went wide eyed, her teeth began to grind, then her mane and tail caught on fire. "SHINING ARMOR I'M THE ONE THAT KISSED HIM!!!"

Shining Armor blinked in confusion. "What?"

Twilight was ready to hurt her brother. Not only because he interrupted her kiss, her first real kiss, but also because he just hurt an innocent pony. Luckily Luna stepped in and stopped their fight. "I'm very sorry but we have bigger problems." With that she pointed across the chamber to the monsters. All of whom you could see blood-lust and anger in their eyes.

Howling Moon spoke up. "You just attacked our king... you just attacked our king!!!"

Nosferatu lit up his horn. "Come on colts! This means war! What are we waiting for!?" With that all the monsters charged ready to kill Shining Armor.

"Wait!" Rang out a powerful voice the monsters all stopped in their tracks as their king walked up to Shining Armor. Fang looked down upon the unicorn and calmly asked. "Why did you attack me?"

Armor gulped. "I t-thought you were forcing yourself on my sister!"

Fang just laughed. "Is that so? You were worried about your little sister?" Armor just nodded. Fang turned to the monsters and said "Sta descendere." The monsters did as they were told. He then turned to Twilight and looked at her. This is when she saw his eyes again, they were no longer black but an icy blue. He then spoke to her. "Thank you my queen." With that he kissed her.

There was a flash and Twilight saw the world change, she was in a city, the buildings were brighter and were not crumbling. She heard a scream and looked towards the source seeing a little earth filly, she was being grabbed by city guards. A mare walked up obviously the fillies mother. "Please don't take Sunbeam away! One more month that's all I need! I can pay the rent in one more month." Her pleas fell on deaf ears, or rather the ears of evil. A guard wearing decorated, green armor withdrew a club and hit her.

"You know the law! If you don't pay rent on time, Ser Perso Cuore condemns your child to death! Then you and your husband! I like this no more than you do! I wish I didn't have to do this. I wish sompony would kill the pezzo di merda!"

A laugh rang from the rooftops. Twilight recognized the laugh. It was Fangs laugh! He thought this was funny. Then Fang landed in front of the guard. "Do you mean what you just said?" Fang was wearing a cloak hiding his wings. Through the cloak Twilight could see two daggers and nine swords.

The guard nodded "Si! It is time for that Figlio di una fottuta puttana to die!"

Fang smiled. "Drop the filly and take me to the execution." The guard nodded, and they walked off. Twilight wanted to know what was happening so she followed suit. Soon they were at some gallows on the gallows there were four ponies, a unicorn mare, a pegasus stallion, a earth mare, and a unicorn stallion who had a hollow, black, heart as his cutie mark. A crowd had gathered and were shouting 'death to those who would spread evil' then the unicorn stallion spoke.

"Citizens of Firenzhay! Today you see the deaths of three who even in the hour of confession refuse to repent for their evil ways!" The crowd cheered as he spoke this made Twilight sick. "I Ser Perso Cuore shall once more ask for the condemned to repent for their sins! I will start with..." He looked at the three with nooses around their neck and stopped at the unicorn mare. "My sister Cuore Spezzato, the harlot. Will you repent and save yourself?"

The crying mare spoke. "No i will not repent for an act i wished to do! I love Stone Wall and you don't like the idea of me having a foal with him! That is the real reason i hang!" The stallion slapped her and turned to the crowd.

"Not only is she a harlot, but a liar as well! Does she deserve to live?"

The crowd shouted in response. "NO! KILL LA PROSTITUTA" Then a armored stallion stepped from the crowd. "My fiance is innocent! You Perso Cuore are a pezzo di merda! You the one who deserves to die!" Two more stallions stepped from the crowd both being guards they nodded with agreement. "Attack!" Shouted the first guard and he drew his sword, then they fell arrows in their legs.

Then the stallion on the platform pointed. "See how the evil of one pony spreads to another!? The evil of the world must be rooted out and destroyed! This is the only way to salvation!"

"I have heard enough!" The crowd parted revealing Fang and some guards who dragged the injured ones away. He waved his hoof and the archers who had shot at the guards in the crowd fell from the rooftops. landing, and breaking their necks. Twilight looked up to see ponies in black armor who had obviously pushed them. She recognized two of them who jumped down from the roof, one was Nosferatu, the other was Bronx. "You say you kill for Le principesse, la giustizia, e la salvezza. I however know that you kill because it gives you power and because you serve the arch-demon Osuushi, The ox!" This statement made the crowd gasp and look at Perso

For a second Perso looked scared then he shouted "He is but another heretic! Do not believe his words! He wishes to spread evil among you! I serve no demon only justic-" He was cut off when Fang shouted.

"The mark of the minion is on your right foreleg! You willingly serve him! Had you served him out of fear or ignorance then maybe your soul could have been saved! However you serve him because you wanted power, control, and evil." These words turned the crowd against the unicorn and started crying for his blood. The unicorn ran. Only to be grabbed by another unicorn. This one bearing a cutie mark similar to that of Perso Cuore's. However where Perso's heart was hollow the other unicorn's was complete.

Perso spoke his eyes widened. "Father!" The response was a slap and the words no son or daughter ever wanted to hear.

"You are no son of mine!" Fang walked up drew one of his daggers and stabbed Perso in the throat.

The scene changed to a hazy, blue, mist. Only Twilight, Fang, and Perso were there. Fang laid Perso on the ground and spoke initiating a conversation between himself and the dying unicorn.

"Your work is done here."

Perso's eyes widened. "No... NO! IT IS NOT OVER, IT HAD ONLY JUST BEGUN!"

Fang growled. "Tell me, what's your part in all of this? Do you intend to defend yourself as the others who serve the arch-demons have and explain away your evil deeds?"

"The Arch-demons wanted the city. I wanted power. There was... an opportunity."

"An opportunity to murder innocents."

Perso laughed. "Not so innocent. Dissident voices cut deep as steel. They disrupt order. In this, I do agree with the Arch-demons and their brotherhood."

"You'd kill ponies simply for believing and acting differently than you."

Perso laughed yet again. "No of course not! I killed them because I could, because it was fun! Do you know what it feels like, to determine another stallion's fate? Did you see the way the ponies cheered? The way they feared me? I was like a God! You'd have done the same if you could. Such power!"

"Once perhaps. Then I learned what becomes of those who lift themselves above others."

"Tell me then what is it that happens?"

"Here, let me show you." With that the conversation ended as Fang cut Perso's throat and began to teleport away but before he did, he spoke one final time. "Though you do not deserve it you will leave this world knowing some kindness. Possa il alicorns etereo prendere sotto le loro ali e corna in modo che si può rinascere e di aiuto pony gentile. Requiescat in pace. Perso Cuore." With that Fang and Perso disappeared. There was another flash and twilight woke up in a bed under the old Everfree castle. Then she head a pony shout.

"Twilight woke up!!!" Pinkie...

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