• Published 21st Jul 2013
  • 9,333 Views, 334 Comments

A Lost Soul Returns: The King of Monsters - Dark Star the Crazed

A statue in the castle of the royal pony sisters is like Discord. There is a living being trapped within, and he is set free.

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A Dragon's Evolution.

Our life is made by the death of others. ~ Leonardo da Vinci.

It had been one week since the 'Lulamoon Incident' as the press had dubbed it. Trixie and Hex had returned to Ponyville and were now generally accepted in town. Trixie's mother had given her children enough money to get a four bedroom house, with the condition that they let Soul live with them. They had very eagerly accepted. Soul had tried to decline saying he would just stay in a local in but both Charm and Trixie insisted that he stay with them. Hex had started school three days ago and had made a few friends. The one he had been spending the most time with was, surprisingly, Scootaloo.

Twilight and Spike entered Fang's castle along with Rarity, who was bound with a ball and chain. They quickly made their way to the throne room where Fang usually was during the day. The doors to the room opened and Twilight saw Fang laying on his throne. He was talking to his castles head doctor, Samedi, when he noticed them come in. The grim looks on their faces told him that this was not a visit for government or to simply talk. Fang stood up and walked over to Twilight. He saw that she had been crying. "Twilight... What's wrong? Why is Rarity bound with chains?" Twilight hugged him and buried her face in her shoulder before beginning to cry so hard that she could not speak properly. Fang's attention turned to the purple dragon. "Spike... Do you know whats wrong with her?"

The little dragon looked up. He had tears in his eyes and couldn't stand still. "Yesterday we went to Rarity's house and she was sick. Really sick. She couldn't stand up straight, she kept barfing, she had a fever of almost two hundred, and then she began to cough up blood. We took her to the doctor but they said nothing was wrong with her besides the fever and that her throat was bleeding a little on the inside. They told her to get some rest so she went home and fell asleep. We came to check on her today and she was... She was like this. I mean the way she is acting, not the chains. We had to chain her up to keep her from attacking anypony." He pointed to Rarity. Her eyes were bloodshot, she was foaming at the mouth, and her coat, and mane, was messed up and falling out.

Fang's eyes locked on a small bite on the inside of her leg. It looked like the bite of a vampony but was much, much smaller. It was the size of a spider bite. Something in Fang's mind clicked. "Twilight... Stop crying..." Twilight pulled fer face away from Fang's shoulder and sniffled before looking up at him. "OK Twilight... Have you ever seen a spider in Rarity's house?" Twilight thought for a second before nodding. It had been large and was hiding in Rarity's sheets when she came over to visit last year. It had almost bitten her. She squashed it. Fluttershy had looked at the dead bug but couldn't identify it. "Now this is very important. Did it have a black hourglass shape on its thorax? Like a black widow, except green instead of red."

Twilight's eyes went wide. "Yeah it did... What does that spider have to do with this?" Fang let out a sigh and motioned for Samedi to come over.

"Yes my king?" Fang pointed at Rarity's leg. Samedi smiled at the spider bite. "Ah she was bitten by one of those old things? Amateurs play. I will get started immediately... When did she start showing symptoms Princess Sparkle?"

Twilight blinked. "Yesterday... Why?"

Samedi let out a sigh of relief. "Because if she had started showing symptoms the day before yesterday then... The prognosis would have been death." His horn glowed and a needle appeared by his side. He quickly jabbed it into Rarity's neck and they all stood there for a few seconds before Rarity fell to the ground. Twilight and Spike looked at Rarity then turned to Samedi and growled. "Relax it was a sedative. I need to get her to the infirmary." He turned to the left. "Guard if you would be so kind?" A red stallion with a purple mane walked over. Twilight cringed at the sight of his face. Half of it was torn away leaving only bone an some muscle. The guard picked her up and placed her on his back before trotting off with Samedi.

Fang got a serious look on his face. "Twilight we need to go to Rarity's house now. She was bitten by a Rabidus Aranearum or 'Rabid Spider' a arachnid I thought I killed off a long time ago. This kind of spider has large nests. Where there is one there are thousands." Twilight nodded and Fang then looked down to the baby dragon. "Spike... Having you with us will make it much easier. The spiders are seemingly allergic to dragons so you should be able to repel them. You can also help us reach the nest as you can dig into the ground. We don't have to worry about Ponyville because these spiders pick a house and never stray more than five feet from it."

Spike looked up at Fang. "If it's to keep Rarity safe... I'll do anything!" Fang smiled and his horn flashed before they teleported to Rarity's house. They began to search for the spiders nest when Spike saw one crawling into a vent. He quickly followed it and screamed as the old rusted metal of the vent gave out beneath his weight. He fell down for what seemed like an eternity. Finally he landed on what felt like silk. He tried to move his arms and legs but found they were stuck to whatever it was he had landed on.

Twilight stuck her head into the vent just after Spike had fallen down into what seemed to be a cave. "Spike! Are you OK!?"

Spike looked up and could see a tiny bit of light coming from a small hole. It was the hole he had fallen through. "Yeah I'm fine Twilight! Don't worry! I landed on something soft! Nothings broken but... I'm stuck... Don't worry I'll be out as soon as I see if this is the spiders nest!" Looking around he saw webs. Thousands and thousands of webs. Spike heard a small scream and looked up to see a filly sized Twilight falling down into the cave followed by a colt sized Fang. They both fell into the web he saw stuck in and became stuck themselves.

The sound of chattering got them all to look up and see a giant spider that was twice the size of a pony. It slowly crawled its way over to the web that the three were stuck in and opened its mouth. It was going to eat Twilight. Spike's eye twitched and he roared, ripping his arms and legs free before jumping into the spiders mouth. The spider closed its mouth and swallowed. Twilight and Fang stared in shock as the spider began to shudder run like crazy, it continued shuddering and running into walls before giving a shriek and falling onto its back.

Twilight watched as large, purple, clawed hands ripped through the dead spider's thorax and gaped as a larger version of Spike climbed out. He was the size of a teenager now and had wings. The base and frame were purple like his scales while the leather of them was light green. His spines had become sharp and curved with the points facing down and going down his spine. The change in Spike's size, spines, and growth of wings came with another surprise. Spike held in his claw a small ball of electricity. He was using magic. Spike's tail cut through the webs holding Fang and Twilight letting them fall to the ground. "Get out of the cave guys. I'm going to make sure none of these spiders survive."

Twilight blinked at Spike. "S-Spike is that really you?" The bipedal dragon nodded and Twilight smiled. "You grew up!" Twilight saw Spike look at Fang and motion with his head. The next thing she knew, Fang had all four of his legs wrapped around her and was flying up through the hole that they had all fallen through. Twilight heard electricity crackle and looked down the hole to see that all of the webs had been lit aflame. Then all of a sudden the cave collapsed and Fang sealed off the hole. Twilight looked at him with wide eyes. "Fang! Spike is still down there!" There was a loud clang of metal against stone and Twilight turned to see Spike climbing out of a manhole. She and Fang both ran out before Twilight hugged him. "Spike your a teenager now!"

Spike just blinked. "I know I'm a teenager now! I'm eighteen!"

Fang was just staring at Spike. "Mipedian."

Twilight and Spike looked at Fang. "What?" Spike was just blinking as if trying to figure out what he said.

"Twilight... Spike is not just a dragon. He is a Mipedian. They are the only kind of dragon that can breed with a pony and have foals. They are also able to change their shape and DNA into that of a pony. They are known as 'Mage Dragons' due to the fact that they can use magic. Spike I have a task for you." Spike just looked at Fang with a raised eyebrow. "Imagine yourself turning into a pony." Spike did as he said and his bones started to shift. There was flash of light and when everypony looked, standing in Spike's place was a purple pegasus pony with a green mane that looked like Spike's spines. What gave away that it was Spike was the draconic eyes.

"S-Spike! Your! Your a pony!" Twilight horn glowed and a mirror appeared. Spike just looked into it for a few minutes before running a hoof through his green mane and smiling.

"I look good! Hey Twi? You think Rarity will go on a date me now?" Spike looked directly at his surrogate sister.

Twilight and Fang looked at each other as if reading the others mind through their eyes. They both turned to Spike and smiled. "There is a chance that she might date you now." They looked at each other again and blushed. Spike just looked between the two before giving a smug smirk.

"You two were made for each other, you know that?" Twilight and Fang just blushed even harder before they all teleported back to Fang's castle. They went into the infirmary to see Rarity sitting up and drinking tea.

Rarity put her cup down and smiled. "Twilight, Fang, how are you? Mr. Samedi told me about what had happened and I feel terrible for having to make you two and little Spiky-Wikey have to deal with those spiders... Were is Spike anyway? Isn't he with you?" Twilight smiled and stepped to the side letting Spike walk up. "I-is that S-Spike?"

The dragon turned pony nodded. "H-hey Rarity... I was wondering if you would like to go out on a date sometime?"

Rarity smiled at Spike and stood up. She walked over to him and gave him a small peck on the cheek. "For a handsome stallion such as yourself... I would love to."

Spike felt his heart skip a beat. "So um... When do you want to go out?"

Rarity smiled. "How about tomorrow night?"

"Sounds great." The two walked out of the infirmary and walked back to Ponyville, talking the whole way.

Back at the castle Twilight let out a yawn and asked Fang if she could stay the night with him. He answered yes and the two went to bed. Fang began to nuzzle Twilight who let out a content sigh and slowly drifted off. Following her actions soon after there was only one thought on Fang's mind as he began to slumber. 'I wonder how he will react when he finds out he can't eat gemstones in his pony form?'

If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace. ~ Thomas Paine

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