• Published 21st Jul 2013
  • 9,333 Views, 334 Comments

A Lost Soul Returns: The King of Monsters - Dark Star the Crazed

A statue in the castle of the royal pony sisters is like Discord. There is a living being trapped within, and he is set free.

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An Unscheduled Snow Day.

There are some that only employ words for the purpose of disguising their thoughts. ~ Voltaire.

Twilight awoke to the sounds of laughter. She tried to stand up and go over to the window to see what was going on when she realized something. She was not alone. Her head turned to the left and she saw Fang. He had his wing wrapped around her and was nuzzling her. "Fang? How did you get into my room?"

Fang blinked and looked at her. "Oh. Your awake... I don't know why I'm in your room... Me and Ana come over to visit you and Spike then... I'm drawing a blank here. Do you remember anything?" He continued to nuzzle her and began taking nips at her neck randomly which made her blush. She thought back to the night before. Fang and Ana had come over for the fist time in a week, and Ana had been playing with Spike, while she and Fang talked, there was a scream, they walked out of the kitchen, saw Spike and Ana fall to the floor... Then nothing. "Anything?"

Twilight shook her head. "Nothing. I remember seeing Spike and Ana collapse then black. Just black. Did we both black out or something? If we did, then how did we get into my room?" Fang shrugged and nuzzled her again. "Why is it so-" A sudden banging sound broke her train of thought.

"Hey Twilight! Are you home!? We need to talk!" Twilight sighed as she and Fang stood up. She felt Fang pull him closer to his body, she looked up at him and he smiled down to her. He was trying to keep her warm. She smiled and nuzzled into his shoulder before they went down stairs. A sight caught her eye and she smiled. Ana and Spike were sleeping on the couch and hugging each other for warmth. It melted her heart. She levitated a blanket over the sleeping filly and baby dragon before she turned back to the door and opened it. The only thing she saw was white, because as soon as she opened the door something hit her in the face. Blinking she brushed the cold white material from her muzzle and gasped at what she saw. Her friends were all standing there in winter coats and hats. Behind them, as far as Twilight could see, was snow that was at least four feet deep. Dash flew up to the purple and black alicorns and raised an eyebrow. "Did you two have anything to do with this?"

Fang and Twilight shook their heads rapidly and allowed their friends to enter the building and Twilight offered to make some hot chocolate, to which all their friends agreed. The ponies all began to talk about what could have caused the sudden snowstorm that had buried Ponyville in just one night. Rainbow proposed it was wild weather from the Everfree which Fang denied being possible as he had all the wild clouds rounded up and put into place above three of his kingdoms districts. Rarity and Applejack proposed that it was a mistake from the Cloudsdale weather factory which Dash said was impossible because no city was due for a snowstorm last night.

Pinkie was just quiet and drank her hot chocolate. Fluttershy's proposal was the only one that could have made any sense. She proposed that an ice dragon had caused a snowstorm over Ponyville. In the end the ponies all agreed on that theory. They all turned at the sound of a yawn and then another. Spike and Ana sat up and realized they were hugging each other. A blush grew on both of the being's faces and they let go of each other and looked in opposite directions. Spike was the first to notice that all of the elements were in the room. "Whats going on? Why is everypony here so early?"

They all just blinked and said 'snowstorm'. They all soon realized their mistake when they were knocked down by Ana. "Snow? I love snow! I haven't seen any snow since I started living with cousin Fang!" She walked over to the door and opened it. They all watched as she was buried by a pile of snow that fell from the top of Twilight's tree. Ana gave out a happy squeak and ran over to Fang, knocking him down just after he sat back up. "Fang can I go play in the snow? Please please please please please?" Fang sat up and saw Ana giving him puppy dog eyes again. He tried to resist but gave in and nodded after thirty seconds. "Yay!" Ana's horn glowed and a jacket appeared around her. It was orange and covered her wings completely. Within three seconds she was out the door and into a snow bank.

After ten minutes Pinkie finally broke her silence. "Who wants to go play with Ana?" She, Aj, Rainbow, Spike, Twilight, and Fang all raised their hooves, and claw in Spike's case, Pinkie's smile grew wider. "Lets go!" She was out the door faster than Ana was, she had moved so fast that a Pinkie shaped dust cloud was left behind. There was a loud gasp and all of the ponies, plus one dragon, ran outside. Their jaw's dropped and they could barely speak. Ana had managed to build a snow fort the size of a house. They all had to dive out of the way to avoid a cannon ball sized snowball. Looking back up they heard five voices laughing. Ana, Applebloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Gavroche were all standing behind a cannon made of ice. "Girls, Spike, and Fang... This calls for war!" Pinkie pulled out eight green helmets and slapped them down on each of her friends heads.

Fluttershy looked at Pinkie. "Oh, um that sounds violent. Could I just sit this out? I mean if, um, that's OK with you." Rarity nodded in agreement.

"I don't want to get dirty." She just got a look from all of the ponies, including the five children in the fort, their eyebrows were raised and they just kept staring at her. "What?"

Ana fell back laughing. "If snow can make you dirty then I'm the dirtiest pony alive!" The other three fillies nodded and giggled while the colt just pulled out a notebook and started reading it. Ana and the other fillies finally got a hold of themselves and started to load the ice cannon with another snowball. "Bombs awa-" Ana was silenced when she felt a snowball completely blocked her mouth. Fang was standing next to Twilight and Pinkie. Pinkie had gotten her party canon out and was loading a snowball into it. Twilight was making snowballs and giving them to Fang who in turn was throwing them at the children. Sweetie Bell giggled when Applebloom had her bow knocked out causing her mane to fall down.

Applebloom looked at Sweetie Belle. "What's so funny?"

Sweetie smiled at her friend. "You really look better with your mane down Bloom." Applebloom sighed then laughed when a snowball got impaled on Sweetie Belle's horn. Sweetie shook it off and her teeth began to chatter. "Um... Ana should we retreat?" Ana shook her head and let her horn glow once more. Four more cannons rolled over and they loaded them. They all pulled the small string on the back causing them to fire at the eight below them.

Fang and Twilight ducked behind a small fort that they had made while the others threw snowballs at the fillies and colt. "Twilight, I have an idea on how to win."

Twilight raised her head over the barrier and brought it right back down to avoid a snowball. "How? We can't win unless we cheat! I mean they have five cannons, we have one. Do the math Fa-" She was cut off when Fang gave her a small peck on the lips. She began to blush and heard Rainbow laugh. She looked up and saw Rainbow right before she was turned into a snowpony by a snowball. Fang smiled, gave her a nibble on the ear and whispered his plan. Twilight smiled and lit up her horn as Fang jumped up and began to distract the children. After a minute Fang stopped and pointed up. The children all looked up and gasped. Twilight had been collecting snow over their heads for a full minute and could buried in six feet of snow. Twilight raised her head and walked over to Fang, who wrapped a wing around her and gave her a small kiss. "Well I think we win!"

Ana looked at the other two alicorns and smiled. "Jack! Bury them!" A small shaking sound was heard above them and the two alicorns were buried in snow. Twilight yelped and let her magic falter causing the snow to bury the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Gav, and Ana. A small laugh was heard as the two grown alicorn's heads popped out of the snow and they saw a small, bright white, pegasus, colt with brown eyes smiling down at them. He jumped up and ran along the branch that he was on and jumped onto the snowbank that the CMC, Gav, and Ana were under. He started digging and soon he was inside the snowbank. After five seconds he came back out with Ana on his back. Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Gav climbed out behind them. "Hi Fang! Meet Jack Frost! He's the one who made all the snow!" She gave the colt a kiss on the cheek and he blushed.

Fang smiled. "So it was Jack Frost who caused the snowstorm?" The colt nodded and Fang turned around and started banging his head against the library. "I. Forgot. You. Even. Existed!" The colt blinked and a frown grew on his face.

Twilight raised her eyebrows and stood up shaking the snow off her back. Fang then walked over to Twilight and nuzzled her before wrapping a wing around her. Twilight smiled and gave Fang a small kiss on the lips before turning to the children who were now on the ground. She blinked and focused on Jack. "How were you able to cover an entire town in snow?" Jack smiled and opened his wings, causing a small blizzard to fly at Twilight and Fang. Twilight blinked and looked at the tips of his wings. His feathers were all made with ice. Twilight looked directly into his eyes. She thought she saw a snowstorm behind them. "What are you? Some kind of spirit?"

Jack stood up and nodded. "I'm a famous spirit of cold and frost! You didn't think that pegasi were always able to make snow did you? I taught them how to make snow! I didn't teach them how to make snow flakes, that was the doing of a young miss Snowdrop, but I taught them how to make snow!"

Twilight blinked. "How were you able to do that? Your only what? Ten? Twelve?"

Jack smiled. "I'm as old as the first snowfall." Twilight's jaw dropped.

Twilight shook her head. There are some things in the wold best left unexplained. Pinkie was one and how Jack looked so young was another. "Does Princess Celestia know your here?" Jack just nodded in response. Soon a golden chariot carrying both Luna and Celestia landed in front of them. "Princess!" All the ponies gathered bowed, except for Jack. "Are you crazy!? Bow!"

Celestia looked down at Jack and smiled. "Hello Jack. How are you? Get bored of making statues of ice in the frozen wastes?"

Jack sighed. "It gets boring after a hundred years Celestia!" Suddenly a mischievous smirk grew on Jacks face. "Hey Celestia I need to tell you something." Celestia raised her eyebrow. "Could you bend down so your face is a little closer? Please?"

"I am not letting you freeze my head in a block of ice Jack... Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me." Celestia smiled at the little groan the colt gave.

"Your no fun!" Jack sat down and was surprised when Ana wrapped her wings around him.

"Now Jack that wasn't very nice. Say your sorry." Jack looked at Ana who just smiled at him and gave him a quick nuzzle on the nose. He blushed and turned to Celestia.

"S-sorry." Celestia smiled at the little colt.

"Does little Jack Frost have a crush on a filly?" Jack stood up and opened his wings to fly up to Celestia's face when she suddenly bent down so that they were at eye level. "You want to say something Jack?"

Jack glared and forced his forehead just under Celestia's horn. "Breath a word of this to your niece and I will freeze your tail to your flanks! I don't need the goddess of love to interfere in my life." Twilight was in shock until he had said that. She didn't think that they would treat each other as equals.

Just as Twilight was about to tell him to take his threat back she heard Celestia chuckle and watched as her teacher pulled out a scroll, wrote something, and sent it away in a flash of light. Luna gasped. "Sister did you just?" Celestia nodded and Jack's eye twitched. "Jack... Please go easy on her?"

Jack opened his wings and was about to make good on his threat when two hooves wrapped around him. The hooves belonged to Ana who was shaking her head. "Jack I know Cadence, she isn't that bad. She will probably be to busy to even pay attention to the message. She is both a princess and a mother after all. Please don't freeze Celestia's tail to her flanks. Please? For me?"

Jack blinked and blushed even harder. "But she- Gah!!! Fine! Only because you asked." He closed his wings and Ana smiled before nuzzling Jack.

Twilight and Fang smiled at the sight before nuzzling each other. Their stomachs growled and Fang looked at Twilight who nodded to him and he to her. Twilight and Fang smiled before sinking their fangs into the others neck. Their friends just smiled at the action while Celestia, Luna and Jack just blinked. Everypony knew what was going on, including Jack, some of his friends were vamponies after all. They were dead but they were still vamponies, Jack just smiled and nuzzled Ana who kindly returned the motion. All in all it had been a good day.

We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to others that in the end we become disguised to ourselves. ~ François de la Rochefoucauld

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