• Published 21st Jul 2013
  • 9,333 Views, 334 Comments

A Lost Soul Returns: The King of Monsters - Dark Star the Crazed

A statue in the castle of the royal pony sisters is like Discord. There is a living being trapped within, and he is set free.

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A Battle and A Confession.

Unfortunately, a super abundance of dreams is paid for by a growing potential for nightmares. ~ Sir Peter Ustinov.

Inside the castle.

Celestia, Shining Armor, Cadence, and Frigidi were staring, out a window, at the gardens. What looked like five metric tons of bones were flying around the gardens in a circle. "Frigidi... Do any demons look like five hundred thousand bones?"

Frigidi gulped. "Not that I know of." His eyes went wide at the sight of a small, shadow like, creature running out of a door with Twilight, Fang, Ana, and Luna on its forked tail. "It's a Scavenger!!!"

In the gardens.

Ana and Luna were looking the sky and watching the bones fly around the gardens while Fang and Twilight chased the little demon that had been using Luna as a pack mule. She had not even noticed that it was sitting on her back carrying body parts. Ana walked forward to the entrance of the main section of the gardens. Suddenly thorny vines shot out from the bushes and sealed the way inside off. Thorn vines began to grow at a rapid speed and the two alicorns had to run back inside to keep from being impaled by the giant thorns. The vines covered the doors as soon as Luna and Ana were inside. "Come Ana... We need to get to a place with a good view... I have a bad feeling about this..." Ana nodded as she and Luna ran off to the hallway that their family, and friends, were in.

Twilight watched with curiosity as Fang and the demon circled each other.

"Just let me kill you! I promise that it wont hurt!... Much..." Fang leaped at the demon who simply jumped over Fang.

"How about we settle this a different way!" The Scavenger jumped onto the top of a fountain. "Am I correct when I guess you still know how a Soul Showdown works?"

Fang's eyes widened. "You intend to start one don't you?"

The Scavenger opened his mouth and gave a large, toothless, grin. "Soul Showdown!!!" A ball of energy shot form the demon's mouth. It flew upwards until it was eclipsing the moon, it then flew towards the ground and hit right in front of Fang. A shock wave spread throughout the garden and the thorny vines began to cover the ground. Twilight was almost impaled by one of them. She took to the air and watched in amazement as parts of the garden began to get ripped from the ground and began to float in the air. A large chunk of the ground, where both Fang and the demon were standing, shot up, it then grew to the size of Canterlot Stadium. She looked up and saw the moon going from its normal, grayish white, color to a deep dark red. A malicious, grinning, face appeared on the now, blood, red moon.

The others, who were watching, gave a slight scream when the ground started to shake and the castle walls began to crumble. The floor beneath them, minus Cadence, the ground beneath her just gave a little shake and floated towards the battlefield that the demon and Fang were on, fell away and began to float towards the battlefield. Twilight landed next to her mentor. "Princess Celestia whats going on!?"

Celestia just shuddered. "A Soul Showdown. It is a sort of game to the players. The rules will be whatever the one who initiated the showdown says. For example whatever the demon says the rules are, they are the rules." Celestia sighed. "Frigidi? Do you know what kind of match they are going to have?"

Frigidi smiled then gulped. "Probably a battle. We can not interfere. Fang will immediately loose if we do." Frigidi then sighed. "We will just have to hope that Fang wins. The battle starts... Now!" Two flags appeared. The one on the right, where Fang was, was black and depicted a set of, white, fangs spread open, as if to take a bite out of something. "That would be Fang's flag. It depicts what represents his soul." The other flag was a dark purple it had, what looked like, a large snake that had had white orbs, souls, floating around it. Two glowing red eyes appeared, then a snake head formed behind the eyes, the snake's jaw was wide open. "He serves Sir Kneighf's team?" Frigidi chuckled. "We have nothing to fear. Kneighf is the weakest of the archdemons. Lets just watch." The ponies, and Frigidi, all turned their gaze to the battlefield. Then their jaws dropped when they saw what the demon's trump card was. He had absorbed the bones that were flying in the sky and had become an armored, two story tall version of himself. His tail had changed so that it resembled a skeletal snake. The horn from the Amnojaku, the Troll's club, the Hobgoblin's boots, the Fachen's eye, and the Arahabaki's armor had all become a part of him and had grown to accommodate his size.

On the battlefield.

Fang glared up at the once small demon. "Whats this a trick? I'm not impressed! You bad and now your tall! This makes it all the more worth while as I get to see a giant fall!" He took a deep breath and drew his blades. His rapier, scimitar, and katana glowed with white, black, and light blue lights respectively. Fang was ready for battle. "Shall we begin?" The demon nodded and Fang jumped into the air, he spread his wings and landed on the first cloud he saw. He began to leap from cloud to cloud as the demon swung the club, trying to crush him. Fang was then grabbed by the demon's free hand.

The demon looked down at Fang and gave a dark laugh. "Stupid pony! I am ten stories tall and just as strong!" He bent down so that they were face to face, well mouth to face anyway. "That means I'm gonna win!"

"Size is not going to do you much good demon! If anything it is a weakness!" Fang closed his eyes and let his horn charge with pure magical energy. The demon pulled away and raised his club bringing it down at a medium speed. His horn began to glow brighter and brighter. Just as the demon was about to crush him with the club he released the magic that was built up in his horn. There was an explosion of light and the demon went flying with Fang following him. Fang twisted his body and pined up his swords, then he began to spin. A three small wisps of light formed around him as he dived. He was about three hundred feet from the demo. "Triple..." Two hundred. "Blade..." One hundred. "Drill!!!" Fang shot forward and went straight through the demon. He emerged from the demon's back and had with him a small, pulsing, orb that was impaled on one of his swords. He quickly flew over towards the ponies, and demon, who were watching the showdown. "Twilight?"

Twilight blinked and looked up at him. "What? Did you win?"

Fang shook his head. "Not yet. This is the demons heart." He pointed to orb that was impaled on his rapier. "Would you think less of me if I ate it? It is not meat so don't be disgusted by the though of me eating it."

Twilight looked down at Fang with a nervous smile. "Why would you want to eat it?"

Fang shrugged. "I always wondered what they tasted like. Simple as that."

Twilight thought for a second. Finally she sighed. "Fine but... You have to tell me what it tastes like ok?" Her smile became sincere and she just shuttered a little when he took a bite of it. She had seen a ten year old filly murder in cold blood and not be affected by the screams of her victim. Seeing Fang eat a 'heart' just made her feel a little strange. Suddenly a flash of white light blocked everypony's vision and the whole castle was back to normal. They looked out the window to see the giant bone monster explode and the bones all shoot towards Canterlot Cemetery. Twilight heard a small crunch and looked over to see Fang. She smiled, walked over, and sat down next to him. "So what did it taste like?"

Fang smiled at her. "Find out yourself."

Twilight opened her eyes and raised an eyebrow. "Wha-!?" Suddenly half of the demons heart was in her mouth. It tasted like a blueberry. Then Twilight did something she had never though she would do. She ate it. She chewed on it so that it would be easier to swallow and smiled as she swallowed it. Her smile only grew when she felt her stomach feel a little warmer. "It tasted like a giant blueberry." She then glared at Fang. "That was a mean trick Fang!" Suddenly her mind turned to the strange feeling in her stomach. "... Does your stomach feel warm or is it just me?"

Fang gave a small chuckle. "No my stomach is warm to, and I'm sorry for tricking you, but now we know that it probably tastes different for everypony. It tasted like a blackberry for me." He looked outside and saw the moon was just beginning to rise. "It looks like we spent a full day hunting demons... Do you want to spend the night here or do you want me to get a carriage to take you home?"

Twilight smiled and gave him a small nuzzle. "We can spend the night here. Together if you want, in the same bed. No funny business though." Twilight looked up at Fang and smiled when he wrapped a wing around her.

Fang smiled. "I wouldn't even think about it. You have your wishes and I will honor them to the best of my ability." He gave her a small kiss on the cheek and the two alicorns stood and went over to the others said a 'good night' and went into a room that Celestia had told them was empty. Ana was in the room across the hall. Shining and Cadence were in the room next door. Armor tried to open the door to see what the two alicorns were doing but Twilight had locked it to annoy him. She found it fun to annoy him every once in a while.

Twilight giggled when her brother gave a frustrated sigh and went back to Cadence who was standing at their door giggling. She smiled and walked over to the bed and hopped on next to Fang and laid down. "Twilight I have decided something."

Twilight smiled and looked at Fang. "What would that be?"

Fang gave a small smirk, kissed her, and then nibbled on her ear. "That you are worth much more than you think. You are more valuable then all the gold and jewels in the world. It is not because of your title. If you lost your wings, and the title of princess, I would still care about you as much as I do right now." He waited for Twilight to look at him. When she did he gave her a little kiss on the lips and looked her in the eyes. "I decided that I love you."

Twilight blinked and blushed. "You... You l-love me?" Fang smiled and nodded. "I-I... I l-love you to Fang." Fang wrapped a wing around her and nuzzled her, before she pushed him over and pressed her lips onto his. Their tongues danced with each other trying to gain dominance for about three minutes before the kiss broke. A small warm strand of saliva connected their tongues. "Fang... I really do love you... A lot."

Twilight gave a small smiled when Fang kissed her on the nose and wrapped his wings around her before they began to kiss again. They continued this process for about an hour before their exhaustion finally caught up with them and they passed out. Twilight slipped her hooves around Fang before she fell asleep. A large smile was plastered on the faces of both the ponies as they slept.

Ideologies separate us. Dreams and anguish bring us together. ~ Eugene Ionesco.

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