• Published 21st Jul 2013
  • 9,333 Views, 334 Comments

A Lost Soul Returns: The King of Monsters - Dark Star the Crazed

A statue in the castle of the royal pony sisters is like Discord. There is a living being trapped within, and he is set free.

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The Hunt for Demons.

With foxes, we must play the fox. ~ Doctor Thomas Fuller.

Team A. Fang, Twilight, Ana, & Luna.

As Luna walked through the halls of her, and her sister's, castle she was just watching Twilight and Fang nuzzling each other. They seemed to be in their own little world. Luna let a small sigh had the urge to suddenly stop. She looked to the left and saw a doorway. A small, brown and blue, ball of light was floating by the handle. She reached for the light when she saw it fly through the keyhole. "Fang... Are there any demons that appear in the form of a tiny ball of light?" Fang, Twilight, and Ana all turned to see Luna open the door and get hit in the face with a pie. There was a tiny laugh that the alicorns barely picked up.

Fang's reaction was immediate. He grabbed a vase and turned it over. He slowly motioned for Luna to swing a hoof at it and chase it his way. Luna swung her leg at the little ball and she actually hit the ball causing it to fly to the side and to the ground. The light died down and revealed what looked like a butterfly with no antennas. It was brown with blue wings. It floated up and looked Luna in the eye. "That hurt! Are you trying to kill me!?"

Luna blinked. The creature had big green eyes. It had an angry look on its face. "It can talk?" She lifted a hoof up so that it could just stand.

Fang, Ana, and Twilight walked over and looked at it. "Now what is a mist fairy like you doing in this castle?"

Twilight gasped. "This is a fairy? Oh it's evil isn't it? Doesn't it pull ponies hair for fun?"

The fairy growled. "That is a pixie!" Twilight mouthed a sorry. "As for your question... It was to keep myself from being eaten... A troll and a hobgoblin came into the swamp that was our home and we all had to run or else they would eat us. Me and my sister are here, in the castle, hiding but I think the troll and hobgoblin followed us." The fairy went wide eyed. "Hide!" He flew into a room and the four alicorns followed him. The fairy closed the door so it looked like it was never opened. Twilight peaked out the keyhole and saw a terrifying creature. It was twice as tall as a pony, carried a club in one hand, its torso was made, completely, of a reddish brown fur. The rest of its body was like a dragons, in the fact it was scaly, had hands, and feet, with green skin. It walked in front of a door and looked around before shrugging.

It turned to its side and watched as another creature walked down the hallway, "You find them yet?"

The second creature, it looked just like the first but was completely pink, was wearing purple boots and carrying an ax with one hand. "No... We should find them soon. I'm hungry enough to eat a pony. Even though they taste terrible." It was punched in the stomach by the first creature. "Why did you punch me!?"

The troll smirked. "Because you're to fat to eat a pony! If you do you will explode!" The hobgoblin was about to slash the troll with his ax when Fang went over and knocked down the door. The troll and hobgoblin looked his way and grinned.

The hobgoblin ran at Fang and raised its ax. "Food!" It brought its arm down and Fang unsheathed his sword and with one fluid motion was now standing behind the hobgoblin. The hobgoblin turned around and looked at Fang. "Huh?"

Fang smiled. "You must be punished for your attempts to kill and eat innocent, sentient, creatures demon!" Blue lines appeared and covered the hobgoblin's entire body. "Soul slash!" He sheathed his sword and the lines erupted with light. The hobgoblin yelled in pain as it's body began to incinerate like burning paper and disappear. After a few seconds all that was left was his boots and a white, smoke like, substance was rising from them. Fang turned and smiled at Twilight who smiled back. Then Fang was slammed into the wall by the troll's spiked club. A little blood flew from Fang's body and Twilight saw him begin to bleed.

Her eye twitched and her eyes glowed a dark purple. Her horn lit up and her magic surrounded the troll. "Mind..." She opened her wings in anger. The troll dropped its club and grabbed its head and began to shake. "Crush!" The troll yelled as cracks began to spread over his body. Then his body shattered like glass and disappeared leaving only his club on the ground. Twilight's eyes turned back to normal and she blinked. "Did I just use a forbidden spell?" Luna nodded. "... This does not count as breaking the law, as it was a demon I used it on... Right?" Luna nodded again. "Good. Fang are you OK?" Fang climbed out of the wall and nodded. His horn was glowing and his wounds were healing. He turned to the wall and his horn glowed once more before the wall repaired itself.

Fang walked over to Twilight and gave her a nuzzle before wrapping a wing around her. "Your getting better with the spells I've been teaching you for protection... I did not teach you the mind crush so how did you know it?"

Twilight blushed. "I um... I got bored and found it in a book... Along with... The 'Want It Need It' spell."

Fang and Luna both looked at each other. "Did she?" Luna nodded to say yes. "I don't want to know." The three elder alicorns turned around at the sound of a giggle and chuckled. Ana had somehow gotten one of the hobgoblin's boots stuck on her rump.

"Look at me I'm a big mean hobgoblin!" She stood up on her hind legs and raised her forelegs. "Roar!!!" She lost her balance and fell backwards. This ended up with half of her body getting stuck in the boot. "Um... Help?" The other three alicorns, plus two mist fairies, helped her out of the boot and went on their way. Not long after they left a, small, shadow like creature ran up and dragged the boots and club away.

Team B. Frigidi, Celestia, Cadence, and Shining Armor.

Celestia and Cadence were walking behind Frigidi and Armor respectively. "Cadence are you sure you don't want to lay down? Your child might get hurt by a demon."

Cadence smiled and looked up at her aunt. "I'm fine, if we see a demon... Shiny will protect me right?" Her husband nodded and then looked at Frigidi with narrowed eyes. "Now Shiny, hes on our side." Celestia nodded in agreement.

Frigidi looked at the alicorns and unicorn. "Your fellow royal, Twilight, is very cute for a pony. That is what Fang thinks at least. I do not bother with things like love for I see no point in its existence. No offense is meant Cadence." Cadence blinked.

"I can't really take offense if you didn't say anything that was offensive." Cadence stopped and looked to her right. Standing there was her mother, a crystal pegasus that Sombra had fallen in love with. "Mom? No I must be seeing things because I'm pregnant. You died long ago. Right?" She took a step towards the pony and was shocked when Frigidi ran up and grabbed the air in front of the pegasus. He made a quick jerking motion and then the sound of a bone breaking. A bone like horn appeared in is hand. Suddenly the lovely crystal pegasus changed into an ugly bipedal creature. It was purple wearing a blood red shirt, and shorts. had long dirty brown hair blocking its face so that only its glowing red eyes could be seen. Both its hands and feet were webbed and had only four digits on each of its hands, and three on each of its feet. On it's forehead was the start of a horn but it was snapped off almost completely.

Frigidi took the horn he had broken off and slammed its sharp point down through the creatures back and it let out a scream before its chest exploded. Suddenly it was replaced by the mare from before. "Stupid Amanojaku! They eat a spirit and take the form they had when they were alive. Then they impersonate them and try to eat every living member of the spirits family. Are you OK miss?"

The ghost just nodded and kept looking at Cadence. "Cadence is that really you? Is that really my little filly all grown up?" The ghost floated over to Cadence. It looked at her flanks and gasped. "It is you!" It Silver Heart immediately hugged her daughter. "That thing told me he would help me find you after I died. I was lost and so cold..." She shivered. "Then I found this cave and went in to keep warm. I found a small little puzzle box in there and a voice was asking for somepony to help. That they would grant their greatest wish if they were let out of their prison. My greatest wish was to see you again... I guess he kept his promise... Even if he did eat me." Silver was relieved when she felt her daughter hugging her.

"Mom... I thought you were gone for good! Why did that thing come here anyway?" Cadence hugged her mother tightly. A few tears fell from her eyes. Two thousand years. It had been two thousand years sense the had seen each other.

"It said something about being a part of the plan..." Her mother looked down at Cadence's stomach. "You've gotten pudgy you know that Cadence?"

Cadence blushed. "Mom... I'm pregnant."

Silver blinked. "Who is the father and are you married?"

Cadence pointed at Armor. "Yes we are married, for a full year now."

Silver turned and looked at Shining. "Are you going to be a coward and leave as soon as my grand child or grand children are born?"

Armor shook his head. "N-no mam."

Silver smiled. "Good, now..." She turned back to Cadence. "How many? Filly or colt?"

Cadence smiled. "One little filly due any day now."

Silver let out a squeak and her eyes went wide. "Well... Now I'm sort of happy that demon ate me. I get to see her once she is born right?" Cadence nodded. Unbeknownst to the three of them, Silver, Cadence, and Armor, Celestia and Frigidi had gone on ahead and a small shadow like creature had taken the Amanojaku's horn that Frigidi had dropped.

Frigidi turned to Celestia. "You should really tell Fang about your lover."

Celestia raised an eyebrow. "I have no idea what you are talking about Frigidi." 'How does he know about Mord?'

Frigidi smiled. "You are very good at lying Celestia. That is why Luna used to represent honesty. However..." He pointed to his own nose. "My nose knows when there is a demon near me. You reek of your lover! Wait a second... You two did it last night didn't you?"

Celestia blushed. "I um... Maybe? You can tell that just by smelling me?"

Frigidi smirked. "No. I know that because I took a wild guess and you fell into my trap... Look out!" Celestia ducked and Frigidi threw a potion at moving suits of armor. The suits of armor gave out a few shrieks before freezing in place. It rusted beyond recognition and two glowing orange eyes appeared on each of the breastplates. "Arahabaki, demons from minotaur culture. They posses suits of armor and try to fight any who pass it in the night to see if they believe the creature is a good warrior."

Celestia looked at Frigidi. "OK so ignoring the demons that just attacked us... I basically just confirmed for you, your suspicion that I had sex with an archdemon?" Frigidi nodded. "You also think it would be best if I were to just tell Fang about Mord?" He nodded once again. "Do you think he would let Mord live?" Frigidi smiled and nodded once again. "OK... I'll try and tell him next time we see him... Frigidi?"

Frigidi looked over to the pony. "Yes?"

"I think there is a demon jumping this way." She pointed her hoof down a hall way as a, brown skinned, head with one eye, one leg, five toes that ended as curved claws, pointed ears, fangs that looked like razors, and two arms that ended with hands that had five fingers and claws each. "What is it? Is it dangerous?"

"A Fachen. Not that dangerous to me but to ponies? Yes." he ran over to the demon and grabbed both its arms. He quickly force it to pull out is own eye. Soon after which it dropped dead. "It is not dangerous now."

"Why do you keep ripping pieces, of the demon you kill, off before they die?" Celestia had to know why he was so gruesome. She just had to have an answer as to why he was so violent when killing demons but so kind and calm otherwise.

Frigidi just shrugged. "That Celestia... Is a question even I don't know the answer to."

Celestia sighed and the two continued on their way. Little did they know that the remaining pieces of the demons that had died, so far, were being taken to the gardens. The little shadow creature crawled from a vent next to the floor and grabbed the Fachen's eye. It gave a small squeak and held up the eye before crawling back into the vent.

When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. ~ Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

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