• Published 21st Jul 2013
  • 9,333 Views, 334 Comments

A Lost Soul Returns: The King of Monsters - Dark Star the Crazed

A statue in the castle of the royal pony sisters is like Discord. There is a living being trapped within, and he is set free.

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Declaration of War.

Don't forget that I cannot see myself, that my role is limited to being the one who looks in the mirror. ~ Jacques Rigaut.

Twilight, Shining Armor, Cadence, Celestia, and Luna were sitting in a room that Fang had designed specifically for government meetings. This morning Fang had sent them all a message. He wrote that they all needed to attend a meeting at noon. Armor was weary of the room thinking that it was all a trap to kill them all. "I still say we should just go... All this could be is trouble." He was looking at the table. It had what looked like a large gate with thousands of creatures clawing their way out of it. It was obviously representing the demons of Tartarus breaking free from their prison.

Twilight looked out the window towards the courtyard. She saw them, the soldiers of Fang's army, they stood there, waiting, listening, watching... Monsters of all kinds ready to kill if he said 'kill' and conquer if he said 'conquer'. "I think we should hear him out big bro. Fang can be trusted. I've known him for what? Three months? He has yet to hurt me, and he even saved my life! Sure he turned me into a vampony but he still saved me."

Cadence nodded. "Shes right honey. Fang may seem to be a bad pony, but he only does things like this when he thinks that danger is about. He is usually right about it as well." Cadence sighed and mumbled. "I really hope that he isn't going to do something stupid."

Luna nodded in agreement. "I remember the last time Fang did this... He basically saved both me and Tia from a big mistake. He stopped us from crossing a patch of desert to get to an oasis and made us go around instead of straight. There was a giant sand worm lurking under the ground. It would have eaten us if we had gone straight towards the oasis."

Celestia remained quiet. A certain sentence just kept replaying in her head. Fang had written that 'An old one will awaken if the griffon king continues his reign. He will be bound to serve the one who freed him from his bonds.' She hoped he was wrong. The old ones were the fist thousand demons to exist, all demons are their children, their size ranged from as small as a rabbit to as large as a mountain range. They were very hard to kill and loved, absolutely loved, the taste of flesh. They had each been locked away by a different spell, most of which had been designed by Fang for that specific demon. She remembered the last old one that Fang had sealed away. Scossa, the Drum of Rage. That one had only been sealed away ten thousand years ago. While certainly not the most dangerous of the old ones, Scossa was, by far, the most violent.

The door to the room opened and Fang stepped in. He was wearing his armor, black, jagged on the edges, with red lines running along the edges. "Greetings fellow royals. I suppose you are wondering why I called you all here." He walked over, sat down, and took off his helmet. His usually happy face was replaced by one of pure fury. "As I said in my letter, the griffon king is trying to reawaken an old one."

There was a silence, the air was stale and cool, in that moment they could have heard a pin, made of snow, drop, on a mattress, ten towns over. "Which one is he going to awaken Fang?" The crowd all looked to Celestia. She had broken the silence with a fearful voice.

Fang grimaced. "The fool is going to awaken Frigidi, the Cold Blooded. He is one of the more civilized old ones. Frigidi can be saved. The griffon king however must die."

Luna felt her blood go cold when she heard that name, then a thought occurred to her. "... He is the bipedal alligator correct? One of the five hundred who refused to eat sentient creatures?" It was true that half of the old ones only ate things that did not speak. Fang simply nodded in response. "Maybe he can be reasoned with?"

Fang smiled. "Yes he probably can be reasoned with. I called you all here to tell you that if you see a bipedal alligator walking around your kingdom do not be afraid. I also called you here to ask for aid. The griffon army is powerful, yes, but the sight of four armies marching towards them would cause them to surrender in an instant." Fang looked at them. "Will you lend me aid in taking over the griffon kingdom in exchange for a share of their land?"

Celestia nodded. "I will order the day guard to march with your army."

Luna smiled. "The night guard shall march along with the day and darken the skies with their presence!"

Armor was still skeptical but nodded and looked at his wife. "... If Cadence is alright with it I will send part of the crystal guard to help your army."

Cadence just nodded. "If we get a share of the griffon lands then that will give our daughter a better life with less war." Cadence reached under herself and rubbed her stomach. She was due to give birth any day now. She felt a light kick and smiled. "Honey, shes kicking." Armor reached under and felt his wife's stomach and smiled at his daughter's kick.

Twilight looked at Cadence and Armor then smiled, she then looked at Celestia, Luna, and finally Fang. "I-I want to go with you Fang. I know you... You are going to lead the march aren't you. Can I please go? I want to see this 'old one'!"

The room was silent, Cadence's jaw dropped and she looked at Twilight. "Are you insane Twilight? Frigidi will eat you!"

Armor was just looking at Fang his glare saying 'I dare you to say yes! Say it so I can kick your flank out the right wall and smile as you re-enter the room through the left!'

Celestia looked at Cadence. "Did you not hear Luna? Frigidi is one of the more civilized of the old ones. He only eats things like hydra, manticore, lupus, and ursa." Then she turned to her sister. "Luna... You have not made a choice like this sense you returned so I am leaving my vote up to you."

Luna looked at Twilight. "I see no reason to not allow her to go... If Fang is with her she'll be safe. He has very good senses and would take an arrow or blade to the heart in order to protect her. She should also go and speak to Frigidi. She is by far the most intelligent of us and would probably write down everything about Frigidi, just so she has notes about him. It would be beneficial to know what he knows about the demons and he could possibly help us with the archdemons. As I represent both me and my sisters vote at this point in time... I say she should go with Fang. However, as a vote requires a majority to be decided, she can only go if Fang allows it." She smiled and looked at her sister. "That makes sense right sister?" Celestia was staring her jaw agape. She slowly nodded.

Twilight turned to Fang. "Well?"

Fang just sat there. He looked between Twilight and Armor before sighing. "Three conditions. One: You must wear armor. Two: You must stay by my side at all times. Three: When you meet Frigidi you must, and I repeat must, not scream. I remember he looks scary but is very wise and kind. However he will be angered if you judge him by the way he looks."

Twilight lit up her horn and smiled as her brother was blocked from hitting Fang in the face. "I agree to all terms."

Fang teleported Twilight over to the door and got up, placing his helmet back on his head. "We shall get you fitted for armor. It will be light, but it will still protect you." He turned to Celestia, Luna, and Cadence. "I wish you all well on your way home, you as well Captain Shining Armor, I shall await your armies at the first town inside the griffon kingdoms borders." He looked directly at Celestia. "Can Ana stay with you and Luna while we are gone?" Celestia nodded and then she smiled as Fang walked over to Twilight and wrapped a wing around her. "Do not worry Twilight, I will not lead an attack to kill the griffons. Only their king shall die if I can help it. Now do you want light armor that is better for protection or mobility?"

Twilight smiled and nuzzled Fang. "Protection. I find it would be a mistake to run away from battle if we should get into a skirmish. As much sense as it would make to run, it would be more dangerous as I would not be able to protect myself from what was behind me."

Fang smiled. "Dragon scale armor it is then." They left the room and went down to the castle armory where the blacksmith, Black Hammer, made a set of armor that fit Twilight and had holes for her wings.

Meanwhile at the palace of the griffon king.

King Adlerkopf III was in his room looking at the statue of Frigidi. He raised his talon and pulled the glowing gemstone necklace we was wearing off and held it to the statue. "I call upon your power! Awaken Frigidi!" The stone glowed and flew into the statue, soon the stone was replaced by dark green scales and the eyes of the statue turned red. "Yes... Now I have a way to take over Equestria! An invincible, immortal solider!"

The statue growled at the griffon. "I will not hurt the ponies!" He grabbed the griffon by the neck and squeezed. His, clawed, webbed, hand dug into the griffon's skin before he finally released him. "Do you understand little bird?" He leaned in and his jaws clamped down on the the air right in front of the griffon. Then he grabbed his own head and screamed. The gemstone that was the necklace implanted itself on his head. He blinked and looked at the griffon. "Master..."

Adlerkopf just smiled and laughed. "Yes I am your master... Now go to the dungeon and wait for me to call you." The bipedal alligator just nodded and slowly marched off.

Birds sing after a storm. Why shouldn't people feel as free to delight in whatever sunlight remains to them? ~ Rose Kennedy.

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