• Published 21st Jul 2013
  • 9,333 Views, 334 Comments

A Lost Soul Returns: The King of Monsters - Dark Star the Crazed

A statue in the castle of the royal pony sisters is like Discord. There is a living being trapped within, and he is set free.

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Meeting Both of Her Matches.

Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. ~ Albert Einstein.

Twilight and Fang were sitting in the diner that the wendegos had opened in town, sharing a, vanilla milkshake and nuzzling each other. Fang had one of his wings wrapped tightly around Twilight, pulling her into his side. Suddenly Twilight asked what was possibly the darkest question Fang had ever heard from her. "Fang? Do you ever think that you will go to war with Equestria?"

Fang just blinked and looked at Twilight. "Only if Celestia declares war on my kingdom... I like you so I would probably give a Non occidere, but I would still squash Equestria. No offense but so many years of peace has made your military soft." Then Fang let out a chuckle. "I have an idea. Try to get your brother to observe the superior military of my country and see if your military becomes stronger." Twilight just blinked.

"Isn't your military stronger because all the soldiers are monsters?" Twilight raised an eyebrow at Fang who just shook his head.

"No. My military has been preparing, for me to give the order, to assault and conquer the griffon kingdom. I do not like their current king because his daughter has a broken mind. Her mind shattered due to years of abuse at his talons. You wouldn't think it to look at her but I talked to her and found out about her past. Poor young Gilda..." Fang sighed and took a drink of the milkshake.

Twilight blinked. 'Gilda? No it must be some other griffon named Gilda... Maybe it is the Gilda who used to be friends with Dash. The abuse would have caused her to be either a very angry or depressed individual.' Then she shrugged and took a bite of her sandwich. "We have been having problems with the griffons as of late. Their king has been a lot less friendly recently."

Fang just chuckled and looked out the window towards Canterlot. "I wonder... Twilight should I give the griffon king a chance to change his ways?"

Twilight wiped the crumbs off the side of her mouth and smiled at Fang. "Its always best to give somepony a second chance Fang." She gave him a little kiss on the nose and giggled as he nuzzled her.

"Yes I suppose that it is best to avoid war if possible. However I expect that the Equestrian military, if I was to declare war on the griffons, would stand aside and let my army do it's job?" Fang looked at Twilight who just nodded. "Good. I don't want to start a war with Equestria." He then leaned in and gave her a little kiss on the neck. Soon after they finished and paid. Fang led Twilight out of town and back to his palace where they just talked and nuzzled each other for a while before going into the palace library and walking through the aisles talking. Twilight would occasionally grab a book and ask if she could borrow it to which Fang would always respond the same way. Yes.

Ponyville however was intrigued by a message written on the side of town hall in spray paint. 'The world is beautiful. Let me show you.' It was written right above a image of Celestia and Luna circling each other in the sky. Their positions were reversed. Luna was in the half that depicted day while Celestia flew in the night. Pinkie was looking at the painting when she heard a sudden pop from a near by ally. She had sensed somepony new was in town but had not able to find them at all. It was like they were everywhere at once. She stuck her head around the corner and saw a pony that had a smile on his face spraying the wall. At first she wanted to run up to this new pony and hug him. Then what he was painting caught her attention. It was the face of a green stallion. One half had a halo over it while the other had a curved horn sticking out the other side. "Two minds in one body. We are the same, are we not bearer of laughter?" The green earth pony turned his head towards Pinkie.

Pinkie was in shock. "Who are you and how do you know about Pinkamena?" The earth pony just laughed and tossed the spray paint in his hoof into a black bag. He got up and put the bag around his neck before trotting farther into the ally. "Hey! Where are you going? I haven't thrown you a party yet!" The green pony stopped and turned his head. "Oh! I need to know your name for your 'Welcome to Ponyville' party! So what is it?"

The green pony just frowned. "A party? Nopony has ever thrown me a party... They usually just throw rocks at me..." Then the frown turned into a smile. "... My name is Jekyll." Then he just walked into the shadows and disappeared.

"Jekyll? Who names their colt Jekyll?" Pinkie just shook her head and ran out of the ally. "I hope he likes chocolate!" With that she was off. The mayor told her that a pony had just moved into a large house on the edge of town. It was three stories and it had a very large basement. Letting her curiosity get the best of her she went down and looked around. The walls were lined with blank canvases. She counted fifty before she went back upstairs and started to set up the party. She didn't have enough time to get everypony, she had to literally force, Twilight and Fang to attend so she only got her friends, and their coltfriends, to attend.

When Jekyll opened the door he was met with Pinkies, giant, blue, eyes. "Surprise!!!" The sound, and the surprise of seeing eyes that were the size of his head, caused him to freak. He threw down his bag pulled out a can and sprayed Pinkie with it. His action was met with the sound of laughter. "Why are you spraying the air?" Pinkie was now beside him. She was completely paint free.

Jekyll's eyes shot open and he looked at Pinkie. "I'm so so so sorry! I was just surprised. Most of the time when I get surprised, five seconds later I receive a hoof to the face so I took up using my paint as a defense system. Please don't hate me." He looked down and started to kick the carpet with is hoof.

He was met with a bone crushing hug in response. "I don't hate you! I don't hate anypony! Its physically impossible for me to hate anypony!" She let him go and Jekyll shook his head. "I hope you like chocolate!"

Jekyll watched her bounce away. Slowly a smile grew on his face. 'She is certainly something... Shes pretty cute to.' Jekyll closed the door and threw his bag and paint over into the corner before running up to Pinkie. "Yes... I do like chocolate."

Pinkie just smiled. Then she looked into the dark orange orbs that were his eyes. 'He has nice eyes. A nice smile too.' She felt a light touch on her neck and looked to see that Jekyll was giving her a small nuzzle. With a smile she returned the favor.

Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself. ~ William Faulkner.

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