• Published 21st Jul 2013
  • 9,332 Views, 334 Comments

A Lost Soul Returns: The King of Monsters - Dark Star the Crazed

A statue in the castle of the royal pony sisters is like Discord. There is a living being trapped within, and he is set free.

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Demons Walk Among Equestria.

3:05 A.M. outside Golden Oaks Library in Ponyville.

A pony wearing a black cloak and hood walked up to Golden Oaks Library and knocked on the door. It was answered by the one he was hoping for spike the baby dragon. "Hello are you spike?"

The dragon nodded. "Yes. What do you need."

"I have a message for Miss Sparkle." He then turned around to see the moon setting and the sun rising. With a swift motion he turned back around and looked at Spike. "Tell Princess Sparkle that if she wants to see her friends alive ever again." He then looked past Spike and saw her. Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight ran at him, before he could turn to run away, she was on top of him, her eyes filled with anger. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'SEE THEM ALIVE EVER AGAIN'!?"

"If you ever want to see them alive again, then you, your brother, and the other princesses will come to the old castle in the Everfree at noon today. This is an order from our king, Crimson Fang!" A gust of wind blew off his hood and revealed his face, scaring Twilight, or rather it was what was in his mouth that scared her. He had two, big, canine, teeth, covered in what looked like blood, in his mouth. She also saw he was a unicorn, but the next thing she knew Spike was screaming and she was sitting on the ground. She turned to see the pony holding Spike, just in time to see him teleport away.

When she saw him teleport away she immediately readied to teleport herself to Canterlot to get the princesses when she heard a pony speak.

"Greetings Twilight Sparkle! How art you? Hast Crimson Fang done anything to harm you or your friends?"

Twilight turned around and saw Princess Luna, Princess Celestia, Cadence, and Shining Armor standing there. Twilight saw that the princesses had a suit of armor she had never seen before. Celestia had the helmet and chest plate made of a black metal, Luna seemed to have the four leggings made of the same metal with her. Her brother and Cadence had something familiar with them. The mirror gateway to the human world. "Guys? Princesses how did you know something was wrong? Why is the gateway mirror here? Also who is Crimson Fang?" Princess Celestia looked away as if in fear or anguish at his name.

After a long tension Princess Celestia finally spoke. "Crimson Fang is a pony who looks like a monster. An alicorn like me, you, Luna, and Cadence. An alicorn we turned to stone five thousand years ago. The pony you saw before you was a vampony... And one of his followers." She took a breath and continued. "The reason we are here is because two of his other followers came to me and Cadence and told us to come and bring the mirror and his armor or else they would cause a panic among the citizens of Equestria and that they would harm the other element bearers."

Twilight butted in here "Why do they need the mirror, and what's so special about that armor?"

Luna answered her. "Their king must be facing the mirror when the blood of the elements touches him, that is the only way to free him. The armor is special is because it is made from the bones of demons, their hearts and evil souls are fused with the armor. Yet there is something you have in your library we must bring with us."

Twilight smiled. "You mean the elements right? So we can turn him to stone right after he has been freed?"

Celestia frowned. "No my student we are not going to imprison him again for he did nothing the first time. We imprisoned him the first time because he was... Suicidal... However there is one more item we need to free him. We need his amulet. The Alicorn Amulet."

Twilight was skeptical but nodded and went inside to retrieve the amulet. Then she screamed. There in her kitchen trying to get in her fridge was what seemed to be a purple rabbit with fangs, pointed ears, claws, and a curved horn on each side of its head. Luna ran in and saw the creature and blasted it. "SISTER! WE THINK THAT T'WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA TO HURRY!!!" A cage formed around the creature just as Celestia walked in.

Her eyes went wide. "Luna... is that a-" She was cut of by Luna nodding in confirmation. Then she turned to Twilight. "Twilight my student we must hurry. The demons of Tartarus have broken free and have started to escape its gates."

Twilight was terrified but then she remembered. "What about Cerberus? Isn't he guarding the gates?"

Celestia sadly shook her head. "Cerberus is old and we keep him there to keep ponies out of Tartarus, not to keep the demons in. It seems that the demons have finally found that out and broken through the gates. Unless we free Crimson fang we have no hope of defeating them."

Shining Armor coughed to get the princesses attention. "Excuse me but why do you need him? Cant you just Trap the demons in Tartarus like you did before?"

Cadence looked at him and answered for her aunt. "They could but it wouldn't be very useful sense they have escaped already there is only one course of action to stop them." Cadence gulped. "That way is to cleanse them of the sins they have as demons. Before you ask. No there is no spell to do so, the only way to cleanse them of their sins is to use a sword forged in the fires of Tartarus just like this armor. You have to use the sword and..." She gulped again. "Kill them."

Luna then called to the others and held up the amulet. "I have the amulet! we must go now! And we should bring the demon." She tapped the cage with her front hoof. "With us."

Celestia took a deep breath. "Everypony hold on tight, we leave now." Her horn began to glow and in a flash the four alicorns and the unicorn were gone.

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