• Published 21st Jul 2013
  • 9,319 Views, 334 Comments

A Lost Soul Returns: The King of Monsters - Dark Star the Crazed

A statue in the castle of the royal pony sisters is like Discord. There is a living being trapped within, and he is set free.

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Cheshire the Cat.

It is better to risk saving a guilty person than to condemn an innocent one. ~ Voltaire, Zadig

Transylmaneia. Sunrise the next morning.

Twilight opened her eyes and she looked at he pillow only to see black fur. Twilight was on Fang's bed with him, her legs wrapped around his chest, and her head resting on his shoulder. As soon as she saw where her head was she let out an 'eep'. Fang heard this and opened his eyes. He glanced to the side and his eyes went wide. "Twilight...? Did we...?"

Twilight just shook her head rapidly. "I'm very protective of... My marehood. I wouldn't have let you do it unless we were married..."

Fang raised an eyebrow at her. "So you are going to keep your virginity until your married?" Twilight nodded and Fang smiled. "That's good. It means that you're saving yourself for your husband." They just stayed silent for a while before Twilight laid her head back on Fang's shoulder with a content sigh, then she looked up at him.

"Fang? Do you ever want to be a father?" This question caused Fang to recoil in surprise for a second. He had thought about it of course, but he had never really thought about it in depth. There was silence. Twilight saw the blank look on Fang's face. It was obvious that he had not thought about it. Then Fang nodded.

A small smile grew on Fang's face. "Yes Twilight I would like to be a father... I'm sure every stallion thinks about being a father. Why do you ask?"

Twilight looked down. "Well yesterday... When Ana was sleeping in my lap and I had my wings out and in front of her to keep her safe and warm... I-I-I um, I think that... I felt like... I felt like a mother..." She looked up and looked at Fang. "I-I want one of my own..."

Fang just smiled and nuzzled her. "Well you should wait until your married. After all you just said that you wont let anypony touch your marehood until you are." Fang slowly ran his muzzle down her neck, with his mouth open and fangs out, so that he was tickling her skin.

Twilight giggled and was about to tell Fang to stop, when suddenly his head jerked to a stop. His eyes were wide and then Twilight heard some chuckles from the doorway.

Twilight's eyes went wide and she looked to the right and saw Rarity standing in the doorway. "Um... This isn't what it looks like?"

Rarity looked at her. "Oh really? Then what is it?" Then Dash floated next to Rarity.

She just looked down at Rarity. "Hey Rares! Why'd you run off like that!?"

Rarity just pointed at the bed. "One of the guards said that those two went to bed together." Rainbow looked at the bed and a smirk grew on her face.

A chuckle escaped Dash's mouth. "So Twi... How was your first time?"

Twilight's exploded into a blush and she just looked at Fang. "Um... Help me Fang!"

Fang just sighed. "Rainbow... She wouldn't know what it feels like, because it didn't happen. What happened is that we went to Stalliongrad to retrieve my cousin. She was to tired to teleport or walk home so I let her sleep in here. She would not let go... She has a death grip when she sleeps, the harder I tried to get her to let go, the harder she hugged me."

Dash smirked. "Oh really then where is-" She was cut off when Ana teleported in the room. The little grey alicorn had a cat on her back. His fur had a stripe pattern and was black and purple, it's fur was combed and maintained, a little shorter than Opalescence's fur.

"Cousin Fang look! I found a kitty! Can we keep him? Please?" She was looking up at Fang with a quivering lip and puppy dog eyes.

Fang just chuckled. "Hello Ana , of course we can keep him, he is mine after all..." He looked down at the cat. "Hello Cheshire, I was wondering where you went."

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "How is your cat still alive? I thought you were sealed away for five thousand years."

The cat opened its mouth, but instead of letting out a 'meow' it spoke. "Do not think I am some common house cat! I am Cheshire, the Killer Cat! I am an archdemon!" The cat leaped at Fang only to be caught by Ana in a hug.

Ana had a big grin on her face as she pet the cat. "He can talk too!? Oh my gosh, best cat ever! Hi there Cheshire I'm Ana!"

The Archdemon turned cat tried to get out of her grip but it was no use, Ana had a grip that would rival an alligators. "You planed-" He let out a purr as Ana scratched his head. "Didn't you Fang?" His angry screams were silenced by his purrs of happiness of having his ears scratched.

Twilight looked a Fang with her jaw dropped. "That's an archdemon? I thought they would all look... I don't know! Evil and demonic! He's just cute! How is he an archdemon?"

Fang smiled. "He only received the title when his father died. He tried to be evil but he kept ending up helping ponies instead so he decided it would be best if he fought an alicorn to prove he was a true archdemon... I didn't have the heart to kill him, so I turned him into a cat... It only worked half way as he can still speak like a pony can. He however is a cat at heart... Watch this." Fang's horn glowed and a small ball appeared.

Cheshire, who was now rubbing up against Ana's legs because she was so kind and soft, heard Fang say that and looked at the ball ,freezing himself in place. "You wouldn't dare..." Fang threw the ball and Cheshire chased it, rolling it around an swatting it after he caught it.

Twilight was confused. "Catnip. He only has the ability to talk like a pony, everything else is completely cat." Twilight looked at the cat and then Fang.

"Does the princess know you have a archdemon as a pet?" Fang just nodded. "OK then..." Twilight just nuzzled Fang and sighed, laying her head on his shoulder once again.

Ana meanwhile had wandered over to Dash and Rarity. "Hi! I'm Anastasia, I'm Fang's little cousin! Who are you? Are you Princess Twilight's friends?"

Dash smiled. "Energetic little squirt isn't she Rarity? She looks like a grey, filly version, of Pinkie with wings and a horn." She was serious, they had the same style of mane but they were different colors. She was also bouncing like Pinkie did.

Rarity grimaced at the thought of a filly, alicorn, version of Pinkie running around town. "Yes she does look as energetic as Pinkie. However I'm sure that she and Pinkie are just as energetic as each other. So Lady Anastasia... What do you like to do?"

Ana stopped bouncing. She then sat down and scratched her head. "Um... Pray that my parents found peace I guess... I like to run around as well... Basically the only thing I don't like is Hearths Warming Eve."

Rarity looked a little down. "Oh well I'm sorry about your parents... I hope that they went peacefully." That struck a nerve.

Rainbow raised an eyebrow. "Why don't you like Hearths Warming Eve?"

Ana looked down. "It's the day my parents were murdered. I forgave the killer but I'm still upset that my parents are gone..."

Rainbow began to growl. "Point me in the direction of the pony who killed your parents so I can rip their spine apart!" Ana led the two ponies to the graveyard behind the castle to Rasputin's grave.

She made a small detour and went to a large tomb that was in the center of the graveyard and went in, she looked at a coffin and sniffled a 'Hi dad, hi mom' before leading the way to Rasputin's grave and pointing to it. "He's in there..."

Rarity covered her mouth. "Oh my... How did he die?"

Ana looked to her with a few tears in her eyes. "I took his life force."

Dash just continued to growl, but stopped and looked at Ana. "Well then... You did something I never could..." After that she flew away.

Only the forgotten are truly dead. ~ Tess Gerritsen.

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