• Member Since 18th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 1st, 2017



A monologue of King Sombra, from the time he was trapped in the ice of the Equestrian Arctic.

For EQD's Flash Fanfiction Event #3 - "Write a fic celebrating the fathers in the series." I might've stretched the term "father" a tad, but whatever.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 10 )

Edit: Just read it. Was amazing.

It's well written, and delivered well. Though I suppose I should say this seems like an excerpt from a story nopony ended up writing.

2742301 Yay! Glad you liked it! :D

2742748 Hmm, yeah, I think I see what you mean.

Gotta say that this was a nice look into the madness of King Sombra and what twisted him, though it really needs more personal connection to gain the parent-child relationship status. (My opinion.)
Still, nice work and worth a thumbs up from me.

2748261 I kind of figured that any ruler that truly loves his/her subjects would begin to view them as his/her children. It's pretty much the same thing as when God is referred to as "Our Father", albeit on a smaller scale.
By taking over the Crystal Empire and acquiring the love of an entire city, King Sombra met both conditions even better than present-day Princess Celestia, who also strikes me as a parent figure for her subjects. But before he took over, his concern for the crystal ponies was purely the result of logical reasoning (or what he considered to be logical reasoning).
That's sort of what I was going for. I guess I didn't focus on the parent-child relationship enough for it to be as clear or convincing as I would have wanted.

Anyway, thanks for the thumb and the input. :pinkiesmile:

'I saw no flaws in this story. The father-children relationship was great because, in a sense, he gave birth to them, bringing them into (what he saw as) true happiness. As a "monolouge", as you described it, is supposed to be an excerpt from a greater whole. But the beauty of this story is that it's an excerpt from The Crystal Empire!
I'm totally gonna favorite this, and maybe ask permission to do a dramatic reading in the future!

2754181 I hadn't thought of that, but yeah, it's definitely some form of spiritual and/or mental birth or rebirth.
You have my permission to do a reading if at any point you so desire. And thanks for the fav. :twilightsmile:

Came for grimdark stayed for feels

Author Interviewer

Nice. :)

This grimdark was so poetic, fanatical work! :heart:

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