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One late afternoon Applejack is caught in a freak storm that seemingly appears out of nowhere, getting home wont be easy. As a lot of sticks and branches fly everywhere she get's dangerous close to getting hurt when suddenly someone saves her!

A mysterious stallion managed to shield her from the danger, but get's himself knocked out. Where did he come from? Who is he? He has no idea, he has forgotten. So until his memories comes back he will stay at Sweet Apple Acres and get better.

Though one cannot sit still at the farm so he soon volunteers to help out and proofs himself useful much to amazement and maybe interest to a certain blonde mare?

But who is he really? Can Applejack find out and can she accept the truth when she does?


(This is my first fiction on this platform, so any feedback would be much appreciated since English is not my first language ^^)

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to The Farmer & The God

It has been four years since Thor returned to Asgard, and since then a lot of things have changed for Applejack. Her life has changed, along with the lives of her friends. With their lives seeming to move on, Applejack starts to wonder about her own life, and if Thor will ever come back for her.

One day a stranger comes to Ponyville, and gives Applejack a strange old book. This sets Applejack on a journey to the mystical world of myths and legends, through the massive sea that divides the living world from the afterlife, through Midgard to find the rainbow bridge, to the land of wonder. Land of the gods.

Art made for me by: Hoodwinked MCShelster

(Please note this is not Marvel Thor, contrary to popular belief there are other versions, like Norse Mythology ;D)

Hello, and welcome to the sequel of The Farmer & The God. Before you proceed you should know some things may have changed since the first one. The story is the same, but the description of Thor has changed.

I could go back and change it in the original story, but I like to keep it as it is, flaws and all. It is a good reminder to me how far I have gotten.

So if you go back to read it, you should know there are mistakes I would not do today, habits I have shaken off. It feels very much like a fan fic in the the most cringe way possible, but in a good way for me.

That story will always hold a special place in my heart. :heart:

Chapters (10)

When MLP meets Marvel Stan Lee there is no guarantee that the world will ever be the same again. Once this is all said and done, will there be a world at all?
Watch the events unfurl by the pencil of the manic Stan, and decide for yourself if you'll change your mind about never watching a DC movie again.
On the other hoof, if all goes well, perhaps other stories of this universe will meet the same fate.
Who knows? All that matters now is the aftermath before you. Lives are going to be changed.

Chapters (1)

Thunder Ace is a new student in Canterlot High, but there’s something off about him. It’s been almost a year since the Fall Formal and some things can’t be forgotten if you know what I mean. Now he is here not for a fight, he is here to reclaim what is his… The Hammer of Thorn.

Chapters (2)