It's Hearts and Hooves Day, meaning that it's your responsibility to make your marefriend, Octavia, happy with a nice, romantic evening. Unfortunately, for as much as you love her, she can be difficult to read, and you're not sure how exactly you're going to make this work.

Somepony else might, though.

Day #6 of Hearts and Hands Week 2025.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A different legion of doom

The mean four have won. Discord destroyed the bond between Twilight and her friends, friendship was dead and forgotten, and now Equestria was theirs to dictate and command. But... they still had to deal with those pesky Wendigos...

Chapters (1)

James, a formal Crystal Prep student and aspiring bartender, dreams of breaking free from his elitist school life and following his true passion. Struggling between his mother's expectations and his own desires, he transfers to Canterlot High, where a mysterious group of students might hold the key to his future. Will they guide him toward his dreams, or push him to follow the conventional path?

Chapters (2)

In the Wonderbolts, everyone gets a nickname. Infamously, these names are embarrassing. As a result, most newbies aren't privy to the shameful pasts of their predecessors, but that isn't going to stop Sky Stinger or Vapor Trail from trying to guess what Spitfire's was anyway.

They'll never get it.

Day #5 of Hearts and Hands Week 2025.

Chapters (1)

A compilation. Can contain anything from any of my stories. Be one offs that take place within the universe, mini one chapter sequels, whatever. Also can have clashing storylines, for example my Nightmare Moon story can have 2 different sequel chapters with conflicting stories, they just take place within their own separate universes/timelines. Also wasn't sure what to do for a cover, so just have my Electric Demon OC. Will update tags as I add more chapters.

Chapters (2)

Coco's life is far from quiet. Manehattan is a busy place, and what with her juggling her costume designing gig with her salespony job at Rarity For You, it's nothing short of a miracle that she's able to find any time to relax. Unfortunately, her friend and coworker, Anon, is very good at making that time not so relaxing.

He has good intentions, he swears.

Day #4 of Hearts and Hands Week 2025.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A different legion of doom

Trixie's temper has gotten increasingly higher with Starlight, the two argue less and less. Discord believes that they may be developing a relationship, but Thorax merely believes that they are just getting along...

Boy, can he be more wrong...

Chapters (1)

After quitting modeling, Fluttershy and Rarity promised not to keep any secrets. Rarity is always there for Fluttershy, supporting her and believing in her even when she doesn't even believe in herself. Rarity is such a good friend... and perhaps even more. When Fluttershy discovers her secret feelings for Rarity, can she keep her promise?

Each chapter features an episode from the show, expanding and connecting them together!

Chapters (5)

Chiffon Swirl has been on a few dates with Mr. Cake. She wants to make her relationship official and decides on having a double date with her best friend, Pear Butter and her friend’s recent husband, Bright Mac. The ponies go to a fancy restaurant in Ponyville, however things don’t go exactly to plan…

Chapters (1)

twilight and the gang put on a play that tell story of a prince finding his true love which has a black velvet band tie to her hair
the cast
spike; the narrator
Shining Armor; prince Michael
Princess Cadace; the beautiful girl
big mac and sandbar; the store keepers
Dr Hooves and gallus; the cycle makers
fluutershy and rartiy; the florists
ballet jubilee berry star hoofer steps shining passion shuffle step strawberry swing waltzer as the ballet dancers
the cmc applejack rainbow dash pinkie pie trixie and starlight as the crowd

hope you like it and happy valentine day

(based on the wiggles song black velvet band)

Chapters (1)