• Member Since 10th May, 2023
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  • 16 weeks
    Rainbow Dash Day

    Holy good gravy... just found out that one of my stories was listed on Equestria Daily for this year's Rainbow Dash Appreciation Day

    As a neophyte fanfic writer, I'm over the moon...

    However I know some readers don't ship Appledash, so this one might be a little more palatable https://www.fimfiction.net/story/538652/nacreous-clouds

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Rainbow Dash Day · 12:20pm April 2nd

Holy good gravy... just found out that one of my stories was listed on Equestria Daily for this year's Rainbow Dash Appreciation Day

As a neophyte fanfic writer, I'm over the moon...

However I know some readers don't ship Appledash, so this one might be a little more palatable https://www.fimfiction.net/story/538652/nacreous-clouds

Comments ( 7 )
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Well, it has some kind of circle around the nose with no mouth, or maybe mouth without nose.

I did have to tweak it to be a little less feminine when a dude sent me some weird poetry

Love letter, I assume?

"strange muzzle"... Looks ok to me though. I did have to tweak it to be a little less feminine when a dude sent me some weird poetry.

Nah, it’s good, but is it a mask, or just a strange muzzle?

Maybe my drawing is as bad as my writing.

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