H-hi. My name is... Lily Pad. I've, um... I've read a lot of stories about people who get stuck on desert islands. I really like the one about the pirate girls who make friends with all the animals on the island, and then the animals help them rebuild their boat and escape. I guess I thought, if I were ever stuck on a desert island (o-or, I guess, a deserted island, since ours has a, erm, jungle) it would be something like that. This uh, this really isn't at all like the stories I'm used to.

Sunset Shimmer and me, we... we're not really sailors, and we certainly aren't pirates. We haven't made friends with any of the animals on the island, either. Also, in most stories about islands, the heroes get shipwrecked or stranded, but we have a good boat, and I guess, technically, we could leave whenever we wanted.

It's just that there's nowhere else to go.

Written for the 2024 Tropical Post-Apocalyptic Story Contest in the Island Group. For which, by my estimation, it was submitted about an hour too late. Oh well.

Chapters (1)

The perfect first kiss—does it take 20% of your time to plan? Or does it just happen?

For the Thousand Words Contest III in the Slice Of Life category. Check out the competition here!
Also submitted into the Rainbow Rocks Anniversary EqG Shipping Contest. Other entries here!

Huge thanks to starcoder for the art!

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer has always been a hot-headed, impetuous girl. She's always been prone to making snap decisions, and later finding herself regretting them. It was exactly this temperament that had brought her to the human world, penniless and alone. When the opportunity to get back on her feet presented itself in the form of a stranger's outstretched hand, she leaped at the chance.

This is the story of a woman who has made many bad choices, and the life those choices have made for her.

Tags, and even rating, may change as the story goes on.

Thanks as usual to Magello for the cover art!

Chapters (13)

People have had a lot of crazy ideas about unicorns over the years. Given the sheer quantity, it shouldn't be surprising when some of them turn out to be true.

It still is, but it shouldn't be.

An entry in Thousand Words Contest III, in the Slice of Life and Comedy categories. Rated Teen for teenage discussions of M-rated topics. All characters are 18, just to be safe.

Chapters (1)

Anon-A-Miss: A online user made out of the blue that has been sending other secrets and made her suspect to the account. Being accused and framed for exposing the secrets of her friends, how will sunset deal with it..?

Find out here...

Chapters (2)

This story is a submission to the Equestria Girls 10th Anniversary Romance Contest!

Amidst the Battle of the Bands, the tension between the Rainbooms, and school finals, Rainbow Dash's tough exterior cracks one night.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Equestria Girls: Escape from Cyberspace

Several months after the events of Escape From Cyberspace, the Shadowbolts are spending some time together at Indigo's place, for the summer, Indigo decided to show them her new gaming room.
Sometime later, a stream of magic seeps into Indigo's place, and another virus starts to infect her computer, with another virus that sucks the rest of the Shadowbolts into cyberspace!

Meanwhile, another virus is planning to avenge the previous virus that was once defeated by the Rainbooms, Trixie, and Starlight Glimmer, and wants to take over Cyberspace! With the help of old friends, Sci-Twi, new powers, weaponry, and new high tech Cyberspace armor, Can they stop the virus and save Cyberspace before it's too late?

This is loosely inspired by my art, and ShopperBrony90's including TylerAJohnson352.

Co-written by ShopperBrony90

Chapters (8)

A story about a date near a lake and a story about an adventure to the emerald city!

Chapters (2)

In a distant expanse of the sea, there was once a fleet that carried the weight of honor and purpose, yet it fell victim to the merciless vastness of the ocean. Over the course of a decade, the crew's initial optimism withered into despair. Day in and day out, they sought a path home on a solitary island, but it remained elusive.

One fateful night, a crew member named Clooffi espied an enigmatic golden radiance during his watch. The light appeared to beckon him toward home, but as it vanished, it took the last flickers of hope with it. Amidst a tempest, the sailors sang ballads of their homeland, their voices laden with a poignant yearning for return.

However, it was at this moment of desolation that fate took a surprising turn. Clooffi was rescued by an enigmatic realm known as the Kirin Kingdom. Within its borders, he embarked on a series of adventures that defied belief, including an audience with the sovereign of the Kirin Kingdom and the discovery of a mysterious conduit linking disparate worlds.

What was even more astounding was the stark contrast between time within the Kirin Kingdom and the outside world. Clooffi's brief respite in the kingdom equated to 175 years in the external world. Upon his ultimate return to his homeland, he was met with the jarring unfamiliarity of a world drastically transformed. His hometown, friends, and life as he knew it had all become alien to him.

In this transformed world, Clooffi encountered a group of equine beings who facilitated his adjustment to his new existence. He uncovered that his lineage had deep historical roots in this land and that he shared a blood connection with one of these beings. Taking up residence in the castle of this particular equine, Clooffi set out to delve into his lineage and the possibilities that lay ahead.

He now confronts not only the trepidations and uncertainties within his soul but also the enigmas shrouded within the Kirin Kingdom. How will he confront his destiny?

Chapters (12)

Blood Bow, unlovingly called Wilted Bloom due to their similar appearence to Apple Bloom, is seen by most of Canterlot High as a dangerous character but no one is brave enough to stop them... they carry knives everywhere for crying out loud!

So what happens when a unhinged person wanders through a statue by accident and ends up meeting their counterpart as a pony? Chaos... lots and lots of chaos. They are both unhinged, what do you expect?

Chapters (2)