A lone pony sits by the beach.

She does not speak, for she had nobody to speak to. She only thinks, wondering how things would be if they could have gone better. If she had been better.

entry for tropical post-apocalypse contest

focuses more on the 'post-apocalyptic' than the 'tropical'. Just in case.

Featured: 2024 July 26

Thanks to Zalmax for pointing out some errors

Chapters (1)

In the narrow alleys of Canterlot, Twilight, a dreamy orphan, grows up hidden in the shadows of the mighty Sun Empress Celestia. Through a series of surprising events, Twilight suddenly finds herself in the role of Celestia's personal apprentice. However, with this new position also come strange dreams that haunt her at night, and the monarch's behavior towards her becomes increasingly enigmatic and atypical.

Twilight's life takes a dramatic turn when she looks behind Celestia's carefully maintained facade. While rummaging through forbidden archives, she discovers censored documents that not only reveal the truth about her past but also Celestia's secret plans for the fate of the world. Caught between loyalty to Celestia and the urge to find her own identity, Twilight must decide how far she is willing to go to uncover the truth and avert the impending doom.

Every lover of a strong and clever Twilight will get their money's worth here. There are some very dark, but also very sweet scenes.

I appreciate any help, feedback, and criticism.

Chapters (6)

My entry in the Ponyville Ciderfest 2023 anthology book, Scattered Pages: Tales from the Book of All Stories.

When an all-powerful book of destiny, The Book of All Stories, was opened, the worlds of Ponies and Humans converged at the Ponyville Ciderfest convention center. The book's pages scattered themselves across time, space, and infinite dimensions. Whoever attains a page of the book can rewrite history and reality at will. (For more detail, read the prologue story here: https://ponyvilleciderfest.com/opening-from-scattered-pages/ ) A nightmare entity gained access to a page and used it to escape from the dream world. An unlikely team consisting of A.K. Yearling, Doctor Caballeron, Discord, and Ciderfest Mascot Fizzy Glitch, must pursue the monster into cyberspace. What they find there, as well as the catastrophe they must prevent, is far beyond anything they could have imagined.

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Beneath


Chiffon Swirl just got here. Pear Butter is upset.


if submissions published instantly, it would still have been Pride Month somewhere in Kiribati when this was published. so happy Pride Month!

my entries this year from thematically lightest to darkest are as follows:

Chapters (1)

Anon-A-Miss: A online user made out of the blue that has been sending other secrets and made her suspect to the account. Being accused and framed for exposing the secrets of her friends, how will sunset deal with it..?

Find out here...

Chapters (2)

This story is a submission to the Equestria Girls 10th Anniversary Romance Contest!

Amidst the Battle of the Bands, the tension between the Rainbooms, and school finals, Rainbow Dash's tough exterior cracks one night.

Chapters (1)

Doll Stripe was a lead acrobat working in a traveling circus until his inability to work with others destroys everything he's ever known. In an attempt to regain what he lost, he meets five diverse and, if you ask him, possibly insane ponies which he must somehow get to work together and overcome their elements of disharmony in order to save everyone in Equestria from a new threat. Will they learn to conquer their flaws before the rest of Equestria suffers?

Chapters (3)

March is, was, and, if possible, will continue to be the beginning of the end for the winter season, at least in a more normal world as is; but, what many don't understand is that it's also the start for people to take their income records seriously at least in the west: America, by and large, is especially known for its reputable yet infamous of methods through obtaining revenue, to the point of causing controversy.

Enter Deirdre Beaubeirdre, a woman whose face and occupation is a sign of having seen better days, at least as far as she was concerned; even now, she couldn't stand to see how much and how many people would come in to peddle their wares, irregardless of the veracities: all that mattered to her was to survive the workday and to do so, everything would've to go in order for both her and the clientele too.

In this case, she meets Elliot Alderson, a high ranking member of GolfCorp whom has moved out of New York City in search of a new life: along with him, albeit unseen, his wife, their dog, a new subsidiary, and, in his grasp, a surplus of toys, mostly straight out of Generation 4; needless to say, resale value ain't got nothing on whatever taxes are to be inflicted come the ides of March, a date which Rome lived in infamy.

An entry for the A Thousand Words Contest III in the Experimental category.

Chapters (1)

A young griffonness has taken residence atop of the schoolhouse, keeping herself quite secluded from most everyone who attempts to interact with her. Few know why. Fewer know if she's doing okay there. But she has so far resisted any offers of help.

Gillian, after all, is determined to take care of herself.

An entry in the 2024 Non-Pony Writing Contest.

Chapters (1)