
Viewing 1 - 20 of 80 results

You can quantify practically anything. · 3:55pm Aug 19th, 2015

Even the degree to which senpai has noticed you.

By the way, I'm not really trying to make some sort of statement about whether or not this is a good idea, as it's not really applicable to me (as of this posting there's only about 60 or FIMFiction users who could have an effect my result). I just find the idea itself interesting, that's all.

Report Kwakerjak · 363 views · #statistics

Some Statistics on A Scratch On Shining Armor · 9:30pm Mar 13th, 2017

So I went completely mental over the weekend and decided to compile some numbers regarding ASOSA and share them with you all!

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Report BaeroRemedy · 513 views · #Statistics

Statistics #2: The impact of Equestria Girls · 1:30pm Aug 14th, 2016

I finally got the time and inclination to dig into the data of the Great Fimfiction Archive.

One of the side effects is that I rewrote the normalizer that chews the thick stack of EPUBs and produces a database of easy to search text, and now this script runs on all the cores of my laptop and serves as a space heater, chewing the entire archive down in about an hour. Which is a great improvement from six hours I started with and made it a lot easier to refine it.

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Report Oliver · 860 views · #statistics

Statistics #3: The Seven Elements of Harmony · 1:36pm Apr 19th, 2017

It started with cocktails.

To be specific, the infamous Masked Ferret publicized the result of the collaboration with Horizon regarding the names and blurbs for mixed drinks at Babscon.

Which I can’t go to, so you can imagine my annoyance.

Fortunately, the Ferret provided me with an easy outlet for vengeance. The post ends with this phrase:

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Report Oliver · 965 views · #statistics

The Nameless Queen's Statistics · 5:41pm Mar 18th, 2018

For those who wish to have a closer look at what happens within the hive, here's more detailed information about the Queen,  the Hive and its Drones.

Updated: Chapter 9

Young Queen: Nameless/ Enigma (Disguise)

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Report AniMun · 835 views · #Statistics

Fimfiction Word Frequency Data · 4:45am Aug 13th, 2016

Here's a json file that maps any word to the frequency that it occurs across all fimfiction stories. It contains the top 155727 words from JockeTF's 2016/05/25 snapshot.


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Report Ponkadoodle · 304 views · #statistics

Ecstasy's Delights' Statistics · 3:00am Feb 1st, 2019

For those who wish to have a closer look at what happens within the shop, here's more detailed information about the Bank, Reputation, Businesses and other Resources!

Updated: Chapter 1

Bank: 500 (-100 upkeep) {0 income}.
Reputation: 0.
Businesses: Brothel.
Resources: 5 Stockpiled food supplies (-50% upkeep cost).

Report AniMun · 244 views · #Statistics

Some statistics on fimfiction story titles · 8:28pm Apr 26th, 2016

Ever since I read Bad Horse's blog posts on some statistics I wanted to do some analysis myself. So when I noticed that I would reach five million read words here very soon, I thought it was the perfect occasion to finally do it and write a first blog post.

Let's look at some statistics about story titles today.

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G5 vs. Young 6: the numbers · 9:44am Jul 13th, 2022

There were some Discord discussions recently: who has more stories, the G5 cast or the Friendship students?

I took  a minute to investigate:

Note that I shall define "Y6" as Gallus, Silverstream, Sandbar, Ocellus, Smolder, and Yona, and "G5-five" as Sunny, Izzy, Hitch, Pipp, and Zipp.

"Porn" is not defined as the #porn tag, but instead, as "#sex + #mature" tags.

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On Scientific Approach to Cartoon Horse Pornography · 9:48pm Jul 13th, 2022

Sock wrote an interesting blog about how Young Six and other Friendship School characters compare to G5 characters when it comes to stories, including explicit stories. After reading it, I decided to check what this looks like in fanart and whether there are any differences between derpibooru and the biggest altboorus that emerged after The Great Schism of 2020. Thus, just like Sock, I decided to check the number of

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Statistics · 3:21am Apr 20th, 2016

There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics. I’m about to engage in the third one.

That is, I remembered about the Great FimFiction Dump and decided to finally do something interesting with it.

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Report Oliver · 811 views · #discuss #statistics

Signal Boost: More Fimfiction statistics · 5:42am Jul 20th, 2016

/u/Wallacoloo over on Reddit has also done his own Fimfiction data analysis, and he's taken it to places I haven't thought of or delved into before.

You can go read his blog post over here.


[Homology] Statistical Miracle · 4:36am Feb 17th, 2021

I have achieved a statistical miracle.

20 votes total, yet only 19 views on the first chapter. This is >100% engagement! And the 0.4 like/view rate is by far the best I've ever had!

(Yes, at low viewcounts in the first few hours after publish, statistical anomalies abound, I know! It's just funny.)

28 total votes / 24 views! 116% response rate and climbing.

Update 2 (12:26 PM EST)

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Perfection? (Also a little self-indulgence) · 9:11pm Aug 18th, 2016

So in a little under a week, Letters from an Irradiated Princess has amassed 162 likes, and not a single dislike. (Though I imagine some contrarian will go downvote the story just as a matter of principle by now). This has driven it to become one of my post popular (or at least top ranking) stories, much to my surprise.

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Report Tumbleweed · 496 views · #writing #statistics

The big one-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh! · 11:27pm Jul 18th, 2016

I've been waiting for this to happen for a few weeks now, but here it is:

I'm pretty sure (though I stand to be corrected) that Fimfiction has more stories than any other single-fandom fic archive. It's certainly ahead of, which is somewhere in the 80s thousands.


What the Heck are Ratings? · 11:02pm Jun 7th, 2015


Simple question. I looked on my stats page, and apparently there's this new stat called ratings. I'm thinking it has some correlation to the number of likes/dislikes you have on a story, but that's just that: a guess. Any answers? Anybody?


P.S. I'm also trying out the tag thing here, though I can't fancy why anyone would actually want to search a blog post.

Report trombrony98 · 274 views · #ratings #statistics

What makes stories popular on fimfiction? · 10:15pm Feb 15th, 2018

Or more accurately: What factors except writing quality make stories popular?

To answer this question, I extracted the metadata from all published stories on in July 2016. This includes number of views, likes, dislikes and comments, tagged characters and genres, content rating (everyone, teen, mature), status (complete, incomplete, on hiatus, cancelled), date of publishing and last modification, and whether there is a story image.

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Stats Page Don't Work · 6:48pm Aug 15th, 2022

I'm just complaining about something that doesn't matter. Don't mind me.:derpytongue2:

So I know all you non-writers have never looked at it, but for every story there is a stats page. If you don't know where it is, next to the rating bar of every story is this little down arrow. Click that and a list including a link to the stats page will appear. There you will see three graphs. One graph shows you the story's rating over time. The other two track how many "views" the story has.

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Report Blobskin · 181 views · #statistics #stats #error #bug

Well, it was nice while it lasted. · 5:28pm Aug 26th, 2016

Some nihilist has clicked the 'dislike' button on Letters From an Irradiated Princess, sending it down to be ranked 523rd on the site. Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Hubris, tragedy, etc. I suppose I am no longer best at pony.

(Still, I take entirely too much pleasure when my stories apparently are in the top 1% of fanfics on the site).

And now, time to go be productive on some other stuff! In theory.


Bradel Needs CS Advice · 5:34pm Dec 5th, 2015

Hey all.

Sorry about dropping off-grid for a lot of the last month. I'd been expecting to get a lot of pony stuff done lately, but I got hit with a sudden change in my plans for the winter just before Thanksgiving. In fact, that's what I'd like to talk about here.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 80 results