
Viewing 1 - 20 of 84 results

Anyone else getting a lot of errors? · 9:54pm Jun 25th, 2015

503 (I think) errors and 'service unavailable' errors?

Report Elizabeth · 336 views · #Errors

Oh, bother! · 2:18am Dec 20th, 2015

Sorry about that folks.

I reread Closing Time three times before posting it. Then twice more before publishing it. Just now went through it again and found grammar errors, just now fixed, and I want to apologize about them.

Hopefully I caught them all. Yet, please let me know if y'all see any others.

Report Bleddyn · 206 views · #errors

Errors · 8:12pm Aug 5th, 2019

Well, I've seen a few stunning errors, but this is crazy. I was looking through my sessions and at the very last page was an impossible one.

Unknown device. Unknown browser. Unknown location.

The dates?

First used July 13th. Last used December 31st, 1969.

Report SunflowerSwirl · 161 views · #error

Has that bug that's preventing people from replying to comments been fixed? · 1:39pm Oct 10th, 2016

Because about a week and a half ago I attempted to reply, but all that happened was that I got this generic error message when I tried to post it. I mean honestly, if you're going to give me an error message at least give me some detail on what went wrong.


PM issues · 7:36pm Aug 31st, 2017

Am currently un able to send or respond to PM's I am not ignoring anyone I just can't PM anybody.

Report Shadow-Dancer · 346 views · #Errors

Late night post · 4:55am Jun 19th, 2020

Anything you would like to,say for yourselves?

”No comment.”

”Of course not.”

”No. Why are you even doing this this late at night? Nobody is awake. Nobody when they wake up even cares. Make like Blue and hit the road.”

I know. Doesn’t take away from the experience though!

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Report Connect-the-Pie · 152 views · #Error

QuickBooks Error 404- Causes & Resolution Methods · 12:41pm Nov 11th, 2021

Despite being one of the most favored accounting software, QuickBooks has a long list of technical issues. QuickBooks error 404 is one of the common technical errors in the program that can bring your business accounting process at a halt. It takes place when the QB fails to sync with Intuit server. However, any interruption on the Internet can crop up this error in the program. Through this blog, we will help you get aware of the possible causes and some of the effective troubleshooting

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Can't find the story submit button... · 5:47am Nov 27th, 2015

so I kinda just gave up after about a half hour of trying to figure out what to do.

Report PastelThunderSound · 204 views · #faq #error

404 Story not found (YET!) · 12:30am Jun 2nd, 2017

404 + total view :rainbowderp:

Thanks for everybody that continue reading the story through its 6 chapters of pure caos and mess :pinkiecrazy:

Just wanted to make sure that you know that your interest is being apreciated.

I have read a few comments about the story feeling a bit rushed, and I personaly think that my descriptions lack a bit of emotion... So, I'll try to adress these issues on chapter 7! Thanks for your feedback :raritystarry:

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Report Random Encounter · 286 views · #404 Error

Minor News.... RETCON! · 3:04am Dec 7th, 2023

The April Fools Interlude is being Retconned. I will post the same thing in chapter 54 in the author's notes, but I thought I'd let you all know in advance. Minor spoiler, I intended for the April Fools Interlude to be canon at the end of the story. Due to a continuity error of my own doing, I need to make some adjustments. I will not spoil what I am changing, but it will come soon enough when I release my next chapter.

Until next time....


Common Issues and How to Avoid Them · 10:11am Feb 6th, 2017

A collection of errors, advices mostly for beginners and something more I often point out--putting this up here just for reference. Still, feel free to read and share your own experience!

1) Character descriptions

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CH-H-H-H-HAOTI-I-I-IC E-E-E-ERROR-R-R-RRRRRrrrrr... · 10:41pm Apr 2nd, 2017

"Oh please, excuse me, I don't mean to alarm
And certainly, I mean you no physical harm
I'm just the reigning king of chaos here to rock your world
So just sit tight and let this little story unfurl."

"My mission is simple: Neverending Strife
I'll worm into your heart and then I'll cut like a knife
My intentions are clear, so just surrender your will

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What the *BLEEP*? · 10:51pm Jun 30th, 2018

So I did something I’ve never done before, an update of chapters on a story twice in one day. That said, the newer update didn’t show up on the site’s front page in the section for story updates.


Stats Page Don't Work · 6:48pm Aug 15th, 2022

I'm just complaining about something that doesn't matter. Don't mind me.:derpytongue2:

So I know all you non-writers have never looked at it, but for every story there is a stats page. If you don't know where it is, next to the rating bar of every story is this little down arrow. Click that and a list including a link to the stats page will appear. There you will see three graphs. One graph shows you the story's rating over time. The other two track how many "views" the story has.

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Report Blobskin · 181 views · #statistics #stats #error #bug

500 Internal Server Error · 1:27pm January 23rd

So, Sometimes I will get this on the site. Does anyone else get this?
500 Internal Server Error


Bad News! · 11:58pm March 10th

The Upstream Problems are happening again, it's pissing me off folks, I will have to get help from the moderation or Admins unless yall have ideas on a solution to the upstream problems I will have to resort to getting help from server resources.

Update: So I've been using Discord Links and it would seem they're useless, so I will be converting to ImgBB, will take a while to convert


Really bad news, request for help! · 2:45pm April 14th

There was a error in the editing of the chapter 7 of my Marksaline story.
The result was losing the chapter content.
Has anyone a copy of my Marksaline story stored somewhere?!
Otherwise the chapter 7 is lost...


I'm back again! I have a question, though! · 3:44pm Nov 10th, 2017

I'm back again; working on a new Christmas fic!

So...even thought I will be responding to comments and even updating a story, I still won't be extremely active until the holidays Thanksgiving and Chritmans, and I catch up with school.

However, at Christmas, I will be back with a bang with my new fanfic: a pony Christmas carol. :coolphoto:

I have a question. When I update my settings, I cannot seem to update my old profile information.

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Continuity errors · 12:07pm Aug 22nd, 2015

Some continuity errors have been pointed out to me by dedicated reader, Admiral Stoic Rum. Because I set the story after Discords reformation but before Twilights ascension, these will cause a problem in the long term. Thankfully they are easily corrected.

I want to extended a big thanks to the Admiral for pointing these out.


Amulet of Shades 404 Not Found Error · 10:52pm Jun 28th, 2017

Howdy Folks, I'm Back! (From my cruise to Alaska...)

So, if you haven't already noticed, I revoked The Amulet of Shades.

GASP! Whatever for?!

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 84 results