
Viewing 1 - 20 of 23 results

Spoiled Rich Has Standards · 1:02pm Feb 13th, 2017

Just something.
I was going over You Shall Go To The Gala and I realised that Spoiled Rich seemed supportive of Countess Magnifying Glass striking Derpy with a crop and dragging her out of the Gala.
But recently, I've added that she now sees the Countess and her daughters as scum for what they did, reacting violently towards their attempts to curry favour with the Riches.
Let me clarify.

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Happy Hearth's Warming PixelMoon! · 9:42pm Dec 18th, 2017

I know you are feeling a bit down today Pixel!

I wrote you a story and hope you like, maybe it can aid you in finding your smile again.

It's called - I Still Got It.

May The Night Bring Smiles.


The Spoiled Rich Roast · 2:51am Nov 11th, 2015

The only stallion that was ever happy to meet Spoiled Rich was her plastic surgeon. If he charged per square inch, he’d be a millionaire.
That mare needs a nose job so desperately that she’s applied for nose welfare.
Her nose is so pointy that when she looks down, I half expect tea to come pouring out of her nostrils.

And she’s got a one-of-an-unkind personality! Speaking with her makes a stallion wonder where he sees himself in five miles.

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A new idea! · 12:05am Mar 21st, 2017

Have you... ever had an idea, that was sorta a bad one?

Like, you thought there were a lot of reasonably exciting things that could be done with it, and thought the characters could be explored in an interesting way... But it's starring mostly not-very-popular characters?

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Short Hand: Blessings · 5:30pm Oct 30th, 2022

Shepherd is woken up by a pounding on his front door. He slowly gets up and staggers to the door. He scratched his chin, yawned, and opened the door.

Shepherd: "Yes?"

Diamond Tiara: "You! Human! Bless me!"

Shepherd: "I... Sorry?"

Diamond Tiara: "You're a human protector! You've brought great fortune to those stupid Apples! So you should bless me too!"

Shepherd: "That's... Not how it works, kid."

Diamond Tiara: "My daddy is very rich!"

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What am I cooking? (teaser) · 3:49am Mar 18th, 2023

It was that kind afternoon for Diamond Tiara. The kind when she already did everything she had to do through the day, so she was allegedly free. But in her mind, she couldn't feel more trapped. She was close to her eighteenth birthday, and what should be the start of every possibility only felt like a door closing behind her back.

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New Story - Need an editor or two · 8:11am Oct 11th, 2015

In a fit of inspiration, I have written a 1,500 word story tenatively titled Thanks, Mother which is more or less a reaction fic to the last episode, detailing Diamond Tiara's conversation with her mother, Spoiled Rich, after everything is said and done. I'm looking to get it edited and posted quite quickly, so if anyone is still awake who would be willing to look over a 1,500 word story about Diamond Tiara being Diamond Tiara, I'd appreciate it.

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And Yet, What Riches Still Await (Summary/Spoilers) · 4:23am May 7th

This is going to be a new thing I do from now on when I read, I'll leave summaries here for those interested.

In the same vain as the Silver Standard, we have the point of which Spoiled Rich and Filthy Rich meet for the first time. Important to realize that Spoiled Rich in this line of fics, is Diamond's stepmom.

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Diminishing Returns (Summary/Spoilers) · 7:26pm May 7th


(Originally written March 30th 2024)

Was feeling rather motivated to read another one in the series so I read through it last night and earlier today. Have to say, the author of these really knows how to write these characters.

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Troubleshooting · 1:18am Apr 12th, 2019

I'm having a little trouble for the next few chapters of Lifetime Benefits.

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Menace to Propriety (Spoilers/Summary) · 5:01pm May 9th

I personally really liked this fic, and thought it was rather adorable how Diamond saw potential in a pet that wasn't well liked by others. It was also a good lesson for Diamond too, with the potential death of her pet and the drama between her and Spoiled Rich - which was really interesting and deep.


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I Don't Write Monsters (or: No One Is Alone) · 8:52pm Dec 12th, 2015

Beloved Readers, I have a rule.

I didn't quite realize it until a few weeks ago, but I've been writing by this rule since I seriously picked up writing as a craft somewhere in the neighborhood of 2004. A rule first introduced to me by The Last Unicorn and later fully codified by Princess Mononoke for all characters, but especially for all villains and antagonists. A simple rule by design, if not always in practice.

Reader, I do not write monsters.

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Memes for the spoiled · 1:28pm May 24th, 2020


New Story: "And Yet, What Riches Still Await" · 4:04am Feb 29th, 2016

Most Beloved Readers, here's question I've been asking everyone for the past few days:
Does it count as an unusual ship if the couple is canon...but nobody really thinks they're in love? I'm pretty sure it does.

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New Story: Dimnishing Returns · 9:04pm Aug 27th, 2017

Or as I like to call it "The Riches Have Some Issues To Work Out But Ultimately Have A Healthy Marriage Because They Love Each Other And You Can't Stop Me So There ".

But my prereaders told me that title takes too long to read, so I named it after an economics thingy instead.

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Pony Talk Episode 17-Diamond Tiara's Redemption · 9:04pm Apr 3rd, 2016

So let's talk about Diamond Tiara's song! I mean, the songs from the show. I will not be singing.


A story that I liked is no longer available here · 1:21pm May 2nd, 2021

The name of the story is Done With You, written by ShowShine. It's about Spoiled Rich being more abusive towards Diamond Tiara, which led Filthy Rich to file for divorce. He kicked her out of the house, his butler Randolph told him everything that happened, ordered him to hit her with a broom, he burned her stuff, and proceeded with the paperwork.

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New Life as a foal chapter · 11:00pm Jan 12th, 2017

A new chapter for Life as a Foal is coming soon. It will feature elements from SuperPinkBrony's story Pound and Pumpkin's adventures (and misadventures) in toilet training, which is a great story in of itself and I highly recommend it.


Worst ponies in the show (opinionated) · 3:56am Aug 21st, 2019

1. Chancellor Neighsay - His racist and disrespectful remarks about non-ponies and his belief that they cannot attend school because of their species make my blood boil. Even though he realized the error of his ways, I simply cannot forgive him for the absolute bigotry that he has displayed.

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Character Development · 1:48pm Nov 29th, 2015

Not my best animation really, but still screw that Mandopony.

Diamond Tiara was voiced by the generously helpful Nerdz. (Ipz Nerdz on YouTube). Please give her a bit of attention. Also give some love to GemsTheUnicorn who was originally going to voice DT but had her own personal things to take care of.

Now I must work on the Christmas animation. It shall be fabulously awesome!

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 23 results