
Viewing 1 - 20 of 35 results

Everglow Ephemera · 11:34pm Oct 28th, 2019

When I started writing Lateral Movement and posting its chapters on this site, I decided that the attendant blog would only be used for story-related matters. That is, every blog post here would be about something related to that story (or, if I should ever write and post other stories here, about those). To date, that's been the case.

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Report Alzrius · 280 views · #Ponyfinder

So I started writing a short Ponyfinder adventure... · 4:31am Aug 29th, 2018

And its quickly spiraling into a full campaign setting. I can't stop adding to it. x.x

I've written a short history for a large fortified mining town called Volheim, and I've created three factions vying for control of it that the PCs can ally with or fight against (knowing my murder hobo players they'd try to kill all of them and bleed the city dry of money before running away).

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Report Blue Cultist · 251 views · #ponyfinder

Forgotten Past Kickstarter · 10:45pm Aug 24th, 2015

Less than 12 days left. We've reached and passed $12k and there are so many more goals waiting for us! We want to make this book as big and awesome as possible, and that will be done with your help. Every pledger helps. Every single one. We want all our adventurers at our side as we push into unknown territories.

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Ponyfinder Kickstarter · 1:10am Aug 1st, 2015

It has begun! Get to and put in your pledge while there's still things to get! Everglow needs your support, fellow pony fans.


Ponyfinder Kickstarter Rages On · 12:37am Aug 6th, 2015

We're only 5 days in and we just broke the $7500 stretch goal. With every goal, more gets added to the book for everyone's enjoyment. The front cover just went, but the back cover and many other exciting tiers remain, will you get it?

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Ponyfinder: gofast · 3:08am Jan 3rd, 2018

Ugh. There are too many ways to do this, but I decided to go with the one that uses a single mythic feat instead of elemental form 4, because I'd rather stay a pony. If anyone actually ever needs an alternate way to accomplish this, let me know. I have several, all similar, builds.

Sonicboom (With Rainbows)

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Playtesting Next Week · 3:43am Mar 18th, 2018

Now with more warning. The playtest today went well, let's do it again! This time it'll be at level 3.

Join here:


Points of Interest (Art/Story) · 3:23pm Jan 31st, 2021

So, it's Sunday. I'm in my hotel room in Washington, D.C., watching light snow fall outside the window. According to the weather report, we should be getting several inches by mid-afternoon. It's quiet here so far, like a good Sunday morning should be.

Seems like a good time to fill you all in on what I've been doing lately.

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Report Cold in Gardez · 985 views · #Art #Ponyfinder #Maps

The One Trick Pony · 12:08am Oct 20th, 2017

This is a long one. It's about Pathfinder and vengeance and exceedingly aggressive friendship. There will be math and a bit of whining. You've been warned.

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world building, part 2 · 3:52am Feb 25th, 2020

Welcome back...

Today I just plan to talk about ponies. As much as I like Equestria's Changelings and most of the feline races of Everglow I can't focus on them and ignore the ponies; The ponies are the focal point much like the map of Equestria has Equestria in the middle with everyone else around the sides. Though given that it is a map of a country one can be forgiven for providing so little detail on non pony locations. (has the planet even been officially named?)

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As someone who loves both DnD and Mlp should I give Ponyfinder a try? · 11:05pm Jun 13th, 2020

Lately I have been looking for a new campaign to join and a new group to play with and I am willing to try something new even though I greatly prefer the Pathfinder system. By chance I discovered Ponyfinder and began to wonder if I should try it. It seems like the perfect combination for me and a good opportunity to make friends both in the DnD and the Mlp community.

However I would first like to know what you guys think about it. Have you played it? Was it good?

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Oh, and about that Unicorn off to the side there... · 3:28am Dec 30th, 2016

That's Azure Foalklore, unicorn bard and adventurer. She was my character in a variant game of Pathfinder about a year or so back.

Pathfinder is pretty much Dungeons and Dragons (Ogres and Oubliettes for the canon) and a friend found a system rule for Equestrian player races. It didn't last much more than three sessions due to player drop in/drop out, but it was fun being a happy-go-lucky wandering minstrel.

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Tabletop is Magic, or Cynewulf Plays Dice With the Universe · 7:18pm May 5th, 2016

One of the best things I ever did involving ponies was run a tabletop RPG over Skype for, like, ever. It was mildly a big deal. Kitsune Risu was there, even, so you know it was a super huge amazing bash of awesome. But I had a blast running that game and writing letters as Luna and generally just enjoying the hell out of the setting. A lot of things that ended up in Night started out life as ideas for that game, or at least first were used there as a sort of test run. Jannah, the

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World Building part one · 1:10am Feb 17th, 2020


For those of you following my stories I must hang my head in shame. The marginal amount of work I have done is by no means enough for a chapter on either. To make matter worse is this blog which clearly informs you that my creative thoughts are not even going in that direction... shame on me :ajsleepy:

So What Am I Doing?

Making a world/setting...

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Hey Nerds · 7:39am Jul 17th, 2016

Ponyfinder for 5th Edition D&D

I haven't seen this posted around Fimfic yet. I figure this is up someone's alley. Figured I ought to spread it around.


Zipp Storm: Fifth Edition Dungeoneers · 2:53am Oct 5th, 2021

And now, we come to the final G5 pony of the new main crew. With only four levels and the power of David Silver's Ponyfinder, it's time to finally address the elephant in the room--what happens when you take Rainbow Dash and force her to think for herself? Well, the end result stands before you, and her name is...


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Sorry on Silence. · 4:07pm Mar 13th, 2018

As above, sorry to be quiet. But time's been, well, unkind, and leave it with that. Killing drive for the most part, and even wanting to be more than a shadow on the site generally.

"No. None will disturb her rest." The stone heart spoke impassively. Dessicated, dry corpses punctuated the gloom and its prowess in enforcing that statement. "Begone." The conversation fully at an end.

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Pipp Petals: Fifth Edition Dungeoneers · 1:37am Oct 5th, 2021

From the top of Zephyr Heights, with four levels and the help of David Silver's Ponyfinder work, prances the penultimate pony in this pentagon of premiere pop stars! And would you look at that, she's an actual pop star. Everyone, put your hands, hooves, or other appendages together for the one, the only...


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Hitch Trailblazer: Fifth Edition Dungeoneers · 5:02pm Oct 4th, 2021

Once more we delve into Fifth Edition D&D, with the help of David Silver's trusty Ponyfinder work. Once more I say that these G5 characters are only fourth level by the end of the film. And once more I select a pony to provide statistics to. Today, of course, we're choosing somebody Sunny's known all her life...

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Sunny Starscout: Fifth Edition Dungeoneers · 5:50am Oct 4th, 2021

In the interests of WELL THIS IDEA WON'T LEAVE MY HEAD I've decided to whip up D&D character stats for the Gen5 pones! I am using some elements from the Ponyfinder setting crafted by David Silver, because they actually fit pretty well into what we're going for here. That said, since all we've got is a single movie, I'm going to say that they're all only at fourth level. And who better to start us off than...

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 35 results