
Viewing 1 - 20 of 30 results

Share a :) · 10:17pm Sep 11th, 2017

Howdy. :>

So there's a "Share a Smile" blog thingy going around started by Crystal Wishes. I really like the idea and want to hop on board:

The more of you who participate, the more our chances increase of bringing someone a smile. That's what the Magic of Friendship is all about, right? Well, if you can, please take a few moments out of your day to help brighten someone else's.

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Report FrontSevens · 835 views · #Share a Smile

Jumping on the "Share a Smile" bandwagon. · 3:59pm Sep 12th, 2017

This is a departure from how I usually post, (Read: On a whim) so if you don't care much about a single person praising a few others that I don't usually chat with (God, there're so many of them), feel free to skip this blog if it shows up in your feed.

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Share a Smile - This Is Going to Be a Thing · 3:00pm Sep 11th, 2017

Crystal is not holding a knife to my throat. I promise. I am perfectly okay an nobody should call for help.

but to quote from the original blog:

The more of you who participate, the more our chances increase of bringing someone a smile. That's what the Magic of Friendship is all about, right? Well, if you can, please take a few moments out of your day to help brighten someone else's.

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Share a Smile · 2:42pm Sep 12th, 2017

Someone pointed me to this little thing going around, and even if it could be considered a chain-letter type thing, it is the best of causes.

The more of you who participate, the more our chances increase of bringing someone a smile. That's what the Magic of Friendship is all about, right? Well, if you can, please take a few moments out of your day to help brighten someone else's.

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Report Damaged · 498 views · #share a Smile #knighty

Share a nonconsensual smile · 3:28pm Sep 11th, 2017

Crystal Wishes did a thing. Here's the thing:

The more of you who participate, the more our chances increase of bringing someone a smile. That's what the Magic of Friendship is all about, right? Well, if you can, please take a few moments out of your day to help brighten someone else's.

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Report 2Merr · 460 views · #Share a Smile #Locky

Share a Smile · 2:37pm Sep 10th, 2017

There was something about the way your story looked amongst the other entries in the list. Would “generic” be the word to describe it? It looked somewhat generic. And the story cover that came with it didn’t help either. Regretfully, the story sat in my “Read It Later” for the longest time before I finally decided to open it.

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sharen smiles · 1:19am Sep 12th, 2017

someone is doing this thing so i thot i'd do it 2 to maybe cool like th kewl kids 2

sew sharen smile

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Share a Smile! Also, the worst dump I ever took. · 9:57pm Sep 12th, 2017

Crystal Wishes did a thing, as pones do. As an old curmudgeon, I'm obligated to hate these things, but I have some people to thank, so... this time. :trixieshiftleft:

The genealogy of this smile is:
Crystal Wishes -> Undome Tinwe -> Bad Horse

Feel free to extend this if you write your own post. No, that doesn't mean you can call me daddy, yamgoth.

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Report Bad Horse · 1,230 views · #Share a Smile #poop

Jumping onto this whole Share a Smile bandwagon · 12:08pm Sep 13th, 2017

So this thing’s going around, and it’s pretty nice. I decided I wanted to do it, then decided against it, and eventually said fuck it, I’m not doing much writing right now anyway, so why not?
inb4 we all get disciplined for spreading chain letters!

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Share a Smile · 2:20pm Sep 12th, 2017

Ladies and gentlemen who are following me...

As you might have guessed or learned already, I am not, in entirety, a positive person in life. I deal in irony, I swing sarcasm like a dagger in the night, I lace your drink with cynicism. And I always respect the grayer side of existence. It proves very satisfying to write about, even if some of my work deals with joy and laughter too. Well, one has to appreciate the entire spectrum.

However... Take a look.

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Share a Smile · 8:21pm Sep 11th, 2017

Well, I thought I'd contribute to this, but it took me a while to decide on what I'd write or who for. In then end, I decided there are two people in particular who are deserving of this more than anyone else I know on this site. I may have only interacted with them once or twice and I've only been reading their works for a short while but I want them to know how much I appreciate their work.

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Share a Smile! · 4:10am Sep 13th, 2017

Look, I know that I'm kind of a nobody on this site, but I've decided to pick up Crystal Wishes' "Share a Smile" idea. In case you haven't heard of it, here's what she wrote:

Here's what I'd like everyone to do: write a blog post about someone (or someones!) who you don't normally interact with that you admire, look up to, or just simply want to praise in some way. Then tag it with Share a Smile, as well as the

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Share a Smile Across Fim:Fic! · 11:36am Sep 12th, 2017

Okay, this is of course a little different from my usual posts but two writers I follow and love the work of - Crystal Wishes and Carapace- have started the ball rolling on this challenge. (Might be others sure, but they are the ones I have seen.) Anyway here is the challenge:

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Share a Smile · 5:42pm Sep 11th, 2017

Crystal Wishes started a pretty cool thing. Share a smile!

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Share A Smile - A Thank-You to Three People · 10:04pm Sep 11th, 2017

So Crystal Wishes did something wonderful yesterday, and I'd like to join in by thanking three specific people that I've gotten to know over the course of the past few months. All three have helped create and lead communities that I am proud to be part of, and I would like to acknowledge their efforts as leaders as well as to thank them for being the wonderful people

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The Share a Smile Blog · 10:57pm Sep 11th, 2017

So, a really cool person on this site named Crystal Wishes started something I think is really positive.

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Share a Smile · 4:44am Sep 12th, 2017

I've been meaning to do one of these ever since Crystal Wishes came up with the idea. :twilightsmile:

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Share a Smile · 10:59pm Sep 11th, 2017

Eyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! This blog is going to be a little different from the rest of my blogs. This was inspired by the writer of the story Crystal Wishes and other stories named... Crystal Wishes. Her idea of Share a Smile is simple, so I will explain it in my own words:

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Sharing the Smiles · 4:09pm Sep 11th, 2017

I heard about this game of tag, so here goooes

PlayBitz is a pretty nice and chill guy! He's very generous and even lent me some help when he didn't have to! I hope he has a good day today!

Six is also extremely generous. I got to give him hugs at BC too, and he's pretty darned cuddly. Six always means well so he deserves to have that good day too.

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Share a Smile · 1:02am Sep 12th, 2017

Okay, so a while back I stumbled upon a good friend of mine, Ponyjosiah13 followed the trend started by Crystal Wishes and her wish and I quote is to:

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 30 results