• Member Since 8th May, 2015
  • offline last seen Oct 27th, 2023

Violet Rose in The Rain

Every rainstorm makes every day of sunlight that much more precious.

More Blog Posts8

  • 387 weeks
    Jumping on the "Share a Smile" bandwagon.

    This is a departure from how I usually post, (Read: On a whim) so if you don't care much about a single person praising a few others that I don't usually chat with (God, there're so many of them), feel free to skip this blog if it shows up in your feed.

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    2 comments · 469 views
  • 389 weeks
    TFW you fall for a fake suicide case.

    4 comments · 410 views
  • 410 weeks
    Crystal Empire Worldbuilding

    In partly due to its temporal displacement, the millennium-long modern culture of Equestria was a new and exotic thing to the native Crystal Ponies. Restaurants and shops dedicated to Southern Culture, as the Crystal Ponies called it, propped up everywhere, with groups devouring bundles of literature, music and plays that were already considered archaic by modern Equestria standards.

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    0 comments · 368 views
  • 416 weeks
    Trying my hand at art.

    Feedback would be appreciated.

    6 comments · 450 views
  • 458 weeks

    Lessons in Kindness and Empathy is on a temporary hiatus until further notice.

    My apologies to those who are following the story. (Which is like, 6 of you guys.)

    1 comments · 377 views

Jumping on the "Share a Smile" bandwagon. · 3:59pm Sep 12th, 2017

This is a departure from how I usually post, (Read: On a whim) so if you don't care much about a single person praising a few others that I don't usually chat with (God, there're so many of them), feel free to skip this blog if it shows up in your feed.

Source of the original blog post.

I may not say much about the people I'm about to praise, but talking a lot isn't one of my strong points.

Lady Froey

You're smart and witty, with the patience to put up with my bullshit and still be a friend of mine. It takes strength to endure what the world throws at people like you and keep going.


The best part about your writing is the way you take a trickster character and give him proper characterisation that fits his canon self; an immortal god that does not solve protagonist-antagonist conflicts with brute force, but with a mixture of trickery, magic and chaos which keeps readers hooked with every chapter.

Add worldbuilding, and we get a decent author.


Your blogs and reviews are often thought-provoking and enlightening, and you are direct and honest with your style and words.

Bookish Delight

I enjoy reading your stories, which has decent character portrayals and interesting interaction dynamics.

And that's about it for Sharing A Smile.

Comments ( 2 )

Aww this was a really nice blog post. It is always good to spread the positive vibes around. :)


(sorry I tend to go months without touching my blog feed)

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