• Member Since 22nd Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen January 12th



More Blog Posts52

  • 344 weeks
    Also I'm going to Bronycon

    My first Bronycon! :> My first convention ever, really. I've wanted to go for a while now, since I usually knew a few friends that would be going, and this year's the first that I can!

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    8 comments · 495 views
  • 387 weeks
    Share a :)

    Howdy. :>

    So there's a "Share a Smile" blog thingy going around started by Crystal Wishes. I really like the idea and want to hop on board:

    The more of you who participate, the more our chances increase of bringing someone a smile. That's what the Magic of Friendship is all about, right? Well, if you can, please take a few moments out of your day to help brighten someone else's.

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    6 comments · 843 views
  • 393 weeks
    Thank You 🙏

    Today was a good day. I snagged a screenshot when I had the chance. 😃

    Thank you all. Balance has been restored. 👏

    I have one qualm though. One. 👆

    This happened on July 29th. 😬

    July 29th, 2017. 🤢

    And not. 😨

    July 28th, 2017. The big day. The return to form of modern cinema. 😩

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    9 comments · 736 views
  • 394 weeks
    Delay on the Cafe

    Hey guys, so the last chapter of petting cafe is gonna be delayed a bit, just FYI. Gonna post it next Sunday instead of tomorrow since this week got really busy. I am working on it though, and it's 70% written, but I just need a bit more time. Sorry, and thanks :)

    5 comments · 504 views
  • 400 weeks
    New Avatar

    It's been, what... three, four years since I updated my avatar?

    Well, here's an update. Now with 20% more cute. :D

    boop :twilightsmile:

    6 comments · 561 views

Share a :) · 10:17pm Sep 11th, 2017

Howdy. :>

So there's a "Share a Smile" blog thingy going around started by Crystal Wishes. I really like the idea and want to hop on board:

The more of you who participate, the more our chances increase of bringing someone a smile. That's what the Magic of Friendship is all about, right? Well, if you can, please take a few moments out of your day to help brighten someone else's.
Here's what I'd like everyone to do: write a blog post about someone (or someones!) who you don't normally interact with that you admire, look up to, or just simply want to praise in some way. Then tag it with Share a Smile, as well as the names of the user(s) you wrote about. If we're lucky—if enough of y'all participate—that person may just have the happy surprise of finding your post. If you could also include instructions at the bottom of your post for others who see it to do the same, that would be super!

Now, keep in mind: for the names below, the key here is "who you don't normally interact with". If I chat with you on a regular or semi-regular basis, I chat with you for a reason :) I want to thank and compliment you in spades, but I'd rather do that over PMs or Discord over the next several days. Several of you out there are wonderful people and make my day, but here are some that I don't otherwise have the chance to express that to:


horizon, when I get discouraged for calling myself a brony because of the obnoxious vocal minority, I think, Well, at least we've got horizon. You're one of the better examples of the brony community of just being a classy and all-around positive guy (on top of being a fantastic writer and fun guy to interact with).

I've pretty much interacted with you only from the writeoff boards etc., but you've said some really encouraging things to me in the past and I really appreciate it. The writeoffs were hard for me at times, and I don't think I would've pushed onward and kept doing them without you not only giving constructive criticism, but going further and saying really encouraging things to me, so thank you :)


docontra, you PM me from time to time when you see spelling errors or grammar errors, and I just wanted to say that I really appreciate it :) You were always so polite in your PMs, and something about it being a PM and not a comment made it feel more personal, oddly enough, so thank you :>

- - -

Anyway, yeah, just wanted to jump on the positivity train for a bit. I'd invite you to join in, too--it's fun and it might make someone's day. You can do it in a blog or do it over PM, but I'd highly encourage you to do it.

Anyway, have a great day, y'all :)

Report FrontSevens · 843 views · #Share a Smile
Comments ( 6 )

:O It's you!

You need to go on Discord more often so I can tell you how cool you are :PPP

But CW is a self adsorbed female dog.


Oh, no! Crystal's gotten to you too? The horror! It's okay, man, just be cool. And whatever you do, don't let her find you in possession of breadsticks!



4666013 Yeah, well, at least I'm a dog and not a BUTT!


You're gonna need some slightly medicated cream for that somewhat heated area, though you actually probably don't because it's not that bad of an injury, it's already going away... but it's better to be safe than sorry so here let me get you some aloe or something :<

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