
Viewing 1501 - 1520 of 1,662 results

I Need Some Input · 1:16am May 24th, 2017

I have depression, social anxiety, PTSD, agoraphobia, anemia, OCD, and a few other emotional/ physical disorders. I want to make a YouTube series about what it is like to deal with these various conditions but I don't want to come off as being a victim. I want to make these videos to spread awareness and give people some insight into what it is like to deal with these things.

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My Conspiracy Theories: We Are Living In A Simulated Reality · 7:03pm May 29th, 2016

My Conspiracy Theories: We Are Living In A Simulated Reality

I have a conspiracy theory guys.

I think we are all secretly characters in one giant multiverse wide SIMS game.

There are some things that support my theory.

First of all, nothing in life ever goes friggin right. Like you could just be minding your own business. And bam. Your toaster explodes. That is some SIMS bs right there.

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My Computer Won't Boot · 1:30pm Jun 20th, 2017

My computer decided to be dumb at exactly 4:00 PM yesterday and nonchalantly made the decision not boot anymore. I am kind of depressed because all of my writing, art, music, etc. is saved to my laptop. I can't even boot it to access any data.

Why did this happen, you might be asking? The latest Windows 10 update literally killed my computer. But I am not alone. Apparently it killed other people's computers too. <_<

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I'm A Big Vehicle Fan · 2:33pm Sep 9th, 2017

I'm A Big Vehicle Fan

One thing you might not know about me is that I love vehicles like trains, cars, motorcycles, trucks, and so on.

In terms of industrial and transportation vehicles I love trains, trucks, airplanes, construction equipment, metro trains, and other industrial/ transportation vehicles (both modern and historic).

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What Image Hosting Site Works On Fim Fiction? · 1:52pm Jul 18th, 2017

What Image Hosting Site Works On Fim Fiction?

Is there an image hosting site that actually works here? <_<

I have literally tried like seven different image hosting sites (Imgur, Photobucket, ImageShack, Dropbox, Slimgur...the list goes on...) and all of the pictures are blocked on this site.

Photobucket is the exception but they recently made it so you can't post on third party sites unless you pay a yearly subscription fee (which is dumb).

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What's coming up soon? · 4:35am Apr 10th, 2019

Whinny City was great, btw. Shoutout to CoffeeMinion (I met his beautiful wife and children), Vivid Syntax, and also my new friends I met at the Writer's Meetup! (And, of course, ireadpony for recording my panel again :P Thanks bud!)

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Closing Thoughts · 6:45pm Nov 1st, 2019

It's well known that the show has been a growing disaster for years. The fandom is much smaller than it used to be with far less engagement of all kinds, and Hasbro is unwilling to acknowledge that they royally screwed up with MLP. In all honesty I'm shocked I'm still here at all considering the last episode I watched was in season 5, but at the end of the day I just haven't found anything more substantial to take my time. That said, I've always been happier giving constructive criticism

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I'm running out of ideas so have this stripe heeler trying his best compilation · 10:11am Apr 24th, 2022


Being a Better Writer: Bias and Growth · 9:41pm Jul 19th, 2021


I got artists to draw my ideas for new Lethal Company updates · 8:44pm Dec 3rd, 2023


I got MORE artists to draw my ideas for Lethal Company updates · 9:18am January 23rd


List of my Writing Tips and Helpful Blog Posts · 12:32am Aug 28th, 2015

This here is where you can find a list of Blogs that I've written that help people write better. I know about half my followers follow me for helpful blogs so hopefully this can help someone as well.

Note: some lessons are links to videos, some have videos AND blog versions, and some blogs are collaborations with other authors,

Full Lessons:

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My Totally Serious Entry Into The Cute War · 3:57am Dec 6th, 2015

My Totally Serious Entry Into The Cute War:

Well, here is my totally serious entry into The Cute War. Yep, it is meant to be the most serious entry you have seen today. Nothing fishy is going on here. Nope. Nuh uh. Nada.

So I humbly enter my cute face.

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Many Thanks To TheCastawayPariah · 11:42pm Mar 21st, 2017

As many people know, my mom and I have been going through a very hard time lately.

If you want to read the full story you can check out my blog entry here:

Yesterday there was someone who made a very kind donation to my fundraiser.

He has previously made three other contributions and he made another one which I just received in the mail.

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I'm Going Through A Difficult Time And Fundraiser · 5:38pm Oct 14th, 2016

A month or so ago my mom was diagnosed with Vikings Disease which causes bones and joints to curl up to the point where they can't be used anymore. There is no known cure for it. My mom got it from an injury at her job where she shattered her shoulder bones and all of the bones in her wrist. This caused her body to sustain a lot of trauma that triggered the recessive genetic disorder.

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My Thoughts On The New Healthcare System · 4:28pm Jan 12th, 2017

In a press conference yesterday, Trump said they are going to repeal and replace Obamacare the same day with a new bill that was drawn up. The new plan allows for people to earn interest on their insurance policies that they can take out to pay for medical expenses. It basically pays for itself in the longrun. And it keeps all of the best aspects of Obamacare but with little cost because it encourages competition across State lines. There's a bunch of information about the new plan online/ on

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When The World Ends · 1:03am Jan 23rd, 2017

When you think about it, at any given moment, of any given day, a meteor could crash into the earth, we could blow ourselves up with nuclear weapons, we could have our entire civilization destroyed by super volcanoes, or earthquakes, or water covering the earth, or any number of natural or man-made disasters that could eradicate our species.

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The Great Idea Massacre Of 2017 · 2:13am May 12th, 2017

So it's May 2017, and I haven't been heard of on here since December. I'am writing this blog just to touch on how 2017 has been so far writing-wise and to explain why I haven't published any stories lately.

I am just going to say this outright, 2017 has been a fucking nightmare in terms of trying to write fics. This isn't due to any unforeseen circumstances outside of my control, it's mostly all my fault.

So let me walk you through this madness month by month.

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Think Tank and Other Ideas! · 12:46am Sep 14th, 2016

First off, thanks so much to everybody who favorited Friendship Doesn't Pay the Bills! I'm so happy with it's success (well, successful for me at least), and I am so glad it made people laugh. I want to get into writing out comedy stories more often, although I know that I have been fairly slow in getting it out there. I tend to stew for a while and demand to have these long projects. It can make it hard to see it through to the end, but FDPTBS did get finished and I'm glad it was worth

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I Am Made Of Constellations · 8:27pm Sep 16th, 2016

I have constellations as birthmarks kind of all over my body, including the Big Dipper, The Small Dipper, and so on.

This got me thinking of that quote that says people are built from stardust and everything that makes up a human being can be found in space.

I guess my birthmarks are a pretty literal example of that (in some form or another). :P

On a side note, I also have one eye that is a slightly different shade of blue than the other.

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Viewing 1501 - 1520 of 1,662 results