
Viewing 101 - 120 of 248 results

The GOOD HiE Podcast is moving... and so am I · 4:12pm May 3rd, 2017

So, we had a bit of drama yesterday while I was asleep. So now, the GHiE Podcast is now the "Barcast" and completely separate from The Good HiE Group.
I am no longer and Admin on that group and as such I invite you all to my new group P.i.E.

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I... AM... MOVING!! + Update On Other Stuff · 12:14am Oct 29th, 2016

I have huge news of which I think I may have already shared but who knows? :derpytongue2: Anyway, I am moving!! And the date fir renovations to be done is November 15th! Also, tomorrow I'm having a moving sale to get all the sh*t out of my house! And in this sale, I am getting rid of my bedroom furniture because I'm getting new furniture. I was discussing prices for my furniture with my Mom and we had a very funny conversation. :rainbowlaugh:
WARNING: Long blog post ahead!

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Thoughts on “Rainbow Roadtrip” · 3:58am Jun 30th, 2019

So, I saw “Rainbow Roadtrip,” and I absolutely loved it. Granted, it was very uncomplicated and predictable, but I personality think that both those characteristics ended up working in the special’s favor. Because the show staff didn’t overthink the plot, each of the characters new and old got a chance to shine. The special got me to care about every character that showed up regardless of how much screen time that a character had.

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Moving Blog · 6:00pm May 28th, 2022

Disclaimer!- I won't be moving OFFICIALLY until July. Late July. The reason for posting this blog now, is to hopefully raise enough money that I can pay the last month's rent, so that my fiance Dreams of Ponies, can focus on the house stuff. I don't like asking for help, like I'm REALLY bad at it, but I know with groceries and needing some stuff on Amazon for the move, I could use a bit of a helping hoof.

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Life Update / Temporary Writing Hiatus. · 8:55pm Mar 1st, 2023

So, yeah.

Been really busy on my end, because I'm going to be moving to D.C. From Indiana. My dad got a really big promotion, and while I'm happy for him...there's so much stuff to do that it's making me come apart at the seams inside.

Suffice to say, I haven't had enough time or mental ability to write as of recently, so I am taking an offiicial break from it until I can get settled in. I will return, it just won't be anytime soon.

Thank you for understanding.

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Psychology (Moving On and Letting Go) Full Blog. · 11:21pm February 9th

In relation to the questions I asked in this blog,

here are some psychological things you may want to understand.

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Moving house. · 1:19pm Mar 2nd, 2016

Well, this is a bit awkward as I wanted to do some fiction for you guys, but I am moving house next week and need to finish packing.

To make matters worse, my coursework was marked and one of ther pieces failed, for the second time.

This is despite the fact I followed the advice of my tutors and had them clarify my confusion over the ptoject brief, and used their feedback from the original article to make this one.

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Soooooo Tired. · 7:58pm Feb 10th, 2016

How did I agree to a 6 day week? Why did I go to a midnight showing of Deadpool? Why is packing stuff for moving so hard?

I am so tired right now, but I am still working on the story when I can. Just expect delays until the move is completed, I have finished this week and caught up on my sleep.

However, I can give you a short preview to wet your appetite.

Reiver awoke to a quiet house.

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Stuck on "Stuck" · 5:31pm Jul 10th, 2017

Hey guys, NickyD here. So I'm just going to be straight forward with you for a minute.

As you know, "Stuck" has not been updated in a while and there are a couple reasons why.

1) Other projects. I get ideas for one shots ("She Struck a Chord With Me", "Skittles", etc) or YouTube projects and I literally can't work on anything else until those are done. It's a weird thing with me.

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Events in the Life of Witching Hour · 6:06pm Sep 29th, 2021

I really should try to keep this thing better updated... But here's a brief recap:

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Adjustments · 9:11am Jul 31st, 2021

Greetings from Cali Fimfictioners!

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News. · 7:43pm May 18th, 2023

Heyo, fellow nerds.

Just wanted to give you all an update on the next chapter. It hasn't been written yet, not because I don't know what to write, or my muse is gone. The simple fact is, I just not had a peaceful moment to sit down and write. :twilightsheepish:

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Recent events. · 3:05pm March 19th

Just a quick update about what has been going on recently and why I haven't really been writing this past month and a half.

Family and I have been packing to move to another state and our last day in California is on the 21st. We will be making a two day trip across the country and once we get settled (along with me finding a new job) I will get back to writing.

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Important News: Moving House, Story Slowdowns and Potentential Projects · 4:49am Oct 22nd, 2015

Surprisingly, the tag "moving" is rather small.

As the title may suggest, the most important reason for this blog post is something that will affect my productivity quite drastically. More at eleven.

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Still Alive · 4:46pm Sep 3rd, 2016

Hey guys, just an update I'm still totally alive and still working on King & Shy.

It's been really busy at work and at home though. Moving house is always a huge delay on anything. I'm getting back into the swing of things though and hopefully by the end of this month everything will have settled down and I'll be back to my regular 1/week schedule. Sorry for the delay, but don't worry I am close to finished with the opening chapter of Act 2 so you'll get more of the story soon.


The Big Move. · 12:03am Jun 16th, 2017

Hello, everyone!

For an update on things going on in my life, click below!

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The League of Sweetie Belles Personnel Files. · 12:10pm Sep 20th, 2019

Moved here since adjusting the chapter order over and over again was inefficient. Contains many spoilers for the League of Sweetie Belles, only read if you want context or have read all the chapters.

The League of Sweetie Belles

Cinder "Sweetie" Belle

Defining features: orange eyes.

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Marathon Pt.3 · 8:16pm Dec 23rd, 2020

Moving day is here, such as it is. I say 'moving day' but honestly we're just going to be moving over the next week and a half trying to haul our lives between two places in the dead of winter.

To anyone and everyone who has supported me through this, whether that's financially, emotionally, or verbally, thank you. Every single one of you who has sat down and read my work, followed the adventures of my girls, and talked about them, has helped me.

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Things are finally going somewhere · 6:59pm Aug 13th, 2018

Today, I signed a new rental agreement. (Is that the correct word, though?) At the end of this month, I'm going to move to a new home. Both the apartment and the rent are smaller and that's great. I don't need quite this much space anyway. I'm kind of excited. This will set a few things in motion and I'm not sure if I'll be able to write all that much. Especially when I got hooked on gaming--again. :derpytongue2: That said, I have 6 chapters ready and edited for my upcoming

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Final Steps... · 7:33pm Feb 24th, 2019

Well, the next few days will bring into being one of the last steps on my road to recovery from the events of this past summer. I'll be moving out of the temporary vacation home I've spent the winter in and be moving to a permanent or at least long-term living situation.

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Viewing 101 - 120 of 248 results