
Viewing 81 - 100 of 222 results

What do I do? Where do I go? · 5:05am Jul 4th, 2016

For a while now I've been struggling with thoughts of what my future holds. "What should I do? Should I continue to persue writing or try another route? Will I even make it as a writer, artist, or something else?" I keep getting into these moods when I know I shouldn't. I have a job for the summer and I'll be going back to school in august. I have family that loves me, but I don't want to live with them even if I can't pay my rent to stay where I am. I wouldn't say I'm depressed exactly. I have

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IANG News - Well shite, I forgot about this · 4:13pm Apr 29th, 2020

So I reached the nineteen chapter for writing the summary and after looking over the title I gave it and given date... I became confused about what exactly was I planning this chapter to about... but then I remembered a particular detail I wrote during Chapter 12: Stone to Sand.

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Reboot of Tagged Story: Deck Type · 2:16am Feb 13th, 2022

So, if you've read the tagged story, you'll know there have been some inconsistencies with Spike's deck, which is partially due to my lack of knowledge of Duel Monsters because of how long it's been since I actually played a Yu-Gi-Oh! game. Now, I was thinking of doing a reboot of this story with a set deck instead of the deck changing because of the fact that Battle City makes it that you have to place a card as a wager for every duel, winner gets the loser's best card. Now, here are some

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Getting back into doing fanfic readings and I need story suggestions! · 9:27pm Jul 4th, 2016

Hello everypony, Rainb0w Dahsie here!

As the title says I'm looking to get back into my youtube fanfic readings and I need suggestions!

And I don't mean the same fanfics we've all read a million times like Past Sins, My Little Dashie, Cupcakes, something something going out your door. You know, the ones that have thousands of hits.

I want stories that nopony has read before. Good, well-written stories that never got the recognition they deserved.

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300 already · 6:44am Jun 28th, 2017

*fans self* Jeese, you guys sure are laying on the pressure thick aint ya? I best step up my game and stop screwing around. I honestly didnt think id even get this far but I will try my best to be worthy of your attention. Please keep letting me know what my stories do and dont do well. The feedback on The First Law has been very enlightening and ive learned alot! I had hoped to do another suggestion thing for 300 but i've still got to finish the last batch I did around 250. So around 350 or a

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Sleepy Times · 6:50am Nov 6th, 2018

Hey all. Good news, this isn't a post (completely) about voting. Just wanted to say I came home feeling immensely tired today. Like, sluggish to the extreme. You ever have those days of utter fatigue, even though you've done things at the same pace as normal? How do you perk up from such onsets?

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Hey guys I'm still around and stuff also taking request/suggestions :) · 7:59pm May 30th, 2018

and I am in a much better headspace than I was in my last blog :) I just have not been updated how I feel because I was kinda more or less taking a break from The fandom while still be around just have not had much motivation to write even though I have realy wanted to get back to it

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Important new regarding 'Life With a Sexy Shaman' · 7:06pm Sep 17th, 2015

Hey there everypony, F1 here. I wanted to let you all know that "Life with a Sexy Shaman" will be undergoing a major rewrite. After reading it over I decided to change things up a bit. But I'm open to suggestions, so if there's anything you'd like to ti see either comment or PM me.

Don't worry the namr 'Nito' will still be the same:derpytongue2:


'Ello! - An Introduction · 1:36am Jan 12th, 2017

Hey peeps!
I'm MyNerdyRomance (or Sammeh, Sami, Sammie, Sammy, Satan, Mini Me, Short Stack, Luffy, An-Annoying-Sis, Nerdy, Spork, Sampai, Sami the Senpai, Moose, Squirrel, and I think that's it... idk) and I suck at writing. That's the first thing.
The second thing is, if you haven't seen yet. I write many different fanfictions on different accounts.
DevanArt: None Yet and No Art At The Moment

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Any characters I might've missed? · 3:18pm Jul 22nd, 2017

Season 7's going to come back soon, and I already have a good idea what to do with some of these new characters. (Mostly with the Sphinx.)

I'll get to those 3 from the FlutterBold episode, with perhaps that giraffe thrown in for fun. Just wondering if there was some other pony that you you'd like Deadpool to meet.

Who knew this show had more characters to get memorized than a single Kingdom Hearts game!!!


Naming suggestions for a Superweapon Research Project · 3:10am Mar 25th, 2023

G'day all.
Just a little update; sorry to say but TBC:Thera won't be updated anytime soon due to my focus on A Sword In Equestria.

That said, Next Chapter of TBC:Thera is focusing on a superweapon's research project that (for you bloodthirsty Human Supremacists out there:raritywink:) will put the fear of God into those four-legged, hay-eating, apple-loving, sun-worshipping, heathe- ahem. Anyway...

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The State of Progress · 11:27pm Sep 15th, 2021

I tend to write on more than one story at a time, so I figured I could make a blog post like this to give you guys at least some idea of what's to come next and what I'm working on. And, as an added bonus, this gives you guys another way to interact with the world's okayest fetish writer.


  • I started a new story: Silver Sable's Substantial Spheres. Currently 1457 words.
  • The Road Less Traveled has been bumped up to from 713 to 830 words. I know. Real big.

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Slightly Different Story Releasing Some Time This Week! · 12:55pm Jan 30th, 2017

So I know I said this story would be out last week but a whole slew of real life problems made that kind of impossible. Anyway, the new story will most likely be releasing sometime in the coming week now that I'm back, as for what it is well for anyone who may have read my last blog will know many people had been asking to try and write a more mature story. Therefore, next week you can expect my first clop

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Story Tags · 8:56pm Nov 10th, 2015

This website is great. You can post your works, people can comment, say what they liked or disliked, what you can improve, all that stuff. You can read other people's stories, and you can comment on them. There's the "Also Liked" and "Related" things where you can see other stories similar to the one you just read. There's the featured thing, where you can find good stories based on what everyone else recommends. There's the groups, where you can find certain kinds of stories, and there's the

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Open To Requests! - Readings · 4:29pm Aug 13th, 2019

Not done any readings for a while, and I'm always open to requests, so don't be shy to ask me about them!

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Me and my big stupid typing hand · 9:18am Jul 9th, 2019

No sooner had I finished what I said about being out of ideas then my brain suddenly suggested I look back on Equestria Crossover Confusion and it's sequels....Next time I'm just not going to bother thinking! But Screw it. I've paid especial interest to the Time to Duel one and wondered if anyone would like that part to have a final chapter? I never even got started with it but the notes do exist for the final chapter's points and conclusion to that part of the story. I'm also giving serious

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The Grinch Stole... · 1:25am Dec 19th, 2019

So, you've been on Facebook, you may have seen this:

Well, I'd thought I'd give it a try. But, instead of doing a short sentence, I tried to see if could give me something a bit more substantial.

It did not disappoint.

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Fallout Ponies? · 5:57pm Sep 10th, 2015

Hey there amigos! For the past few days I've been doing something that has nothing to do with updating Sky's Changing Secret, I've been building a Fallout and MLP crossover fic's universe. On the first day, I was entirely convinced that I was not gonna try a Fallout Equestria side fic, but now I wonder whether or not I should use the Universe I'm creating or whether I should try a FO:E side fic. I'd like all of y'all's opinion on this idea of mine. I will definitely keep trying to update SCS

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Points for the Assist! · 8:12pm Dec 2nd, 2018

As I have mentioned before, Shaping SHadow's Anthology does take requests. If you want to see something in the universe expanded or a question answered, I might be able to do it in a story. Also, I take names. If you read any of my works, you realize how in depth of a writer I am, and how many names I burn through. Keeping up is hard. So pitch them forward and see what fun they get into! It is very appreciated.

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Patreon or Paypal? What is the answer? · 7:02pm Nov 8th, 2018

Okay so this is something that has been bugging me for a while now. This hobby of mine to write is one that I love to do but recently I have been having far too little time to properly work on it, with my economy being rather strained. Thus have I begun to actually consider asking support to let me keep doing it.

So I have decided to either use Patreon or Paypal to seek aid from others to support my hobby.

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Viewing 81 - 100 of 222 results