
Viewing 1 - 20 of 108 results

Opening Commissions · 10:33pm Nov 15th, 2020

I know it probably looks weird, considering my inactivity, but I figured I'd at least try to motivate myself into writing again by sprinkling in commission work. Also, I'm in a bit of a money pit, and will be moving relatively soon, so I figured I should try to supplement my income.

There's gold in them thar smut, after all.

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No published Chapters for Sunday and Monday (Today and Tomorrow) · 11:10pm Dec 16th, 2018

Hi there guys, due to my mom will be operated tomorrow (Monday). Today and Tomorrow (Sunday and Monday), I won't be able to publish any Chapters. I'll publish them when I had time, maybe Monday night or Tuesday evening. I hope you understand.

Report RandomFics271197 · 226 views · #info

New oc Name: PonyRock Joe · 12:58pm Feb 19th, 2016

Report PonyRockJoe · 417 views · #info

Made a little stop to What!?... series · 11:21pm Dec 8th, 2018

I will made a little stop to this book, in order to focus on the 'The new beginning...' (maybe 10-15 chapters left). I will publish new chapters to 'What if!?...' book, if I recieved a request. If not I will post a new chapter to this book in the next week.

Report RandomFics271197 · 155 views · #info

I'm back. I'm okay. · 12:17pm Jan 3rd, 2020

Hey, guys. It's me. I'm back after those 7 or maybe 8 days. I visited my family and I was celebrating a new year with them. Okay, so... Now I wanted to tell you some news.

Her Little Demon remake "Demon's Child" will appear in this month. A prologue, Chapter 1: Nightmare Moon, Chapter 2: The great escape and probably Chapter 3: The lost. It's not all chapters, I think "Demon's Child" will be much longer (about 20 chapters)

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Report Wingy San · 176 views · #Info

NysaxStories > serenityx · 4:11am May 12th, 2019

Yes, I changed my username!

I just wanted to let everyone know so you don't think you're following a stranger.

Nope, still here. Can't get rid of me that easily. NysaxStories is now > serenityx

Also, about a story, a SciSet one-shot should be coming soon.


Report twience · 192 views · #username #info

Using grammarly to update my stories. · 10:51pm Dec 9th, 2018

I recently found this app 'Grammarly', it helped me so much in my recent Chapter. I will use it to update my other stories and from now on I will use it as a 'proofreader'. I really recommend it, if you are having a trouble of creating stories, when English isn't your primary language.


Not dead. · 12:26am February 22nd

Just so you guys know, I'm not dead. But I have something to say.

You know I called it quits months ago. However, GxK TNE has revealed to me some splendid cgi. After the official release of the film, {Which I'm planning to do} I'll continue writing my fic afterwards. And forget about the author's note chapter. I'll delete it as soon as possible.

Report Warhorse · 135 views · #New info

Universal Mishap of the Magical Kind Info · 8:08pm Aug 11th, 2020

The MLP universe that the three of us were sent to is an exact replica of the Prime Universe from the show, but with a few differences:

  • Some episodes' events from the show may or may not happen. Even if they do happen, some of the events will happen differently. Meaning, there would be a few changes to what happens before, during, and/or after the events. Even the end results might be different too.
  • There will even be events that were thought up with some help.

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Report Zeprto678 · 169 views · #story #info

Opening Commissions! · 6:43pm Feb 10th, 2018

This is me testing the waters, so to speak. Been writing for a while, but I've been doing a lot more of it lately, and I've recently been thinking about taking commissions for my work. Now, I believe I'm ready, so I've decided to write this blog post outlining the details!

Some guidelines:

  • No fics above 10K words. I'm not used to writing fics that are more than a few chapters, and I don't want my first time to be a commission.

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Report Dusk Raven · 461 views · #commission info

Informations about story · 7:54pm Aug 13th, 2018

If you think this is information about chapter 11, you're wrong, but if you want to know, I can tell you that the chapter is being translated, but I did not want to inform you about it.

I wanted to inform you about the changes in the storyline.

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Report Wingy San · 277 views · #storyline #Info

Assistance · 9:15pm Oct 23rd, 2015

Alright so this week I almost didn't make these two updates, and honestly it's starting to get a bit tougher keeping up, and tiring to make sure I haven't made any major spelling mistakes, what with the fact I've now got three stories I'll be trying to update weekly if and when I can make it possible. So here's my suggestion. For anyone that reads my stories and likes them, feel free to keep reading.

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Report Black Hailstorm · 230 views · #info #editor

Informations about story · 7:54pm Aug 13th, 2018

If you think this is information about chapter 11, you're wrong, but if you want to know, I can tell you that the chapter is being translated, but I did not want to inform you about it.

I wanted to inform you about the changes in the storyline.

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Report Wingy San · 234 views · #storyline #Info

So, I decided to inform you about important things · 1:44pm Oct 16th, 2020

First, from now on, chapters of the stories will appear, if I write them at all. And I will write, if I feel like it at all, because... I do not want to force myself. Forcing myself was devastating for me, it was very bad for me and it was only when I took this break that I understood it. Apparently, I needed to think about it all. I don't want to force myself either, because... I don't want to hate writing and I want future chapters to be just good. To be honest, I forced myself to write The

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Report Wingy San · 109 views · #info #what'snext?

A Lackluster Milestone Blog XD · 8:48pm Jun 8th, 2019


I'm late to my own party, aren't I cool?

Honestly though, ty for all 67 Followers!

You guys are amazing and always make me smile!:pinkiesmile:

Now onto the...

Update Info!

Been thinking on my update schedule, since my other one never seemed to work out, I was always behind on it lol.

So for the next two weeks, I'm going to try out a long range update plan.

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Report Forgetful · 205 views · #Update Info!

Sequel to Blink Again · 9:23pm Mar 8th, 2022

Spoilers for Blink Again ahead...

The truth of teleportation has been discovered; the full knowledge of its horrors known by a select few while the rest are given vague warnings of mortal peril. All use of teleportation is banned, all texts on it under lock and key, and all research into the subject placed strictly under government oversight.

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Report Amarandream · 479 views · #info #teaser

INFO · 11:10am Jul 5th, 2015

Well just for your information I will no longer make stories I noticed mine were pretty terrible...


My computer is broken this is a reason why I haven't done much blogs because typing with your fingers take ages....


Stuff! · 3:16am Feb 20th, 2018

Exciting stuff! Okay, maybe not that exciting, but it’s exciting for me!

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Report Harmony Pie · 444 views · #Info #contest #reviews

A little info about my "writing" · 4:16am Nov 12th, 2015

I don't indent paragraphs, I don't have a beta or editor, and I'm not perfect. I just like My Little Pony and writing fanfiction. I try to do the best I can, but I'm not an author and never will be unless Hitler starts ice-skating in Hell. A fan is what I am, and fanfiction is what I write. If you really must have your fanfiction perfect, never ever read anything I wrote. Seriously. Ever. Unless you like torture.:pinkiecrazy:

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Report TerraZeal · 371 views · #blog post #story #info

The Official P:ED Calander · 2:08am Mar 28th, 2018

Click here to get there. This is what took me a month to set up. The story will be able to continue normally now.

Report Xeraidiant · 309 views · #persona #update #info
Viewing 1 - 20 of 108 results