
Viewing 81 - 100 of 157 results

April 2016 Update · 12:00am Apr 16th, 2016

Hi everyone,

I’m still here, somehow. Anyway, it’s come to my attention that I have not published anything on this account since January of last year, when I released “Chill” for the More Most Dangerous Game. This comes as somewhat of a surprise to me, but I guess it really shouldn’t. I’ve been extraordinarily busy as of late, which is why you haven’t heard from me in a while.

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Progressive Date · 9:52pm Jun 10th, 2022

Today we'll show the continuation, and conclusion, to last week's story. The final rounds are coming up, and who will remain standing, remains to see.

Struggling, bending the corners of my influence, testing the limits to be met by nothing but sheer force. The limits are there not as a restriction to what lies beyond, the limits are the beyond, they are everything else there is. So, perhaps by struggling, I can reach further than I ever thought was possible.

Happy filthy Friday~.


Transient Shards · 2:01am February 3rd

Prisms reflect the skies ahead, marking shards of possibility through the the darkness. The streak through the canvas of creation, falling towards the abyss. In its moment of fall, the dreams turn tangible, moments before impact, closest to the hands wishing to hold them close, the desire to believe. A transient visit from the ethereal, and even among those who try, few grasp these shards, and those that do might hold so hard it rends their hands.

Happy Filthy Friday~


Speaking on Things. · 4:37pm Mar 30th, 2016

Yeah yeah, I've been pretty silent lately. I've been focused mostly on my transition from male to female and catching up on my gaming as of late, and I apologize for keeping quiet for so long. That said, I've got a couple of things to talk about.

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Story Milestone - Lightbearers · 4:05am Mar 18th, 2017

Just completed another milestone for my most ambitious story. It's something I started writing in July of last year (I have a lot of unfinished old stories), and have been working on and off but fairly steadily every since. I hadn't intended to talk about it, but having just reached one of my milestones, I though it sounded like a good idea to keep some sort of record of the progress I'm making on it. Maybe that will ensure that I actually finish it, unlike a lot of other crap sitting around

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Stagnant but also Achieving · 10:47pm Dec 15th, 2023

We have a new entry in the Lustbound Chronicle today, one that is technically out of order. A look into what the future might hold for the stallion of the hour~.

Precipice of action, a weight towards stagnation and an abyss of possibility. Picking specks of sand from the broken hourglass suspended above me.
Picking, picking, picking.
The same grain appears again, again, again.
it calls, more friends come ticking.
And the balance continues ever onwards.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


New story is live · 9:26am Jun 29th, 2015


Changeling Twilight Sparkle and her number-one assistant, Sunset Shimmer, try to study magic without learning any wholesome lessons of friendship. They fail.

A Sparkle-ling Perfection

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Final Story Name! · 3:36am Mar 16th, 2019

I figured that since my Rarity/Coco superhero AU is going to be my last story on FiMFiction, it might be good to get some audience input on this thing. I have the basics fleshed out, but I'd like you guys' input on a title, as well as how you want me to release it. So without further ado, the questions I have planned out for you are:

---How do you want the story to be released?

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A Christmas Bale Now Out (And Other News!) · 11:37pm Dec 16th, 2020

Hey y’all! :ajsmug:

Making a quick blog post just to make sure you all know that A Christmas Bale is now out in case you haven’t seen it. :) It came out a lot longer than I had first expected, so sorry for the extremely long one chapter. Wrote it in like 10 days, so don’t judge it too hard :derpytongue2:

Also, I finally got the covers to upload for my stories! I had a lot of fun making them and I’d appreciate it if you just checked em out if you’d like.

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Responding to comments, even the volatile ones. · 1:49am Nov 13th, 2016

I've seen a lot of people that drop off in their writing after getting called out for something that doesn't make sense. The most recent one I can think of was Bucking Nonsense, and while I was one of those that called him out for a decision (One that made little sense and was given a hand-wave of 'it's magic'), I really don't know why people let it get to them. Instead of either trying for a rewrite or continuing on regardless, he just stopped writing that story altogether.

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New Stories I Could Release... · 5:37pm Apr 6th, 2020

Hi, y'all!

I'm really sorry about not updating Stargem recently, for those of you tracking it. My writer's block is a persistent bastard, but I managed to write a few more sentences on the next chapter.

Now, as the title says, I have some new stories I could share:

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Why is the moon? · 3:39pm Dec 20th, 2015

If you get that reference then you probably played a specific video game. As for the answer, "Because Luna put it there."

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Rainbow Sprinkly Goodness · 9:17am May 30th, 2016

You know what I haven't seen often?

A bisexual Rainbow Dash.

So I made one.

And yes I got this story idea primarily from songs (Rainbow Connection here and Lazy Eye by Silversun Pickups- don't know why but most of my stuff are influenced heavily by music and that's why I named it that for anybody that might care)

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Things Should Be Coming Back! · 11:01pm Aug 6th, 2019

Hello everyone, I know it's been a long time and things have been pretty dead around here, but as many of you may have noticed with the kind of out of nowhere release of Dream Sickness, I am, once again, hopefully back, and for good this time.

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New Story: "Getting drunk and contemplating life" edition! · 3:25am Sep 8th, 2019

Hello friends! It's been simply ages since I've posted a story (though I have a million billion ((approximately)) works in progress atm, many of them near completion. At least, in my head.) So I thought I'd post a story. Merry birthyear, and all that jazz.

EMagic, Maretinis, and the Meaning of Life
Twilight finds that it's easiest to work through what's bothering her while she's working through her third maretini. Pinkie is there too.
Silent Whisper · 1.4k words  ·  44  3 · 699 views

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The new year. And an Artpack · 11:53pm Jan 1st, 2021

I took part in a Pony Vore art-pack, if you an find my other profiles, you can find it. Happy new year.

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Rest Raint · 9:43pm May 14th, 2021

Restraint is a skill one learns. Restraint remains a constant through a life, a hidden variable to all. When young, exploring what is hidden brings the greatest adventures. Thus, we push our capabilities, until we reach the limits and find the restraints. However, then we might just try again. A new angle, another method, testing the limits and surpassing them. With age comes wisdom, and one can distinguish ones restraints. Thus, we do not test them, we merely accept them. Despite their nature

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I wrote a blog post. · 11:52pm Mar 12th, 2015

I've gone too long without making any blog posts. I've intended to, but I have a tendency to hold myself to high standards with stuff I make. Usually, that works well. My desire to make my work better gives me the patience to actually do so. In some cases, however, I don't think it's appropriate. In a blog, for instance. If I try to make each post into an A+ essay, well, I'll be able to, but it will be really slow. I won't be able to share much information about what the deal is

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Official Art for Bring the Dawn! · 4:51am Oct 11th, 2022

Hello all! You all know I don't post much - but today I bring something special. I've got some great news all around!

43 Chapters are done for Bring the Dawn. It took several months, a lot of rewrites, and patience, but I did it. It's nearly finished. All it needs now is a few rounds of rereads (it's over 120k words) and it'll be ready to hit the shelves. That's right, shelves! Shelves! I'll have paperback, hardback, and digital versions of the book.

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Story Idea · 11:29pm Aug 21st, 2017

I'm currently trying to come up with a loose plot for an utterly OP, completely insane and evil Twilight story where she gets found torturing and killing her friends, and barely escaping Celestia and Luna with her life, goes around finding items of great power. Not limited to solely items of Dark Magic either. Mastering every type and branch of magic, she comes back with an army of skeletons, Griffons, and Dragons, big fight scene, a "happy" ending where she wins and, being immortal, will

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Viewing 81 - 100 of 157 results