
Viewing 61 - 80 of 248 results

The Drake Bros.' Completion! · 3:01pm Jul 13th, 2021

So, I finally did it. I finally completed my story, The Drake Bros.! Hurray for me! I just want to say thanks to all of you who have faved my story and kept track of it. Your support is one of the reasons I continued to write this story! I know what you're thinking: am I going to make a sequel? Answer: I believe so. I'm just taking a break from The Drake Bros. and focus on my other stories. Once again, I thank you all for your support.


It's Finally Done! · 4:22am Jun 25th, 2015

Dear Readers,

After weeks of searching for another editor, inconsistent schedules, interruptions from the editor's pets and fiance, "My Name is Harmonic" has at last been finished editing. Better yet, the editor, SoleReclaimer, has even agreed to work on the other two stories in the Harmonic series.

Today has been a good day.

Your fellow closeted Brony and writer,


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Miles Away is completed. Now onto stage 2. · 9:42pm Nov 22nd, 2019

I finally finished with the rest of "Miles Away", and posted the rest of the story for all of you to read. Thank you all so very much for the positive feedback on the story. This was a story I wanted to have a liking from people who relate with the characters and all that jazz.
But enough of that, it's back to work on a possible sequel for another story I'm working on as we speak. 😱😱😱


Finals Are Over!! · 4:06pm Jun 10th, 2016

They're done! They're finally done!! My college classes are over for the term and I'm free to do as I please!!

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Wonderbolt my Heart done for good · 8:02pm Dec 28th, 2015

So I have made a descicion on one of my best stories thus far, Wonderbolt my Heart is now complete and there will be no further updates for it. I know a lot of you wanted a more defined ending to this story but right now I need to focus on the other ones I made before I can even consider continuing Wonderbolt my Heart.

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First Year of Uni is Over · 1:18pm May 12th, 2017

I have officially completed my first working year and not a moment too soon.
The stress and anxiety has nearly flattened me. I now have a substantially long summer holiday ahead of me and I intend to make the most of it.
I am now continuing with my fimfic and am open to drawing requests of follower OCs.
I'd like to thank all of you for getting me this far and I hope I can do something to repay you at some point. :twilightsmile:
You're all fantastic! :pinkiehappy:


So Close... · 8:14pm Feb 21st, 2019

Yet so very, very far away. I have been trying for the past month to work on the next chapter of collision theory. Hell I already have the beginning down and even the end planned out, I even have the next chapter planned after this one. There just one tiny spot in the middle that has been holding me up. A single scene. That's it, that's all that's preventing the next chapter from rolling out. Yet despite it being such a small scene I can't seem to get the ball rolling. All the momentum I have

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Ashes: Complete · 10:19pm Aug 18th, 2016

Ashes is now Complete. :twilightsmile:

Try not to blame me—I'm just the messenger.


nanowrimonononono · 5:38am Oct 29th, 2016

47,943 have been crafted this October.

That's a lot of words.

And I'm not even done.


I've finished writing the story · 1:19am Feb 23rd, 2022

Hey there, everyone. The upcoming story is already done, but before I start publishing it, I need some feedback to tell me what needs to be fixed as a whole. Unfortunately, I couldn't find anyone else to help me, so I decided to make a blog to ask if anyone would want to help me. If not, then just tell me why and I'll stop asking entirely as well as just publish it anyway.


The Family harmony is finally complete! · 2:46am Dec 20th, 2022

Hey, hey, friends, I have great news!

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Dusk is Finished! · 3:35am Feb 18th, 2018

So, I finally finished my first multi-chapter story on this site. Not the best piece of writing ever, but I actually finished it, so I'm pretty proud of myself. Than you everyone who's been reading, liking, tracking, following, and commenting as I've been writing this. You've been great motivators and I probably would have given up if not for all the support. Thank you all so much! Now it's time for me to pick a new story to write!


I'm going to write a chapter, dangit! · 11:54am Feb 11th, 2018

I'm committing to finish a chapter of White Lie's story today (within the next 24 hours). Hold me to it, y'all!

I haven't written anything in a VERY long time, and I really need to start starting things again. Always the most difficult part.

Also, I want to get back to White Lie and Angel ASAP because that's a story that needs told.

Anyway, motivation start!


Scootaloo's House · 6:30pm Dec 14th, 2013

Warning: Minor spoilers from the latest episode, Flight to the Finish, abound. Proceed with caution.

I have a bit of a confession here: I was never fond of the idea of Scootaloo being homeless. It can make for some interesting stories, but in a close-knit community like Ponyville, it just didn't sound right to me.

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Finished ANW:RD2 · 3:44pm Aug 9th, 2016

Yeah... hard to believe ain't it?

Nothing much to say, other then I apologize making you all wait this long, hahaha.

But, a sequel is in the works, and I shall have it... uh... sort done... at some point.

Do buckle your seatbelts, this train ride's about ta get even nuttier then candy bar shit.
Props to whoever gets that reference


Hours Loom - Fully Edited · 2:46pm Jul 9th, 2016

Huzzah! The last chapter has been fully updated and an Epilogue has been added. If you don't have a weak stomach, feel free to check it out! I know death and gore isn't for everyone.

I'll be doing a "changelog" next week's blog post to go over what changed from the original, besides the obvious grammar and spelling horrors that plagued it. Figured I'd give it a week that away I don't spoil anything right after updating it. :twilightsheepish:



Just finished season five · 8:00pm May 14th, 2016

The ending was really fucking cheesy. Well beloved did tell me that a bunch of bronies got pissed about the ending. I liked the episode with Rara.


Finally did it · 6:15am Feb 28th, 2017

Yes! I finally submitted my newest story: Unique Worlds. I hope it get's posted. I've been working quite a while (deleting and redoing) on it and I'm exhausted. Not too exhausted though. I'm also working on my latest story: One day in the life of One.
BTW look to the right bottom of my page in the module called 'Requests'. If you PM me I might send you out to retrieve the item for me. Details will be explained if your up to the task.


Sunbeam's now complete! Read it while it's still fresh! · 9:38am Dec 9th, 2020

Twilight Sparkle has stepped down. This is how Equestria crumbled.
TheMajorTechie · 22k words  ·  42  9 · 1k views

And then check out Splintershard after that! :raritywink:


Help! My Heart is Full of Pony! - Flight to the Finish · 5:19am Sep 27th, 2020

I just re-watched Flight to the Finish.  I had forgotten what a heartfelt episode this is.

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Viewing 61 - 80 of 248 results