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074 Status update: Of Lilies and Chestnuts · 6:24am Jan 26th, 2016

074 Status update: Of Lilies and Chestnuts

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New Story! · 7:21pm Feb 7th, 2016

Hello Everybody!

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[Aberrant Harmony]: Update and Sneak Peaks · 3:18pm May 5th, 2016

Hello everyone!

Eeeeeeh! I just have to thank you all for your support. ^.^ Like, you have no idea how much impact your positive words have on my motivation to finish this story.

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Done editing and looking for a reader. · 3:17pm May 27th, 2017

It took me three weeks, but I finally got done editing all my stories! At least, I've edited any and all grammatical errors I could find. Hopefully, this will attract more people to read my stories. Speaking of, I was hoping someone would like to read them on YouTube. I had someone who was before, but he stopped reading them due to YouTube drama. But when he did read them, they got fairly good feedback and most people liked them. So, I was hoping someone would like to read them on YouTube, or

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Random Ramblings CLXXXIX · 10:00pm May 27th, 2017

I was supposed to be spending today dealing with my ex and her friends coming to get things out of my home, but bad weather forced them to take a rain check. As a result, I am here alone looking over my work, knowing I need to eat but too lazy to make food and too cheap to go out. My pillz often decrease my appetite – I only ate one meal yesterday.

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Where am I now? · 3:11am Jun 26th, 2017

You might have noticed I've come back to writing, though focused on anti-Fall stuff because, well, it would be unethical in my mind to not do that. Or if not unethical, then at least improper. Responding to that which is unacceptable or possibly so seems proper. In any event it's something that represents a broader category of work that makes me dislike the dark turn creation has taken. It's emotionally draining and washes out enjoyment of the source material. So I'm cheating on Pony, by losing

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What the Heck? · 9:12pm Jul 14th, 2015

107 stories in my Tracking bookshelf. How many have a regularly updating schedule? One. (Shout-out to Crystal Wishes and her story, Crystal's Wishes!) I suppose I can't blame anyone, I myself am horrible at keeping track and updated and whatever. I'm still procrastinating my upcoming PMV. Ah, well, this stuff happens. Anyone know any more good stories that often update? I'm tired of going to the library so often. Gas is

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Things coming in the following weeks. · 10:24am Aug 18th, 2016

Much as the title says this is a little blog post to show off what's coming in the next few weeks.

- Starsong's New Life Chapter 2 Part 1
This is currently being edited. and should hopefully be ready to release by Monday or Tuesday next week. I split the chapter into 2 parts because I don't think reading 20,000 words in one sitting would be convenient.

- Dreams Well Kept

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April Updates · 10:46am Mar 30th, 2018

Welp... this has been quite an eventful month for me, hasn't it? Along with starting a Patreon and writing a large amount of stories (both for Fimfiction AND SoFurry), it seems that I've been getting quite the plethora of different people who want unique stories. If you told me a year ago, that I'd end up writing half the kinks or pairings I ended up making now, I probably would've assumed you were nuts. In fact, I wouldn't have expected myself to publish Sombra's Deal, which was

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Art and Updates! · 10:18pm Jun 20th, 2018


So, just wanted to give a quick status update on If Only I Had Time. Why? Because I actually care about this story.

Anyhow, first things first, the next chapter is done. It's just in the editing phase, right now. It's what I like to call "The Transition Chapter". Things really start moving forward from here on out.

But, more importantly than that, I got some more art for the story! This picture below is for a future scene and that's all I'm saying about it.

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More fan art!? (And boring news) · 2:06pm Apr 9th, 2018

Here we go again, more fan art for Dying Embers.

This one showing the scene of John and Luna at the Gala where some big news came to light.

Zintenka, you are an art making beast!

Thanks to everyone for their support, even with the rate of chapters being publushed has slowed down a little.

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Redefining the Scope of Things · 11:00am Apr 17th, 2018

Hey, guys.

So let's just cut to the chase, I've been pretty inactive on here. I still read an occasional story, do a review on Rage Reviews, and maybe once in a blue moon push out updates, but for the most part, nothing is moving.

The truth is, I'm stuck in a rut. I've been having this massive struggle with trying to move forward with my life, and very little about anything has changed for the past five years now, and it's bothering the hell out of me.

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Here's my April 2018 Patreon Commission Poll · 10:19am Apr 25th, 2018

For those of you who follow me on my Patreon page (or are curious to contribute and show me support), I have my official Monthly Poll up for my upcoming story in May. This poll contains prompts that I'm wanting to try myself, and prompts suggested to me by various Patrons. Here are the list of stories up for voting below:

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Hi ^w^" · 11:55pm Jul 28th, 2016

A bit of an update on some stuffs I'm still working on the fanfic reading so don't worry I still am gonna get that done I'm hoping it'll be released sometime in August. I'm also getting caught up with auditions right now and I've got parody songs and cover songs planned as well as a new series which will be called Story Time Saturday it'll be a series of stories from my life told in a comedic way with pony art. ^w^ I'm excited to get all of this done and I'm so very very sorry i haven't been

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In regards to Sweetie Belle's New Ability · 3:15am Sep 9th, 2018

Attention Readers:
I thought I'd just let you all know that I am NOT dead.
The reasons this story has been left stagnant without a conclusion for so long are the following:

1. I admittedly ran completely out of steam and couldn’t find the inspiration to work on it anymore.
2. My interest in MLP as a whole has dwindled significantly.
3. I often struggle to finish projects as it is and have many more things I have more inspiration to work on at the moment.

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Turnabout Storm Parts 28 and 29 updated · 7:44pm May 26th, 2018

No major changes this time; just the usual editing pass and some minor description and dialog improvements, including making Apple Bloom just slightly more stubborn and Twilight’s efforts to buy her off a little more overt. I also gave a better reason for Fluttershy to have held onto her half of the resignation letter and not have told anyone about it.

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Review of "Glossy Dead," by mr_minati. · 4:08am Aug 9th, 2017

This story is titled "Glossy Dead." It was written by mr_minati, it's rated E and currently has a like to dislike ratio of 30:2 with 540 views.

EGlossy Dead
Silver Spoon and Diamond decides to play a simple prank the Cutie Mark Crusaders as they follow them through the Everfree Forest. Soon they'll learn what the three courageous fillies found in there. And they will take advantage of it.
mr_minati · 2.7k words  ·  37  3 · 1.1k views

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The first chapter of Driven Batty has been updated · 5:05pm Jul 16th, 2017

I added a bit more to the end of the first chapter of Driven Batty. Mostly because the added bit would contribute more to this chapter than it would for the next.

Well, that, and it opens up a little more flexibility so I can decide whether I want to do either a minor or major time skip.

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Still Ponnequin Rough Draft Complete · 10:43pm Nov 4th, 2017


Full Disclosure · 5:17am Jan 26th, 2018

Alright, so its been more than the standard month (and rare fortnight) since the last update, so I suppose I owe an explanation, don't I?

Bottom line? Chapter's still in the works, but the going is slow.

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Viewing 5541 - 5560 of 10,563 results