
Viewing 421 - 440 of 500 results

Alternate Universe · 9:14pm February 5th

I created an alternate universe that is kinda just a minor reworking of the world and it’s magic system based on how I thought would make the most sense for explaining things. I call it “The Reincarnation AU”. I have been wanting to find the perfect place to talk about it so I’ve followed a few AU based Groups and will be trying to post a lot of work connected that way. And I will do my best to label them apart from the canon typical work I make.

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My headcanon 1 · 4:28am Jan 3rd, 2016

Don't you find it odd that Pinkie seems to be the odd mare out in her family. Not just in her personality but also in her appearance. Conpared to the other Pies who's colors are very dull she bright pink. So I believe that maybe her mother. Cloudy Quartz has a sister who not only shares her pink coloring but also, just maybe her bombastic persanaly. What is this hypothetical aunt's name be? The only name appropriate for a pink pony in a family who names there children after rocks, Rose Quartz.

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Sooo, the Season 6 premiere... · 4:54pm Mar 27th, 2016

Not a review or anything. I thought it was good and it got me excited for what else might show up this year.

I just wanted to put this little note up here about two things.

Number one:

So, "An alicorn has never been born in the history of Equestria", huh Celestia? Nice to have a little confirmation at last regarding Celestia and Luna then! If they weren't born Alicorns then they must have ascended like Twilight and Cadence. So the big question is, what did they do?

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Equestria Girls Headcanon Nonsense: Sunset Shimmer · 7:54pm Feb 14th, 2018

So yeah, occasionally I have these little thought experiments about the characters and try to answer a few questions about them that the show either hasn't answered or clearly has no intentions of answering. I figured I'd share some.

Sunset Shimmer

Age: 16-17 (in human years), 22-25 (in pony years)

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Equestria Girls Headcanon Nonsense: Fluttershy · 8:34pm Feb 15th, 2018

Let us continue, shall we?


Age: 16-17

Sexual Orientation: Honestly, I have no clue. I can't really get a read on what Fluttershy's potential orientation would be. I doubt she's asexual, but whether she likes boys, girls, or both is somewhat up in the air for me. (And no, I don't think she's a furry either.)

Vehicle: As established in the short "Driving Miss Shimmer," Fluttershy has a smart car. This has been reflected in "In the Days That Followed."

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Changelings undergo changes · 12:31am Oct 25th, 2016

So that was an interesting season finale, seeing the changelings transform into a purified form when they gave their love instead of taking it. Now Thorax rules over the changelings, Chrysalis is in hiding and plotting her revenge, and we'll get to see how things go between the two kingdoms in Season 7! It was also really interesting, seeing the changeling hive and learning of this magic-cancelling throne that protected them until that point.

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Equestria Girls Headcanon Nonsense: Wallflower Blush · 7:05pm Jun 7th, 2018

Wallflower Blush

Age: 16

Sexual Orientation: Gay. Gay gay gay gay gay! So gay she's almost jovial! Totally, unrepentantly, gloriously GAY!

She likes girls. She REALLY likes Sunset Shimmer.

Vehicle: Wallflower owns a Vespa and it's the most adorable thing in the world to see her riding it.

Income: Right now, Wallflower doesn't have a job of any kind, preferring to spend her time on the CHS garden. She gets a modest allowance.

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RariJack is canon now · 8:05pm Jan 15th, 2015

Yes, the MLP body wash is real.

And Rarity's body wash really is apple-scented.

Really, Hasbro? You should know better than to encourage us like that.

EDIT: I wrote a story based on this image. I regret nothing.


Moonshot Donut Shop menu · 3:52pm May 23rd, 2017

Alright y'all, here's the menu for my donut shop. We're located in lower Canterlot, on the shady side aka the shadows in a converted carriage house in an alley between Stars Path and Clover Circle. Its an old neighborhood where the houses have been converted to restaurants, stores and offices with a rather diverse population, and we're open from dek at night to seven in the morning.

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S8 Ep3 "Maud Couple" Thoughts · 6:47pm Mar 31st, 2018

Second time in a row I can give you my thoughts on the newest MLP episode.

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Should I post the canon sexualities and romantic inclinations of the characters in Phoenix-born · 3:52pm Jul 7th, 2021

I've been vacillating about this a lot. On the one hand, it feels kinda spoilery. On the other, with the current atmosphere of "that character is/isn't 'x orientation' because I interpret how the author wrote them as being despite their authorial intent" that's going on in literature/movies/video-games/TV/etc, I kinda want an open, clear record of "here's my intent with my characters." This mostly got kicked off by the whole thing with Winter Soldier / Falcon and Sam & Frodo from Lord of the

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Son Not Daughter (EqG Song) · 9:26pm May 13th, 2021

Original Song: Daughter by Ryan Cassata


So many years ago, I cut my hair,
Changed my name as people stared
I went up to you and I did declare;
This is who I am, no matter who cares

I never changed who I am
I’ve always been a man
Still it changed my world,
For some I’m always gonna be a girl

Ever since that day I’ve had a hard time

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smoking hot reviews #1: "Downfall" by Gay for Gadot, is it W.O.R.T.H it? · 11:19pm Apr 28th, 2023


"The Iron Horse" Official Timeline! · 6:50pm Jul 26th, 2018

Hello everyone! Well, today, I thought I’d provide a little bonus: a timeline of the major events of The Iron Horse stories, including the major works that they appear in. If you’re trying to follow the events of the story or if you’ve missed some of the stories in the canon, this is a chance to get caught up. Let’s get started…

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Aspects of the show that I want explored. · 10:39pm Apr 8th, 2016

As much as I love this show of ours, there are plenty of plot elements that this show has that I would like explored in greater detail. I've been exploring some of them in my own fanfics, but its just not the same as seeing it in all its canon glory. Here's some of the things that I want explored, hopefully in this season.

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Equestria Girls Headcanon Nonsense: Movie Night (Part 2) · 1:07pm Apr 17th, 2018

Okay, I ran out of time while composing the previous blog so let's wrap this up.

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Cozy Glow: Evil Mastermind · 8:42am Jun 19th, 2018

No, Cozy Glow isn't a changeling. She's a demon from hell, hellbent on disemboweling the main six and the CMC and rolling in their insides to maintain her youth.

Why do you think she is attending a school that exclusively teaches friendship?

Its because she tried to murder her last friends, the ones who got away. Cozy Glow is a parasitic entity, hiding behind a mask of consideration, while secretly being the largest threat the Elements will ever face in existence.

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I've Converted · 3:31am Sep 11th, 2015

I've finally seen the light my followers... I've finally learned the truth. For such a long time I've been thinking and thinking about this, questioning everything I know, everything that I've come to learn in my lifetime. For years, I thought one was the answer, when really, the answer was right in front of me... But now, I've finally embraced this fact. I've finally accepted this conversion...

Ladies and gentlemen, it is with great honor, that I admit that I...

Am a Pepsi guy.


Random Ramblings CCXLVIII · 6:46am Apr 9th, 2018

Hey. It's been awhile. Here's tonight's music upload.

What can I say? Laura Brehm is my favourite singer. Suzuka Nakamoto is a close second. Anyway, more on the flip-side.

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The Edited Chapter · 3:47am Aug 17th, 2017

With help from snipinexpert, we've re-edited Green and Friends: The Shower into a story I'm much more proud of. Please give it another look as I'm certain it's better than the original. Thank you for your time.

Viewing 421 - 440 of 500 results