
Viewing 381 - 400 of 544 results

Happy New Year And Where I've Been... · 3:35pm Jan 1st, 2022

Hi everybody. Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!

Last year wasn't easy for many. And I had it easier than others, plain to see.
But it wasn't smooth sailing throughout for me. I'm past twenty-five and I've been feeling more and more like I need some direction in life. I don't want to be stuck in retail forever.

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You Help Sick Angel Dust Feel Better · 9:15am Sep 7th, 2021


New Art. It broke my heart, but we had to do it... For A Kindled Beginning. · 11:07pm Oct 2nd, 2022

This is the last one for a while, as I need to focus on writing the rest of the story now. For the last two weeks I've deviated towards making other stuff for A Kindled Beginning and I've waylaid it enough. Even though I reached an important conclusion to Chrys' most pressing issue with Twilight, her adventure continues. I mean, she's only gone to school for the total of two days. What a start to a story though. BIG adventures ahead for my little girl. For a young girl who feels very

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Chapter 36 & 37 - My Feelings Have Shifted & Schedule Update · 11:23am Aug 24th, 2023

Chapter 36 is up and ready to read and chapter 37 is ready to upload next week on the 31st Aug. I am currently working on chapter 38, and for anyone who is wondering if the story is coming to an end soon, my answer is yes, but I still have a couple ideas. New stories are also coming after 'My Feelings Have Shifted' ends, but this time I'll be more organised, and give you a chapter once week, like I'm going to try and do for the rest of 'My Feelings Have Shifted'.

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How it Feels to unlock LL3 Nelson //『ENDLESS MOMENTUM』 · 11:31pm Aug 28th, 2023


SCP-096 vs SCP-049 Ft. TheVolgun & Dr Cimmerian · 10:15pm Nov 12th, 2019


I know. It's been four months · 1:40pm Aug 11th, 2023

Hey everyone, so I have just uploaded chapter 34 of My Feelings Have Shifted, if you read two blogs back you understand that with the cost of living going up in the UK has required me to take on three jobs. Unfortunately, at the end of July, the boss of one of my jobs, has been banned from the building where the business is and has shut down the business, making everyone who worked there lose their jobs. Everyone there seemed to be only slightly annoyed with this, and it turns out everyone

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Writing Again · 1:17am Mar 5th, 2022

I've moved in every random thing I had to from where I was living previously and I'm much more balanced in what I can do writing wise. I had to write stuff that wasn't as labor intensive for the last six months to not have some sort of stress related mess happen.

Doesn't mean I never looked at the chapter I had had wanted to start writing back in December, November whenever I last updated.

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A Choice of Evils · 6:02pm May 15th, 2023

So, recently I've been redoing some of my old maps for "The Song of the Spheres," and between them and my worldbuilding notes I've run into a bit of a problem: a lot of them don't make sense.

- Big honkin' gaps in borders with traditional enemies? I'm sure nothing bad ever happened with that!
- My poor, smooth, Euro-centric brain decided to go with semi-feudalism for Homestria's history instead of what it should be (psuedo-Confucism with "Harmony" instead of "The Mandate of Heaven").

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Possible Story Idea: Making up for it · 11:37pm May 25th, 2016

A possible idea should someone care to give a try:

In the show, the name Celestia is sometimes used in ways other than referring to the princess herself, similar to how people sometimes say "god." On his blog The Royal Sketchbook, Silfoe speculates that some might say it during intimate moments. Also in the blog, Twilight Sparkle and Princess Luna are romantically involved, leading up this situation.

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Hap Recommends More Scribblefest Entries #3 · 4:39pm Mar 9th, 2016

I've done my best to find some different tags this time around for round 3. This time, I have a rather wider variety of stories that I read. I've got a dark tag, a comedy tag, a romance tag, a random tag, a horror tag, even, and of course, another slice of life tag. With a bit of luck, this batch should be a lot more varied, and might interest a few more of you. Let's begin!

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Oh Yeah, I Have Discord Now. · 12:15am Jun 1st, 2017

Er, the chat service client, not the god of chaos.

Find me at Leoshi#3317. I'm also part of the Gentlecolts writing staff (as of today, woo!), and a semi-regular of the Ling Lang multi-language server. I can't help but wonder why I never got this sooner.

Oh, uh, I do have Discord though. The god of chaos variety.

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The Saying Sea · 3:09am Feb 20th, 2018

The Saying Sea.

In the far south of the Known Internet, the world comes to an end.

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why · 1:54am Aug 12th, 2018

me, tomorrow morning probably: why does my thumb hurt
me: *sees bandage on thumb*
me: right

soooo i was doing dishes and i cut not only the bend of my thumb but also part of my middle finger
and it wasn't on a knife

it was on the scoop

the metal scoop
like u would use for making cookies or scooping ice cream


BronyCon Post #2 LineConitis · 9:10pm Aug 6th, 2019

I’m sick.

I’m calling this particular brand of snorting bloody mucus out of my sinuses “LineConitis.”

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Merry Christmas and another year. · 3:41pm Dec 25th, 2020

So hi.

I noticed I haven't been super active since August, and I want to say that's because of work, but it's most likely because I ran out of my antianxiety medication. This was because it's trapped in the Walgreens system due to the prescription being sent to a central delivery center where it's apparently almost impossible to use the automated system to get your prescription out, so I've been seeing how I cope without taking it.

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Avengers: Infinity War · 5:49pm May 10th, 2018

Finally seen the movie. I can only recommend everyone to see this if you haven't. Go watch it.

Everything behind the break is a huge spoiler! Don't click on "Read More" if you haven't seen it! I'm warning you! You have to experience the movie yourself!
7/27/18 Edit: Added Ant man and the Wasp info.

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Merry Nightmare Night! · 6:01pm Oct 31st, 2017

Oh, what a wonderful time of the year. The atmosphere is so thick, I could just stay inside all day and take total advantage of the feeling, watching movies, playing games, and eating a healthy amount of chocolate.

Also, posting the final chapters for the recent story I released yesterday. Hope you enjoy it!


I wrote a prequel to The Heart That Forgot How to Feel · 1:42pm Nov 17th, 2019

Never actually thought that I'd get around to this, but I wanted to do this to show how a cyborg was made, at least, in my mind. This is how Professor Haysworth managed to resurrect Fluttershy and it follows his progress in perfecting her down to the very last detail of her original being. If you've ever been curious about it, then the story link will be below!

Twice the Personality by FireRain


Sudden Update! + EDIT UPDATE · 11:09pm Aug 22nd, 2023

I don't know what in the blue hell happened, but I suddenly had a wave of inspiration and creativity wash over me last night, to the point of writing over 4000 words in a night. I've NEVER done that before. On top of that, I've also almost finished the chapter I was working on because of it. Holy hell!

Anyway, just a quick, sudden update, that I may have some actual content on the way now!

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Viewing 381 - 400 of 544 results