
Viewing 1 - 20 of 54 results

Monthly Progress Update [May 2018] (Panthalassa + A Bit Of The Drifting Chariot) · 8:08pm May 3rd, 2018

Albums I'm Listening To This Month [May 2018]

May the 4th be with you! *lightsaber rave party sounds from another time zone*

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Report WritingSpirit · 235 views · #Scribblefest

The Next-Next Best Thing · 7:04pm Apr 20th, 2017 winnin' shit.

Diamond Tiara is Sad on the First Day of School won the Pronkie Pay award for Most Smile-a-riffic in the Neverflee Southeast 2017 Scrubblefist writing competition! Which was the very thing I wrote it for, in fact!

Good for me. Good job, Posh.

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Report Posh · 472 views · #scribblefest 2017

Well, that's rather nice · 2:45pm Apr 20th, 2017

Today marks exactly five years since I signed up here at Fimfiction. I woke up to a really nice surprise this morning: The Book of Ended Lives, my most recent published fic, has been announced as the winner of the Rarity Prize (for "services to poetic language, beautiful diction, haunting prose, and overall elegance in

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Awww. Dangit. · 3:14am Apr 21st, 2017

I had three judges tell me they really liked my scribblefest entry, and one said it came close to winning something. But no dice. Oh, well. At least it finally got me to write a premise I'd been holding onto for a couple years.

Report Pascoite · 360 views · #scribblefest #EFNW

Anyone up for a really quick turnaround pre-reading? · 5:07am Mar 5th, 2016

More or less what the thread title says, I'm in need of some very fast proofreading / pre-reading of a story that's approximately 6k words long. I'm looking for a maximum 24 hour turnaround (as of the moment this blog is posted), since this is a Scribblefest entry and therefore absolutely has to be up by March 6th.

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New Story is out with Awesome Coverart! · 1:39am Mar 5th, 2016

Well, today I've just submitted my newest story, Weatherpony, which is incidentally a contest entry for the Everfree Northwest Scribblefest this year. It's about a weatherpony who has to save the city of Cloudsdale from rogue weather, but there's something very important that makes this particular weatherpony, named Windy, special.

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New Story: Sierra · 9:32pm Feb 26th, 2017

Hey everybody, back yet again with yet another story. This time, I've posted the story I'll be submitting to Everfree North West's Scribblefest 2017 event, "Sierra". Much like "The Mare of the Equestrian Eighth" that I submitted last year, I decided to take an experimental approach to this one. Though it isn't poetry, it's definitely playing with prose a bit, and I don't know how successful it'll be. That'll be up to you guys to decide.

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EFNW Scribblefest 2017 · 1:25pm Feb 22nd, 2017

Hello again. How are you? I've been a bit ill recently, which has been fun. But enough of boring stuff. I'm writing to talk about the recent EFNW Scribblefest contest that I've been working on.

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EFNW Pamphlets? · 5:22am May 24th, 2017

I seem to recall hearing that the Scribblefest winners would get published in the EFNW con literature. Since I didn't go, on account of being trapped in an isolated bunker seven miles underneath the Earth's crust, I have no way of ever seeing it with my own eyes.

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What's Coming Up · 3:38am Feb 13th, 2017

Not much to say aside from expect some stuff to come out in the next few weeks. I'm currently doing a 250-500 words per day goal, and it's been helping a lot. I'm also going to be participating in Scribblefest, which is Everfree Northwest's annual writing competition thing, so expect that along with chapter 2 of Lunaris

Here's a release window for the stories.

Lunaris (Chapter 2): Should be released by the end of the week. End of February at the latest.

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Site Post » Announcing the Everfree Northwest Scribblefest Official Start! · 11:56pm Jan 31st, 2018

Greetings Aspiring Writers!

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The Inadequacy · 2:22am Mar 7th, 2016

Princess Cadance is nearly ready to deliver Princess Flurry Heart into the world, and Shining should be the happiest stallion in the world. After all, he's about to become a father—what stallion wouldn't rejoice at this fact?

And yet... something's eating away at him. Keeping him up nights. Driving him to speak with anypony that'll listen. An anxiety. A fear. A doubt.

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Fanfiction Spotlight #56, and 1 Week Warning for Scribblefest! · 6:56am Feb 24th, 2018

Greetings Pony fans and aspiring writers!

Sorry for the radio silence from us. We here at EFNW are working hard to get stuff ready for Everfree to make this year's con just as awesome as previous years. Unfortunately sometimes that means Heartshine gets busy and forgets to update the story spotlights!

Want to give a brief reminder that as of Saturday, 2/24/18, we've got one week left in Scribblefest! So get Scribbling if you want a shot at those prizes!

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Scribblefest Closing and Submission List! · 5:25am Mar 9th, 2018

Good Evening Pony Writers! We had a fairly large turnout to our writing contest, Scribblefest, that officially ended at midnight on March 4th. We at EFNW will be getting super busy judging those entries, and we're really excited for that! That said, if you wanted to see who entered and what they wrote (and to pick your favourites), here is the list below. We are hoping to complete judging as soon as possible (with allowances for real life stuff like jobs, sleep, etc).

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Something that isn't CSP or the Maretian... · 2:33pm Mar 3rd, 2018

... my entry for this year's Scribblefest.

For Love of the Love of the Game.

Enjoy the silliness of Rarity pretending to... well, read for yourself!


So, apparently I won a thing. · 1:20am Apr 23rd, 2018

So, For Love of the Love of the Game won the Pinkie Pie award for comedy... after, I'm told, originally being in the running for the Rainbow Dash award for awesomeness.

Which is fair, because I was going for either one. I could also make a weak case for the Twilight Sparkle Attention to Detail or the Fluttershy D'aww.

But not the Rarity Elegance, because the story is possibly Rarity's least elegant moment.

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Reminder: SCRIPTFest 2019 submissions must be in by January 31st · 3:11pm Jan 3rd, 2019

EDIT: Contest deadline extended
New deadline is 11:59pm PST, January 31st!

Just a friendly reminder, you still have until midnight on January 15th 31st to submit your episode scripts for our writing contest!

For those that haven't been following the official Everfree Website or other social media accounts, I'm including a summary of the contest below.

Welcome to Scribblefest 2019! Or should we say: SCRIPTfest 2019!

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Victory Screech! · 9:00pm Apr 14th, 2016


New Story Incoming · 10:11pm Mar 2nd, 2016

Surprise, everyone!

I've been quiet this month because I was working on a new story: an entry for Scribblefest 2016. If you liked my early horror one-shots, then this one is definitely for you.

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Just in by the deadline... · 7:27am Mar 6th, 2017

Haven't got too much done, but I managed to get out my entry for Scribblefest 2017.

For light, meaningless, and somewhat bizarre humor, and a bit of unjust razzing on nature documentarians...

Viewing 1 - 20 of 54 results