
Viewing 321 - 340 of 450 results

Rewrites and Adoptions · 4:12am Jan 17th, 2018

I'm planning on rewriting all of my works once I'm finished with writing the official novel of A Wizard's tale and finish helping Mrkillwolf666 with his own coming stories. Of course that would probably mean that I need to both clean out my vaults and have even less time to work on the site I love so much and the various stories needing my attentions thus leading me to put out one last call for adoptions before I go even further down the rabbit hole... red pill is real man.

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Update: Re-writes, Followers, and Covers oh my!!! · 4:11am Apr 23rd, 2019

Hey everyone, just a quick update on story progress.

After an Easter weekend to relax I'm beginning writing in full on my two stories again, as school work has winded down to a point where writing can become a little regular again.

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Sneak peek at the (nearly finished) rewritten version of chapter "Unknown" · 6:16am Oct 2nd, 2018

This directly replaces the scene in the original chapter where Lisa, Samantha, and Timothy arrive at the old office building. In contrast to that chapter, where Twilight is playing the part of Lisa, this chapter instead has Lisa herself, free from any and all influence from Twilight. As such, her personality from before the simulation shines through for the very first time in the story.

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Realization Tomorrow! · 8:39pm Dec 3rd, 2020

Much as I like writing about my favorite game (Monster Hunter) I do wish to branch out. So! Tomorrow My Little Pony Realization will be published, hope you enjoy it as it retains the trend from Actualization Online what with players being trapped in a death game centered in Equestria.

Here's just a small refresher on the bio, that is all ^_^


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"I mighta sat on it at some point, but it’ll taste alright." · 3:35am Feb 21st, 2020

(Quote from Hagrid in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, giving Harry his birthday cake)

Yes, it's coming. The rewrite to The Gate is finally coming.

The first chapter of On the Implications of Parallel Worlds cleared my editors last night- so, you can expect to see it going up on Tuesday. Or, my patrons can read it now...

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So I wrote this terrible story when I was 14 and.... · 8:25am Feb 12th, 2021

3 votes and I'll make Applejack and Her Cider Problems but actually not a train wreck this time.

Tbh I'm drunk as fuck right now and I may not even go through with it, but while I have the energy, I might as well make this post now.

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Chapter 24 is Nearly Here · 12:23am Apr 27th, 2022

Happy Wednesday everyone!

Chapter 24 was a prolonged fight with rewrite after rewrite. I had to retool the same 3K-ish word scene three times, toning it down each time since Fleur was getting a little too wild for my tastes. Spent a lot of time looking away from the words over the past two weeks to detach myself from them adequately to take a chainsaw to them as needed. There were a lot of words left on the floor afterwards.

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So about Kingdom Hearts RoTE.... · 6:30pm Aug 27th, 2015

Because I'm awesome like that, I have decided that this latest chapter is gonna be where I start a brief hiatus. :trollestia: U mad Bro?

lol just kidding. But I will be holding off on any new chapters until I get something done first. Now that I've reached 130,000 words I feel like, before it gets any longer, I need to take a step back and look at what I've done. Really I should have done this when I hit 100,000 words... but you know... lazy.

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I Lied! Last Horse Poll I Swear · 12:28am Nov 27th, 2015

Since the votes between Paramount and Exclusive were so close, and because a third write-in contender was an excellent suggestion that was never fairly voted on, I've decided to do one last poll. I swear this is the end.

This will confirm Paramount, or if there is a substantial consensus on one of the other two choices, to switch. :raritycry:

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Important update! · 8:53pm Aug 8th, 2016

I finally got somebody to help with my story :pinkiehappy:.
However, this will mean uploads will be less regular. It should be one chapter at least once a week.
I will try and make each chapter around 6/10.000 words long.
This I, however, can't promise.

And the editor also started working on redoing some of my older chapters.
If you were to look at chapter 1 you will now see it has 3.000 words instead of the 1.500 it used to be.

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The Price of Freedom is getting rewritten to accomodate Dusk Shine as part of the MLP Season Redux · 4:36am Oct 27th, 2019

SO i'm sticking to my old plan.

Since it's still fresh, and new, i'm going to switch out Twilight sparkle -

Princess Twilight Sparkle - Smile
with her male counterpart, Dusk Shine -

NOW do you understand? I'm basically doing what was done in that fanfiction story "Dusk Shine in pursuit of Happiness", where the only change made to Twilight was her gender.


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Rewriting and Updates · 9:53am Sep 6th, 2018

As the title suggests, I'm rewriting the 'Bright Flight and the Mysterious Colours' from start to finish. That's the main reason why it was on hiatus for the longest time. Hopefully, this gives you some insight on what will be happening for the next few weeks and holidays are nearing (for me at least) so I will possibly have more progression completed by the time that session rolls around.

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IT BEGINS. · 7:44am Dec 18th, 2018


Tell me if the description sounds alright. :twilightsmile:

To replace Pony-Me: Rogue, which is on hiatus until further notice, I'll be bringing back something that I haven't touched in a loooong time...

This series.

TLab Horse
A filly lives in a lab. She's lived in that lab all her life. The lab just happens to be on Earth. She wants to go home.
TheMajorTechie · 25k words  ·  79  9 · 1.9k views

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Rewrites · 4:41am Feb 5th, 2017

A few of my stories may be undergoing rewrites for the first few of their chapters. I'm hoping to have them all done by next Monday, but that's just wishful thinking. Caravel will be on the top of the priority list as I have just resumed writing for it. Twimelines is also the most likely to have an entire rewrite, but that will take more than a week with my schedule. Equestrian Scavenger and Twilight the Great Grey will be mostly just edited, as to keep the story

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Chapter 2 and 3 fixed! · 1:41am Oct 11th, 2018

Hey everybody.
I suppose this is aimed towards anyone who not only see's this, but also hasnt really gotten around to reading past the first intro chapters.
Chapter 2 and 3 have been cleaned up a little. Not a full rewrite, but hopefully enough to make for an actual readable experience lol.

Just in case any of you were interested :)


Ok, after an year... [Something important I want to address, so for the 'Baby... A-a-M?' readers, please read] · 12:53pm Dec 22nd, 2022

So technically, Tl;dr, I fucked up chapter 1 and almost chapter 2. And I feel like addressing this after two years of amnesia and writing block.

Hey y'all, Silver here! And I'm getting straight to the point— I just want to clarify something regarding my story, Baby... Anon-a-Miss??.

Ok, first, for Chapter 1, I know there are many confusing things here and there so Imma just state this—

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Honest questions at 1 Am · 7:13am Feb 12th, 2016

Real talk here: how many of you people would actually care if I tried rewriting Twin Madness or if I should just leave it dead as it is? I haven't updated in over a year and tbh I haven't written in that time either. So which of the like seven or so people who still read my crappy writing want this to continue.

I'll probably regret asking this in the morning.


Something I dont do normally... · 7:25pm Sep 22nd, 2017

I don't normally do this, but I began to feel like I had to.

See, there is this thing I get nervous doing sometimes. and that is changing my stuff from the beginning.

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1,000 Followers! + Where's The Broken Bond? · 6:44pm Mar 25th, 2018

A sweet little milestone for me to hit! Thank you everyone who likes my work enough to warrant a follow.

Now onto another means of business: where is 'The Broken Bond'? If you're a fan and you've tried looking for it, you might have already noticed it's gone. Rest assured that it isn't.

I really should have written this sooner, but I didn't think any old readers would come back and notice. Sure enough they did, so I'm sorry for the scare everyone!

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Finally new content! · 1:23pm Nov 29th, 2017

The start of the next chapter of A New Sun Rewrite will be original and I don't just mean that quote at the start of the chapter. Basically Mag car was stolen because the Eldest is a bastard.

Viewing 321 - 340 of 450 results