
Viewing 301 - 320 of 449 results

So That Wasn't My Best Script. · 12:05am Nov 2nd, 2015

So, a lot of people unhappy with this chapter, and looking back on it, for good reason.

I know what I was going for with this and the next couple of chapters, and evidently this wasn't the right way of going about it. Let me explain my thought process a little.

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There's a storm coming, and it'a big one · 7:47am Aug 29th, 2015

Can you feel it? After a near three months of inactivity on this site, it's finally time for me to crawl back from underneath the rock I was sent. There, where I have been working on my stories for the past couple of months (and not having it finished, by the way), have I finally emerged again and I'm ready.

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A new Pokemon Journey · 4:48pm Sep 6th, 2016

I'm rewriting Pokemon Odyssey. I was rereading it, and I'm not pleased with how I did it.

So yeah, It's going to be rewritten from the ground up.

Things that will stay-
Red and his Pokemon
The gathering of Trainers
Ash and his team meeting Matthew and his group
Pokemon rosters for each of the trainers in Matthew's group.
The villains, Team Nova

The Dimensional Shifter will not be bringing the Trainers to Equis. A different method will.


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Chapter grammar update · 8:40pm Feb 24th, 2017

Not really important, especially if you already read through all of my story.

So yeah...I started to take a look at my first chapters and decided to make some changes in terms of grammar.
Chapter one and two were edited multiple times in the past so they should be up to date as good as my skills allow it XP.
Right now, I will focus on season one mainly because season two should be okay.
Of course, if you think otherwise, then please tell me.

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For the rewrite, what would you prefer? · 8:30pm Jan 28th, 2020

So before I got to work in a bit, I wanna try and get this out.

I've been trying to decide on what to do for the rewrite, do you prefer:

(1) That I leave the old chapters on this story and post the new ones either alongside the old chapters (either side by side (a) or separating them with a halfway point (b).)
(a) Prologue old, prologue new, chapter 1 new, chapter 2 new, etc
(b) Old story, separating chapter, new story, etc


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I've got a very important announcement regarding Alfreda and Cell's Multiversal Adventure · 3:10pm Aug 9th, 2018

I can't hold it off any longer. Today I'm going to begin working on how to completely rewrite Alfreda and Cell's Multiversal Adventure, so incase some people are reading this but haven't read it or Alfreda and Cell's Further Wanderings yet I'll keep them both up until Friday of next week(which the next day coincidentally is when I'm getting on a plane to go hang out with my mom in California) and as soon as I can will begin work on it, merging the latter story into it. As for the poll, simply

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SAPR Rewrite - Update 3 · 8:34pm Oct 23rd, 2020

The second part of the SAPR Rewrite is now complete, with the Mistral Vacation arc having been rewritten.

With several weeks having passed since the battle at the docks, Ruby joins Sunset, Jaune and Pyrrha on vacation to the historic city of Mistral, where the group makes a mixed impression on Pyrrha's mother, the formidable Lady Nikos.

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on Hiatus for revisory work · 6:57pm Jul 16th, 2019

Hey guys,

Here soon, you'll see some strange activity going on with the Troubled Creature.

what I'm doing is pulling the breaks on the story's progression to rework the current chapters to fix the slew of continuity errors as well adjustments here and there that just kept popping up as I went along with the story.

sorry for the long delay of anything as of late too (since I'm here, I'll just address this):

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SAPR - Rewritten · 6:51pm Jun 22nd, 2020

If you look at SAPR now you will see that the very first chapter - the prologue - now has (Rewritten) against it. That is because, well, it's been rewritten, to tidy a few things up, make it read a little better, and take into account some later developments in the story.

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Rewriting, Music and Art · 6:43pm Jul 1st, 2022

Hey everyone,
Just wanted to give you all some updates:


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New story! + Other Announcements · 9:06am Mar 13th, 2021

Heeeeey. I don't do these blogs often, but I just wanted to unload some things that happened recently. Some good, some bad. But let's start with the positive, okay? I published a new story last week! The idea that has been bouncing around in my head for years has finally been put to paper, and the first three chapters are up and waiting to be read.

When a mysterious pony crashes in the Everfree, Summer Star finds herself with the opportunity to fulfill her dreams of exploring the depths of space. However, the small matter of disappearing stars might be a more pressing issue.
StrawberryGamer · 15k words  ·  13  0 · 263 views

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Upcoming Plans! · 12:50am Jun 27th, 2016

Okay! Bronycon is not far away now, so I should probably post about that (which I will tomorrow or Tuesday). In the interim, I want to be as productive as possible, even if that means channeling Fury Belle.

wait no I changed my mind

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Slightly Rewriting of Beethoven's Tenth · 1:57am Oct 1st, 2016

Okay, before anyone panic's, just hear me out on this.

As of today, the user Ryvaken, after some discussion, have given me some constructive criticism about the story. You see, he basically pointed out that there were a few plot holes that needed to be fixed, which are:

- There's a lack of emphasis of writing the Tenth symphony and Ludwig's obsession to get home is unrealistic.

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Rewrite Complete · 4:10am Oct 6th, 2016

Dear Bronies and Pegasisters,

After about a week of going through the entire story, of correcting contradictions, adding new details, sentences and paragraphs while rewriting the other half of the previous chapter, I'm relieved to say that it is done. By tomorrow, I can finally begin to work on the next chapter, that is, unless if Ryvaken has any objections.

Your fellow writer and closeted Brony,

- CrackedInkWell.


One Hoof Clopping Down For Maintenance · 6:22pm Jan 8th, 2016

I have temporarily removed One Hoof Clopping from publication. :pinkiegasp:

How now, horse Tao?

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On Aria… · 3:00am Jun 15th, 2019

Here is my usual music video link. It'll make more sense once/if you read the story…

So yeah. Otis Redding and Aria Blaze. If you'll be so kind to click on "Read More", I'll explain.

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Five Star Service Part 27 Rewrite - Draft Complete · 3:36pm Feb 26th, 2018

Current projected release date is Wednesday; just waiting on two more prereads. And in a change, there will NOT be any sex scene in it. In the course of writing this, I realized something I should have long before--sometimes a scene is more powerful without overt sex; sometime’s it’s better if you just leave it in the background undescribed.

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Touching the sky is getting a complete rewrite + rewrite preview · 8:25am Jun 18th, 2016

I hesisted to make this decision because well, people do seem to like it.

I already wrote this on my the Lineup thingy on my main page, but I doubt people read that as often as they these blog posts, so here goes:

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Curiosity that needs to be satisfied · 3:22am Nov 22nd, 2017

Hey folks!

I'd like to hear your thoughts on the following idea/thought: Should I do a rewrite for my original entry for my story? I feel I could be able to improve upon it. What do you guys think?


Rewrites and Adoptions · 4:12am Jan 17th, 2018

I'm planning on rewriting all of my works once I'm finished with writing the official novel of A Wizard's tale and finish helping Mrkillwolf666 with his own coming stories. Of course that would probably mean that I need to both clean out my vaults and have even less time to work on the site I love so much and the various stories needing my attentions thus leading me to put out one last call for adoptions before I go even further down the rabbit hole... red pill is real man.

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Viewing 301 - 320 of 449 results