
Viewing 301 - 320 of 527 results

Resolution: Indecision · 10:50pm Jan 2nd, 2017

Ugh. I'm in a few jams—and depression ain't helpin' any.

Mission of Mercy is either complete, or it isn't complete. This all depends on whether I want it to have a sad ending or a less-sad ending, and I can't decide. I like the less-sad ending better, but it loses some of the punch of the story. On the other hoof, it might add something to the message. Arrrrghlghlblagragl!

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Spiders and Magic Review and Happy New Years · 2:56am Jan 1st, 2017

Okay before I begin my review I just want to let you guys that every single one of you is awesome!:pinkiehappy: The year went by pretty fast, but it was a great year. Now it's time for the review!

Warning: Rest of this blog will contain Spoilers to story, You have been Warned!

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Update on Fo:E - Infinite Potential chapter 11 · 5:13pm Jul 9th, 2018

Ugh. Ugh ugh ugh!

Remember how several months back I wrote an update about chapter 10, and how I promised that after finishing chapter 10 I would write chapters 11 and 12 in a row, without writing chapters for my other stories in between as I usually do. Well... I think I will have to cancel that plan. Chapter 11 is still coming out next, but I'm gonna switch it up afterwards.

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Delay No.10 · 8:45pm May 30th, 2018

There's a lot of delays, I know, but they're ones I can't avoid.
Firstly, I'll be gone during the weekend which means that I won't be able to edit the current chapters I'm working on, but hopefully, I'll brew up some ideas for the future. It's a very special thing me and my family are doing for my mother. She means so much to me, it would hurt harshly if she was gone.

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Q&A #1 (and a chapter release delay) · 7:03pm Oct 24th, 2020

So I’m most likely pushing back my new chapter for “Do Ponies on Earth Have Magic Dreams?” To tomorrow, so I figured I’d answer the questions I got on my last blog.

So the first we have was from TheBrokenBrony

And they asked,

The only ones I can think of is how old are you? Male or female? And who is your favorite my little pony character (or top choices if too hard to decide)?

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Change of plans: Fic update will drop tomorrow · 12:04am Apr 7th, 2022

Change of plans: Fic update will drop tomorrow. I am tired. "Starlight Glimmer's First Student: A Human?!" will get updated, worry not.

Take care.


Seasonal Ritual · 1:40pm Dec 23rd, 2022

Heads up: This week's card blog will be delayed a bit, since I have preexisting engagements on literal Christmas Day. Whatever you had/have/will have, I hope you have a good one.


QCC ~ Episode 02 has started writing phase · 7:42am Apr 10th, 2021

Hey, to anyone who's following Queen of Crimson Crows, I had a delay during the past month. We lost a person from where I work so with just 3 people, I've been working some heavy hard shifts and either haven't had the free time to write or was too physically and mentally exhausted when I do have it. Things are beginning to stabilize again so I'm gonna try to pick it back up from around a month of little progress.

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A New Story, a Project Announcement and an Apology · 10:48pm Mar 1st, 2017

Well, damn. February came and went faster than anticipated. Sorry for the delay, but with any luck, I should have a new work up in a few hours. The new story is called "Spike Reads Red Mask", a project I've had kicking around in my idea folder for a while now. The whole project is an opportunity for me to try my hand at some darker, more violent subjects.

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Delays suck, but stories don't! · 1:10pm Jul 16th, 2016

The new chappie of AAI will be delayed, hopefully only by a day, due to reasons.
That is all.
No, no wait, it isn't.
There will be an epic one shot coming up!

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Delay (Family Emergency.) · 4:39pm Nov 30th, 2020

Hey guys.

Tomorrow I had planned to release the sequel to The Legend Of Nicholas. Unfortunately I might be delayed in doing that, hopefully not by long, and hopefully I can get some of the time back if I work hard.

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Update on "The Iron Horse" Delayed :( · 8:18pm May 8th, 2016

Yeah. :fluttershysad: I tried my hardest to get the chapter done, but work hit me hard, I'm searching for a new apartment, I had to travel back to my home state to be the minister for my best friend's wedding, and one of my flights got delayed while traveling, so I spent 8 hours in O'Hare airport. Bottom line: the chapter isn't done yet. Though, for the record, I did get a little work done on my cell phone, but it is pretty hard to write well using just your thumbs.

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Welp. I Eat My Words. Also, my dog is not very helpful... · 3:33am Oct 30th, 2016

You remember what I said last blog about Madam Fate.
Y'know the characterized interpretation of how everything I say or plan turns out to be examples of Murphy's Law?
(Anything that could go wrong, will go wrong.)
Well I called her a bitch last blog, and boy did she not like that.
In simple terms:
The One-Shot is going to be delayed again.

I know what one of you might be thinking:
"What an asshat, he just delayed that last time!"

And yeah. I did.

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updates · 10:19am Mar 3rd, 2016

Hello everyone,

Due to unforeseen circumstances, there have been delays to my stories.

The next chapter of SAE - Sword Art Equestria will be delayed, I am unsure how long it will take so the story will be going on hiatus until then.

A Gamer in Equestria is still being edited but is complete this will be coming out as soon as any required changes have been made by my editor.

A Displaced Spectrobes Master is on track and you should be getting a new chapter in the coming days.

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This is Why I Don't Set Release Dates · 5:13am Sep 21st, 2015

Okay, so you know how I said a new chapter would be up by today?

...Yeah, see; my tablet - which I do most of my writing on, as it's portable and has a really neat fold-out keyboard - was just doing its thing, being all manufactured by Apple and sleek and whatever, and I was writing the chapter, when I hit the 'Save' button.
And you know how, when you hit the 'Save' button, FimFiction goes "Oh hey, let me keep those changes for you."?

...Well, it didn't do that.

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Still Alive · 4:46pm Sep 3rd, 2016

Hey guys, just an update I'm still totally alive and still working on King & Shy.

It's been really busy at work and at home though. Moving house is always a huge delay on anything. I'm getting back into the swing of things though and hopefully by the end of this month everything will have settled down and I'll be back to my regular 1/week schedule. Sorry for the delay, but don't worry I am close to finished with the opening chapter of Act 2 so you'll get more of the story soon.


Delay in new chapter of Discord's New Business · 3:17am Apr 30th, 2017

Several RL things came up and it looks like I"m not going to get the new chapter of Discord's New business up today. I will have it up sometime tomorrow.

Griffon won the Rainbow Dash poll by a large margin. Once i finish and post the chapter, I will make the new poll.


Chapter IV: "Glimpse the Unthinkable" - Delay · 2:18am Jul 30th, 2015

I have a totally rad excuse on why Chapter IV: "Glimpse the Unthinkable" is taking so long to finish. It's because I've been working nonstop since Saturday, and was only able to get about 1,000 words down so far. By this weekend at the latest, it should be complete. Let's just say some loose ends are gonna be tied up before Chapter V: "Nemesis of Reason" and Chapter VI: "Celestial Mantle".

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Week Break · 12:51pm Jun 10th, 2017

I'm going to be out for a week and won't be able to post for a while. As for when I'll post again, I'd say around 1-2 weeks from now. I won't be able to work on my story while I'm on this break because I'll be busy, but I will try to resume as soon as possible. There's your brief explanation for the coming delay.


Delays · 10:47am Jan 12th, 2020

I'm sorry to announce that there has been a delay with the most recent chapter in the book 'The World is my Sandbox'.

I've been quite busy and haven't exactly had much time to write on it. Saying that; the chapter has so far hugely exceeded my original expectations, instead of the initial 4000 words I was aiming for. As of this moment, it's currently above 7000.

So be prepared for that.

I can, however, guarantee it'll come out by this Friday.

Viewing 301 - 320 of 527 results