
Viewing 221 - 240 of 307 results

Something I need to address... · 6:16am Nov 14th, 2022

Over the course of the year spent re-reading and revising my work, I've realized my work is pretty cringe. Now, it's not much of a shocker, there's plenty of crazy stories out there and mine happens to be them.

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Fandoms, and the Power to Make Fiction Emotionally Real · 8:37pm May 19th

This is going to be a very different blog post than I normally would do, but considering I really don't have much in terms of actual updates, I opted to instead get this off my chest.

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This primarily for those of us who grew up in the 1990s · 9:31pm Aug 27th, 2016

You know the time of the original Toonami, a time when Fox and USA actually aired children's programming on the weekends, and of course, Nickelodeon was in its Hayday. I recently found this video

and that got me thinking about that great time when all these amazing programs would be around before we entered into an entertainment dark age where everything seemed to backslide or not progress for almost a decade. Shows like Adventure Time, My

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Welp · 2:35am May 15th, 2016

I write a fic where Trixie becomes friends with the Ursa Minor, then two days later this pops up on Derpibooru



Abort mission


WWW: The World Within the Web · 2:23pm Jan 26th, 2016

What mighty contests rise from trivial things
- Alexander Pope

Well, after being on this site for three years, I have finally written a story of my own. After a while, one starts to feel ungrateful, reading every great work that the fandom has to offer but not contributing anything in return, so I decided to remedy that.

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On BronyDanceParty, Glaze, and Ostereo (The "Nightmare Night" Debacle) · 1:46am Mar 26th, 2017


Bye, dudes. · 3:45am Jan 4th, 2017

So, I haven't updated anything in over a year. I'm sorry. I haven't watched MLP since the Maneiac episode in Season 3, and I have no plan to watch it again. I loved the time I spent in the fandom, but I've lost my interest and I have no drive to participate in the fandom's activities. It's funny, because there are some stories I haven't touched in over three years, despite the fact that they have a lot of potential.

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So long. · 4:38pm Nov 14th, 2017

In the case that it wasn't obvious: I'm no longer present on this website or any sort of MLP related sites. Also, I no longer follow things that have anything to do with the show, let that be: stories, music, art, animations, so on...

So I'm here to tie up a loose end.

I'll be deleting the majority of things from my page. That includes blogs and stories too, with the exception of this blog post.

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Wooden Overcoats · 2:40am Aug 1st, 2018

Now look here. I am going to tell you all about my very favorite comedy podcast, whether you like it or not. It's called Wooden Overcoats, and it's about undertakers. The storyline is fairly simple.

Rudyard Funn runs a funeral home in the village of Piffling Vale. It used to be the only one. It isn't anymore.

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What's going on with "I Thought You'd Never Ask..." · 9:44pm Oct 21st, 2019

This has been coming for a while, but I wanted to wait until I was sure, and was taking some time to word this announcement well...

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Fanfiction Reading Update #179 · 4:20am Jul 12th, 2020

It’s been quite entertaining watching Derpibooru completely implode in on itself as TSP, the site’s owner, completes this strangely riveting villain arc and has a full-on villainous breakdown. Reminds me a lot of those dark magic Twilight fics, in fact. A slow burn of questionable decisions until the madness is fully revealed (through leaked chat logs) and leaves you wondering where the train hopped off the tracks.

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Taking A Break · 10:34pm Feb 6th, 2019

Well guys, You've probably noticed by now that my stories on here aren't being updated and I'm not online that often, and you may be thinking: "What gives?" :rainbowhuh:

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10-Year Anniversary Blogamadoodle · 3:56pm Oct 11th, 2020

Hey, guys!

So I'm a day late and a dollar short on this, but I figure it's still a milestone worth blogging about since, you know, this was probably the single most influential thing in my life. Whether that's true or not, this fandom's been quite the influence on me as a person and my general outlook on life. I have much to thank for the people I've met and the things that I've learned from my time in it.

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JOJO'S BIZARRE FANDOM · 4:06pm Apr 28th, 2019


The BamHoofYah Recovery Project (HOME PAGE) · 7:18pm Mar 3rd, 2022

The year is 2013. Season Three of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has finished, the first Equestria Girls movie has released to a middling reception, and BronyCon has moved out of its New York City hometown to its new home, Baltimore. The overall sensation in the Brony fandom is that of change: a princess Twilight instead of a unicorn, a new group of human characters to parallel the Equestrian ones, and, though it is more a vague sensation than a firm recognizance on the

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2015.06.01 FiMficArchive Release Statistics · 2:14am Jun 12th, 2015

I'm not usually one to contemplate fandom eschatology, but over the last few fimfic archive updates I've been noticing that the average words added each day to FiMfiction has been slowly decreasing. I thought I was witnessing the fandom lose steam as the number of words of fanfic it produced slows down.

But then this last fimfic archive update hit and I couldn't have been more wrong.

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Steven Universe Or My Little Pony · 12:45am Feb 17th, 2016

There comes a time in a man's life when they must decide which camp they belong to. When a man must choose whether or not he shall go down one road, or the other. This time is my time. Ladies and gentlemen, I may or may not be caught up with the Steven Universe series... And I did it in one weekend. I've grown attached to the characters and fan art. I find them quite good and entertaining. Then I look at all the pony stuff... And I wince. For I remember gushing and fanboying out whenever I was

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LOOKING BACK - Master Index · 6:22pm Oct 12th, 2019

This is a compilation of the "Looking Back" series of posts, in which I go over each part of the show, season by season, episode by episode, and reminisce on what it was like at the time they came out. If you want to see these as they come, be sure to subscribe so you get notifications.
Index of Posts in the Looking back series

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Equestrian City Wikipedia Update! · 1:43am Feb 1st, 2020

Greetings MetaVerse Fans!

As we have a rich and deep world we've built over the last 8 odd years, I've been slowly trying to build our wiki up with little success. I'm trying..AGAIN! :P So if your interested in learning more about the MetaVerse and Equestrian City, head over there.

Keep in mind it's a work in progress ;)

Also Spencer and I wouldn't mind help on how to build this darn thing as I'm..scratching my head.


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So Long And Thanks For All The Sharks · 5:39am Apr 1st, 2018

Guys, it's been a great 3 years, but all good things must come to an end. As of today I'm jumping ship for the Zig and Sharko fandom. Proper farewells after the break.

Something something, watching for the plot, something something

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Viewing 221 - 240 of 307 results