
Viewing 201 - 220 of 2,047 results

The Protector: Reignited · 6:03am Dec 30th, 2017

Heya! So, the sequel to the new story actually has its first chapter fully written, edited, and revised. Now, it's not out yet because it's not 2018 yet, the official release date is New Years day of 2018, I may even release it the second it turns 2018, but we'll see if I can stay up that late. I actually went ahead and did this so I could have this weekend to write up another chapter of Analogy, I think Analogy has good potential but The Protector simply has a larger fan base and is a little

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Brony/Pegasis input · 5:39pm Dec 7th, 2020

I've been in the mood for some new fan content on Youtube. I've seen Bride/Daughter of Discord almost a hundred times, seen all my favorite Pinkie Tales to the point where I can follow along with OR without the volume muted, and of course, I'm still waiting on new content from other creators. Which is why I want to ask all you more Youtube savvy bronies and pegasis' who HAVE seen it, what should I expect from Princess Trixie Sparkle???


Sneak Peak at New Project. · 7:06pm Nov 28th, 2020

Twilight Sparkle slowly raised her head up, eyes following the wall of smooth light green scales until she found out what was it she truly pumped into. a pair of glowing bright green eyes stared down at her through the vail of darkness, the little pony felt so small compared to the large being she was now standing before, and as much as her instincts were telling her to run, her body failed to do as her mind has commanded it to do. but then, through the silence of the cave, a small puff of

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How Would Shining Armor React to Twilight's Choices/Relationships? · 4:47am Oct 29th, 2023

So, as you know, Spike has a harem of girls in this story, Twilight being one of them. The Mane 6 were decorated naval officers who were sent to bring Spike back to Equestria by his overprotective mother Celestia. When Twilight and the girls were given new orders to serve on Spike's ship as part of his pirate crew, they were no longer naval officers, they were pirates. How do you guys think Shining Armor would react to her not only leaving the Royal Navy to become a pirate, but also

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Starfleet Fact #1: Twilight Blamed for her Death · 12:40am Aug 2nd, 2016

The first of many for people who can't seem to get it straight.

Twilight Sparkle was killed off in Starfleet Magic Season 3, episode 16 "Win, Lose, or Die"

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I Cannot Draw, but I Can Colour In! · 4:27pm Dec 4th, 2015

So I re-coloured this picture to look like Twilight Sparkle:

Suuuuuu pretty! :heart:

So, outline for a story:

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Tempest-Twilight romantic fic recommendation! · 7:02pm Nov 1st, 2017

Here's a good fic by a nice fellow who I'm sure some of you know; he helped me with my Tempest Shadow fic, so it's only fitting I return the favour to the fine gentleman!

TFrom Lost to Loved
Faced with redemption or prison, Tempest accepts Twilight’s hoof in friendship, though she fears how much trauma Twilight has endured. She takes her place at Twilight’s side, but when she starts falling for her, things only get more complicated.
The Abyss · 23k words  ·  610  47 · 8.7k views

I've read everything so far in it, and it's got a promising premise. Go give him some love!


Chapter two of Sparkle of Love is almost ready! · 5:14pm May 27th, 2018

Finally!.... Right?

I know I've been promising, and teasing for far too long. (It's not worth the wait:facehoof:) But all that is left is the final editing, and it will be posted tonight. If not in a few hours time. It's only fluff, kinda meh but setting up for stuff later in the story. Some people wanted more, as well as more story so this is what I threw together.:applejackunsure:

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I Ship It (caution : movie spoilers) · 2:23am Oct 8th, 2017

Romance + Twilight Sparkle + THERE'S NO TEMPEST SHADOW TAG.



Thunderland and Twi shipping ideas. Evil ideas · 6:20pm Jul 30th, 2017

GaPJaxie came up with some wonderful ideas around shipping Twilight Sparkle and Thunderlane together. I'm mainly posting this so I don't forget about them.

They can be found here:
Tormented Artist Cliche II: Emo Harder


Paging Doctor Sparkle Episode Delay · 3:17am Sep 10th, 2018

Those who’ve followed Paging Doctor Sparkle from the beginning (or particularly perceptive newer readers) may have noticed that the story has updated consistently every month except June 2017, which I had designated as an off month. Much of that month was dedicated to readjusting to life after graduating from my undergrad program, finding jobs, et cetera.

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Twilight Sparkle (Season one) - Poem · 11:07am Jul 25th, 2016

Friends you never had

Books is what made you glad

Yet the element of friendship you became

To save Equestria,

in Celestia’s name


Short Hand: The Dark Emperor Shepherd 3 · 4:25am Aug 1st, 2020

The Elements of Harmony meet in the Golden Oaks Library-Or, as Dash was calling it "Super Awesome Resistance Headquarters."

Twilight: "All right. Shepherd invited us to see him in the palace. This can only mean one thing!"

Applejack: "A trap!"

Pinkie: "Snacks!"

Spike: "Trap snacks!"

Twilight: "Yes! It has to be a trap!"

Fluttershy: "Um, so... We don't go?"

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TWoEM: TwiSpike · 3:37pm Jun 16th, 2019

Hey folks,

Just wanna give you a quick update. I got the scene for chapter 2 of TWoEM done by the artist SNESFlint. you can check it out HERE

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Something Needs to be Said. · 3:22pm Dec 8th, 2020

Hello everyone, this is your NinjaMare, and I think I need to clarify something concerning about Zack, the main character from my 'I'm NOT Twilight Sparkle' fanfic. and it's concerning with the idea that Zack will gain Changeling magic. and while that idea does sound fun, and the main thing my readers think the way that Zack will get the Changeling magic, is by absorbing it. unfortunately that's not going to happen. remember my readers, the reason why Zack

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Art Contest Deadline Tomorrow · 4:03pm Sep 9th, 2015

So the deadline for my art contest has always been the 10th of September, but I never specified a time, so I'll do that now. It'll be the end of the day — one second before the 11th of September starts. What time zone? GMT. (And note that because of daylight savings, the UK is currently one hour ahead of GMT.)

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PC back up, new chapters in the works · 9:34am Aug 21st, 2018

as of this past june my pc was repaired and now work will resume on my civil war fanfic.


Reminder: my art contest · 4:43pm Aug 27th, 2015

Okay, so there's now only two weeks to go until the end of my art contest. If you've not entered yet but intend to, then you might want to think about getting started. If you have entered, and are feeling bored, you can enter again if you like. There's no per-person limit and I've already had two or three entries from some people.

Interestingly, all the entries so far have been ponies. No humanized pictures or anthro yet.

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Twilight vs tirek. · 1:27pm Jul 23rd, 2020

I will always love the fight between Twilight and Tirek in Twilight’s Kingdom. The whole thing, even though it was only a few minutes, was so epic.

It was fantastic.


As Hard As Velvet 2: The Battle Continues · 9:15pm May 15th, 2019

The Royal Guard Special Ψ Unit is back with more info on Field Marshal Twilight Velvet's past!

Viewing 201 - 220 of 2,047 results